People are literally Un-subbing because of the Dynamic Flight Change

This is actually quite true, too many reasons, too many issues, and an absolute ignorant company silent and unapologetic on the broader scope of issues.

But hey, thanks for that one day extra. :smiley:

I agree. I would love a dynamic ground-riding system as well. It would be a lot of fun, give the mounts more weight, and feel better. Plus, the extra speed from running boosts that can be recovered, like in flying, would just make it fun to do.

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You do know when you unsub you have to wait for the time to run out it just doesn’t boot you from playing. Like my sub runs out in september cause i had a 6 month sub. That gives you time to post about reasons you are unsubbing. Even then I have unsubbed before and came back and often it lets you post on the forums because you never logged out.

Doesn’t change the fact that I will see the same people, even a year or two later, sitting in trade or general chat, complaining about the same things, talking about how much better some other game is, and how everyone should unsub and play that game.

Maybe you aren’t one of those people, I don’t know. I don’t know you personally. But I see it plenty enough that my default is to scoff at the notion and laugh because I know 90% of people who say they are unsubbing aren’t actually unsubbing. The people who actually quit typically don’t make a show of it on their way out.


First, I don’t believe any of them actually unsubbed. It’s just whining because they don’t like change.

Second, if you unsubbed because you’re mad you have to take 2 seconds out of your precious time to hit a button to swap between flight styles then…maybe you should unsub. Not even saying that to be mean. Just if THAT is what it takes for you to throw your hands up and stomp off like a child then… Later.


You posted something confusing and immediately launched insults and assumptions, fun.

You can land and afk, you don’t need to be a Night Elf.

A bit ago dataminers did find the chassis of a dynamic ground mount system so here’s hoping they actually implement it :3

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You can keybind the toggle switch…who knew!

Sorry but if people are quitting over the changes to steady flying/skyriding, when there are much more annoying problems in the game, then they were going to quit anyway and are just being dramatic.

This is probably Druid players who are just more upset over their loss of flightform directly from dragonriding change.

THANK YOU. Can we DELETE this ugly *** glorified cheat code that lets you play the game like its minecraft creative mode.

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Can I say how mad I am that we cant breath fire with our dragon riding mounts?

Please blizzard! Whats the point of giving us dragon mounts if we cant purge our enemies with them?


That would be awesome I will make a post with some cool ideas if people heart it maybe Blizzard will take notice. Update: Made that post Ideas for Future Fun and Class Flavor in World of Warcraft

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The way the change works is a step backwards in convenience IMO. Farming old content (Zerith Mortis is a good example) - It was nice to have both options at the same time. Am I quitting the game over it? No. Am I annoyed by it? Yes


Try to use more matter between the ears.

You simply used a different keybind to summon your non-dragonriding mount. It’s not whether or not you can keybind the spell with a 5 second cast time now.

Like many, I play like 1 or 2 weeks of latest expac+prepatch, always give it a shot. Hope this one is finally good.

Apparently some folks cant find the button to change it…

Can we just call this pre-patch of Season of Discovery?

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True but you never know what you are going to get.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

I genuinely confused - what change?

I wish they actually would but they keep frickin’ coming back.