People are literally Un-subbing because of the Dynamic Flight Change

Agreed would fix 90% of the issue. Still think it is a weird way to go when set your mounts to what you want is right there.

Would love two favorites mount buttons that cycle randomly through my mounts. Could have a set for old style and a set for new and actually see more of my mounts.

Anyway right now it is clunky AND to slow. One step forward 5 steps back.


I didn’t know 1200%+ flying speed was slower than 410%.

I’m Homelander and I can say whatever the f*@k I want, lol

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Lol no. There is absolute no “citation needed”. Thanks.

Thats gen z for yeah haha people are little cry baby’s now

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I thought it was pretty clear whining - specific and to the point.

lol small brain

So really why is dragon flying any different than playing any other part of the game?

I personally dislike dragon (or dynamic) flying. To me it’s annoying. The dragon mounts are cool, just the dynamic flying is annoying.

If you like dynamic flying then that’s great for you. But I personally don’t.


I hate dragon flying too but I don’t understand how people are saying they “can’t” use dragon flying because of this or that but they can play the rest of the game fine.

Dynamic flying is not conducive to bathroom breaks, small interruptions from family and internet consultations.

It’s designed to force your attention. Much like driving some people love it and some of us could friggen care less.

Nothing is wrong with either preference. What is wrong is how Blizzard makes a habit of choosing what you like for you and then designs everything around that.


But they give you the choice of which flying you use…

"But but but… the faster flying speed! The subjective immersion! " :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

How long are you flying on a Dynamic mount that this is an issue?

Yes, they do. But they implemented it in a backward way so it’s comber some to work with.

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Cept the old way of doing it was honestly better, because at least i can swap fly styles on the fly. Even though there’s a limited amount of mounts.

I’ve checked out prepatch, and it honestly felt bad. I would rather have the old way of doing it back.

Infact, i’m honestly just fine Dragonflying just being as it is in DF. A rather shallow flying experience where all you just do is press 1 (and Second wind) realistically speaking with some pretty awesome customization options for your dragons.

Seriously, outside of like a tiny amount of quests, you are never required to use anything else other then Flap forward, upwards and second wind on 99.9% of your gameplay since all it is just getting to point A to B faster. I mean the bar is set so incredibly low these days and people are still willing to go “Set it lower, i don’t care, i will love whatever you put out regardless the quality!”

Why Blizzard thought to expand this in the most shallow way possible, is the same mindset on why they released the quite frankly mediocre mount equipment system. This feature just smells of future abandonment at this point given people pretty much wanted that to happen. (that or have it overstay it’s welcome like AP, but i guess by that logic, people like AP then, so who knows)


When you’re in the middle of questing in an area full of monsters it’s nice to take a mount and park in the sky for the emergency Taco Bell attack.

Unless everyone is a rogue or Druid and can go invisible. Or a night elf.

But the fact that I should need to explain that concerns me. It means your brain is willfully erasing facts simply to support the argument you have chosen to back.


I didn’t pre order and kind of glad I didn’t.

I am quitting and the flying thing is just one of the reasons, kind of the icing on the cake too.

I don’t like all the bugs lately the S4 bugs were obnoxious. Gear upgrades would randomly break, awakened raids would get turned off. Legendaries weren’t upgrade able, discounts on upgrades broken, several class abilities being bugged or not doing damage.

Dev team spread between 5 or 6 versions of the game. Them releasing things like MoP remix, or classic or plunderstorm that takes players away from people who want to play the current version of the game leaving you less people to play with.

For example getting even a M+ group for an 8 was hard in S4 because of how few groups.

Increased grind more seals to upgrade gear I seen streamers complain about this a lot.

Shorter seasons you have this long gear grind when you about finish it then it gets reset all the gear you grinded for become worthless. S3 and S4 are a good example those seasons were so short I didn’t even get a chance to enjoy using gear I grinded for because the seasons just end so fast. The dev team said these next 3 expansions will come at a faster pace. Seems to me the game is becoming like Destiny 2 so many gear resets all the time to keep you grinding which is one of the reasons I stopped playing that game.

Lets say you grind out mythic track gear that gear should not get replaced by LFR next tier which currently it does. If you get mythic track gear your gear should get replaced by the next tiers mythic track gear. You do heroic raids your gear should get replaced by the next tiers heroic raids.

Too much Ilvl inflation each patch just to keep people grinding.

Overall don’t like the direction the game is going.

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Mail me your gold.

People are literally Un-subbing because of X [thread 1 of 39876]

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I am still waiting for the day that everyone who claims they’re unsubbing actually unsubs, so I can stop listening to people talk about how they’re going to unsub.