they’re there to AE down the packs after they’ve been gathered. Not trailing behind autoattacking 1 mob then whining about having aggro.
The tank / dps / healer agreement: “let tank pull mobs and don’t press any buttons until the tank has them all in one pile and stopped moving.”
bug dungeon: mount up, do not attack or aggro, go to first spider. unload. repeat 2 more times, then back to boss. next let tank aggro everything until 2 or 3 big bugs deep. do not start dpsing and wonder why they are aggroing on you early. repeat 1 more time. next pack, let tank aggro and pull the pack onto the boss. don’t dps the pack where it is. final stretch, let tank aggro everything. good tanks will make the bombs drop and be wary that aggro has mobs running AROUND to the back. bad tanks run to before the boss and wonder where the group is.
done. entire dungeon 8 pulls.
if you have not done the dungeon in 8 pulls, the problem is you, not the tank
tank aggros front mobs, 2 pather packs, all static, 1 wandering boss.
Then wait for next wandering boss. Aggro and pull her up stairs to the right.
grab packs along the way, aggro next boss and drag them to the doggies. another boss is summoned. All of this is 2 out of combat pulls.
Next set of pulls only important thing is it’s a melee tax tank should kite around out of consecrates but the AE attacks at range are bad too. 1/2 long chain pull.
in the main area, do front and 2 side mobs, then repeat with the trio plus the side stairs mobs. done.
priory like 4 pulls total.
entire first section 1 pull, stagger golems
entire second section 2 pulls, fight boss near the gate for minmax time
entire 3rd section 1 pull, get golems into corner but fight charge bros in the middle so charge path is visible.
etc etc etc. once you unga, then you bunga, it is like raking nails on a chalkboard to be in a “one mob at a time” group