People are literally Un-subbing because of the Dynamic Flight Change

Lol omg i laughed more than i should of at that

Reminds me of the guild wars 2 mounts, especially the Raptor that had dynamic movements.

Lol just ignore the NPC’s crying because their village was recently on fire and this is a good video of it:

Damn, that’s good

I have a post about this and would love some support for the idea and others if you like them XD. Ideas for Future Fun and Class Flavor in World of Warcraft


In regards to those quitting “Seems like an overreaction”;

For me, I was ‘about’ to unsub, because I truly dislike dragon flying for farming - but right as I was about to log out I saw trade chatter explaining how to turn it off. The toggle button wasnt defaulting in my flight action bar, and I had to manually add it, so I initially thought it was just being forced on all these old mounts I used for my farming trips. So I wonder how many of those complaining like that still dont realize its optional, just defaulted on

My only wish was they let you set each mount. So I could set those I use for farming for the original style, while keeping dragons and other mounts normal without having to toggle it each time. Like an option in the Mount part of the collections book having an option to set which flight style.


As stated countless times. We know dragonriding is Optional. We don’t want the toggle at all, we want to do both, just like before the prepatch. The toggle is INCREDIBLY tedious for anyone that uses both regularly.


You know what they say about opinions

There is technically no right, or wrong here, BUT they did make a choice to accommodate some opinions over other people’s opinions when they had the choice to make everyone happy. Blizzard just could not do that, sadly.

You give them an option, and they complain about having to choose?

Or is that just here on GD?


I’m not going to unsub but I’m not happy with it. Frankly it’s one of the worst system changes I’ve seen in quite some time. It’s nice to use all the mounts in skyriding but half the animations suck. The transition time feels horrible if you’re adept at utilizing both flying types. And don’t get me started on how this makes Druid travel even worse.


lol nah, they don’t.

it doesn’t seem like it, it is an overreaction. plenty of us enjoying the changes.

what is wrong with flight change? theres literally a button you click to switch between dragon riding, and regular flying. What is the problem here?

Lol. If that is why they’re quitting

I hardly see the effectiveness of a performative un-sub when a person has already paid for one year subscription in advance.

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Call it what you want. I’m subbed til February but I got my refund for TWW. I cancelled 3 subs. Only one account had a one-year sub on it. If you think this is just me or that it won’t affect them, idk what to tell you.

It’s way too slow to bother. I used to keep a mount of each type on my bar to easily swap based on what I was doing (in town vs flying across the map to a M+ dungeon). But now? I will stick with my old flying.

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so then dont switch between the two. If clicking a button is too hard for you, maybe just stick with one method of flight.


And it’s quite hilarious to me that people would quit over something so gd stupid. I mean yeah I’d like them to remove the CD or something but I’m not quitting over it rofl.


flappybird is only for people who have impared cognitive abilities and need to constantly be stimulated somehow or they cannot mentally function.

iPad generation growing up unable to cope without every mundane task needing special steps that caters too them. yikes.

Yes that is what most want because they want to tailor their play experience for personal reasons.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman: