People who can't follow a good tank, play followers

I have a macro that says “stack, no touchie” in party chat and marks me with square when I’m tanking in most pugs. I got tired of people complaining.


Your communication starts at the beginning of the dungeon. If you see the tank mount up, they just communicated how that run is about to go down lol. If you get threat and die, that’s all on you.


Pings are a godsend. Even something as little as that could help get people on the same page, or at least direct them where they need to be.

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As tank, I always call it out ahead of time.

If I’m going to pull a lot, I say “don’t dps going big
95% of the time people listen. And that one in every 10 dungeons will ignore it and die.

Once I say it, I actually stick with it and if someone is not paying attention, well, it’s their repair bill.

Same goes for LoS pulls - I ping the corner and I put /wm 1-3 markers for even the blindest of players to figure out whats going to happen.

But it’s okay. Once S1 starts, just needs to push through lower keys and move to higher keys, where degenerates are mostly non-existent. A few slip through the cracks, but for the most part you get people with a somewht developed brains.

I binded mine to mouse middle button click LOL.


I’m trying to get in the habit of using these more.

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There are also a lot of things that can generate threat without it really being the player’s fault.

If a tank forgets to clear Earth Shield after a pull, the Shaman is gonna get healing aggro for example.

Didn’t they patch this?

I haven’t played resto in a dungeon in forever

I think you’re confusing WoW with a game that you designed.

It’s a good thing I don’t eff up THAT bad. Mounting is a pretty obvious example though, like yeah, of course we’re all gonna mount up.

June 11

Continuing the discussion from [Retail] [PVP] Lessons Learned From Dragonflight:

To be honest it’s been a minute since I did as well.

I’ve have to test it on my Ele Shaman later which also has Earth Shield at the moment.

My brain casket’s telling me it got changed in Shadowlands, but I only half trust my memory on that.

I think they did. I didnt notice any threat on my RSham at all when tanks would do this

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What does removing pvp drops from the vault and a few pve items being used in pvp prove…?

I dont think it does threat like that anymore.
I play with Rsham buddy and we don’t really have issue with him overaggroiung as Im gathering mobs.

But I will keep an eye on it later today

Ohhhh, that’s what “Passive” means on my pet bar!

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To be fair, I’m old school, I can tell how a dungeon run is going to go from the onset. I can understand how a lot of people might be confused.

I personally blame Blizzard, their timegating on content has pushed a lot of people that would be running Mythics into lower level dungeons that are mostly a joke to them lol.


Either way there are a number of effects that can cause residual threat.

I’d also add that anybody who runs off and acts like the rest of the group needs to play perfectly isn’t a competent tank anyway.

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Player participation is declining and when you go into an emergency mode to “Fix” the problem, that isn’t a “booming” game.

Especially since warmode and removal of pvp realms, we have seen a significant decline in PvP. They always result in lopsided servers— I can’t imagine why.

There are still some, yes. I mentioned interrupts earlier - and I actually have a story from Shadowlands regarding that being an issue - but it’s rare that these cause a significant hiccup in my experience.