People who can't follow a good tank, play followers

Seriously, how hard is it to let the tank mount-up, take big pulls and THEN you dps… People like the big pulls because their dps go high and it clears faster.

If you can’t follow that, play with friends, lfg or followers.

A good tank will pull behind a pillar so caster mobs will follow… Your job as dps and healers is to dodge the mobs aoe after that. 6-8 pulls 15 minutes and the dungeon is done


If you want to pull the entire dungeon in one go and leave the party behind, play follower dungeons. Its not like youre playing with the people in the group anyways


that’s what i say too

When the NPCs do their roles better than players.


Tank pulls half the dungeon without telling anyone (especially the healer) what they are going to do

Tank dies because the healer doesn’t know whats going on or is 20 feet behind or just is a fresh toon that doesn’t have the gear yet to keep up

Tank blames the healer because the Tank is an idiot.


Problem is 99% of time you’re not keeping aggro and there is such a thing as proximity aggro and the caster mobs you leave behind target the healers and DPS.

If you can keep aggro than whatever but I haven’t been in a dungeon yet that the tank can hold aggro.


Bad tanks die*. Fixed that for you.


I’ve seen plenty of “bad” tanks pull all the trash on the way to each boss.

Mounting up and body pulling everything in sight doesn’t make you a good tank. Any Tom, Dick or Harry can do that.

Leaving 13 casters free casting all spread out all over the place isn’t “good”


Non issue if you are actually getting threat on the mobs.

Between avengers shield, judgment, and taunt you can snap at LEAST 5 mobs while moving into the next pack with tons of threat from range.

Pack 2, HotR (which you should have used anyway to build HP your way to pack 1), and again on your way to pack 2 to keep a charge rolling. Consec and SotR to build aoe threat and steed up towards pack 3… that’s 2 globals in melee range.

Pull to the third/forth packs and cast divine toll. It’ll help solidify on pack 2 as well. 1 global in melee range.

For the 5th pack you’ll have the pack 1 combo back up.

At this point you’ve covered a ton of ground and spent maybe 10-12 globals and have sufficient threat on everything. You may have 1-2 stragglers if you didn’t pull off 1 through your consec.

This is without bubble taunting, which you can freely weave with the above when you get ready to pull the next set of trash.

This is why we pull things behind LOS and need the dps to wait before randomly bursting stuff down before its been gathered.


The problem with mounting up and pulling the whole dungeon as said is that a lot of mobs just stop and start casting at everyone who’s catching up, making a huge mess of a pull that hurts everyone and strains the healer while you’re zooming ahead out of range. At least damage the enemies and run on foot so you keep aggro, or cc the casters so they actually run to you around the corner when they’re los’d instead of just open casting on everyone.



Whipped her good.


That inclusion was a little unexpected; I didn’t realize pugs and lfg had separate cultures.

Half the tanks don’t do that, they run into the last Priory room to pull everything then just fight in the center


When Paladin Tanks realize that not all dungeons can mount up in, and other tanks can’t mount up like Paladins.


It’s sad that I’m literally the worst player in WoW but I understand this better than they do, because I gather up mobs to skin by using misdirect and my pet.


People who can’t follow a good tank, play followers

People who have real lives with kids, pets and elderly to care for, bosses and doctors who call and have to be answered often see WoW as a fun distraction, not a job or a calling.

For us, follower dungeons is a way to play the game without being kicked for reasons so obscure we don’t even understand them.


they’re there to AE down the packs after they’ve been gathered. Not trailing behind autoattacking 1 mob then whining about having aggro.

The tank / dps / healer agreement: “let tank pull mobs and don’t press any buttons until the tank has them all in one pile and stopped moving.”

bug dungeon: mount up, do not attack or aggro, go to first spider. unload. repeat 2 more times, then back to boss. next let tank aggro everything until 2 or 3 big bugs deep. do not start dpsing and wonder why they are aggroing on you early. repeat 1 more time. next pack, let tank aggro and pull the pack onto the boss. don’t dps the pack where it is. final stretch, let tank aggro everything. good tanks will make the bombs drop and be wary that aggro has mobs running AROUND to the back. bad tanks run to before the boss and wonder where the group is.

done. entire dungeon 8 pulls.

if you have not done the dungeon in 8 pulls, the problem is you, not the tank

tank aggros front mobs, 2 pather packs, all static, 1 wandering boss.
Then wait for next wandering boss. Aggro and pull her up stairs to the right.
grab packs along the way, aggro next boss and drag them to the doggies. another boss is summoned. All of this is 2 out of combat pulls.

Next set of pulls only important thing is it’s a melee tax tank should kite around out of consecrates but the AE attacks at range are bad too. 1/2 long chain pull.

in the main area, do front and 2 side mobs, then repeat with the trio plus the side stairs mobs. done.

priory like 4 pulls total.

entire first section 1 pull, stagger golems
entire second section 2 pulls, fight boss near the gate for minmax time
entire 3rd section 1 pull, get golems into corner but fight charge bros in the middle so charge path is visible.

etc etc etc. once you unga, then you bunga, it is like raking nails on a chalkboard to be in a “one mob at a time” group


People that don’t understand the random human element in online games are probably the ones that should be doing follower dungeons.

It’s not the people learning in your normals that are the problem. :slight_smile:


“Good tank”
