Pet bar randomly stuck behind bar 2

Is this what Blizzard shills are doing these days? Shrugging off every bug as inconsequential? Every holiday event that’s bugged, every mount, every phasing issue, every broken quest chain, every bugged BG weekend, every UI glitch, every raid bug…

And by the way, you don’t get to say what’s important to other players.

LOL sure they do. Like this one:

Or you can just go here and read the plethora of bugs STILL not fixed:

Well that’s the thing - Blizzard couldn’t care less about fixing bugs that players can’t do much about let alone the ones that players can work around. So yeah, I downloaded yet another addon to take care of something I shouldn’t even have to worry about. I can’t count the number of times I’ve downloaded addons/scripts/worked around bugs because of Blizzard’s incompetence. I should be getting paid at this point.