Pelagos. Is Transgender

According to the Office for Victims of Crimes, the sexual assault/abuse rate for transgender people is 50%.

But sure. It’s all imaginary. :crazy_face:

your—belonging to you.
you’re—you are.


Since the protections and inclusion of trans people say locker rooms is new and in many cases still under debate saying “show me where it happened!” isn’t realistic as there are

  1. Many places that haven’t allowed these things to occur at all.
  2. The places that have, have not done so for very long.
  3. A very low amount of data on the subject.

There are lots of examples where a large athletic trans person has shattered women’s high school records so i guess ill go look a few up if you really want it. Even if they are on hormone blockers now it doesn’t undo years of biologically male body development.

Except they’re on hormone blockers and have been for long enough that T literally plays no role in it.

God forbid a transgender person might be athletic.

Your concern for womens’ sports is disingenuous.


So what you are saying is that you have no proof.

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I only looked at the sports stuff and while I wouldn’t ban them, transgender people should only be able to compete with the gender group that they were born as. The majority of these cases are males identifying as female and completely DESTROYING females in competition. No matter what people want to say, men are physically more dominant than females in pretty much every way. Larger hearts, more lung capacity, higher bone density, muscle fibers, etc., etc. The idea of a born as male competing with females is beyond ludicrous.


representing all of its customers.

You talking about the .0000!% of the population? hard pass

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Terf alert terf alert.

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Did you deliberately misunderstand what I’m trying to say? Speaking of disingenuous

You ignored the second half of my statement on that and hormone therapy is hardly settled science. Everyone responds differently to hormone treatments so you can’t set a realistic standard. Blocking testosterone doesn’t undo previous development.

I have zero concern for women’s sports. It was simply included in the list of things you posted.

You have engaged me on everything except the only point i wanted to make. That you have exhibited the same bigotry and lack of understanding for people on the “right” as you say they have for you.


I ignored your point because it wasn’t really a point. If you knew anything about the subject you would know that the whole point of hormone blockers is to block puberty from happening in the first place.

There’s no such thing as bigotry towards the “right.” Political parties are not something you are born with. It’s a choice.

It’s totally reasonable to dislike people whose entire political platform centers around taking away others’ human rights and oppressing them for being different.

Don’t know what that is but I’m sure it’s nonsense based around, well, you being full of it.



  1. intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself.

The conservative platform doesn’t center around taking away peoples rights. It centers around small government, low taxes and promoting liberty.

The republican politicians of the last 30 years have done a very poor job in all of these aspects. That’s why people rebelled against them and elected trump.


This is false. They’re centered around taking away religious freedom and rights from women and minorities.

If they really cared about liberty they would stay in their own lanes.

That’s just factually incorrect, sorry.


The left is the party currently attacking religious institutions. They can’t sing in the churches in cali because it is “unsafe”. Meanwhile poorly organized protests are safe. Religious statues are being pulled down right along with confederate ones. You, yourself said religion is bad.

With women’s rights i assume you are talking about abortion. What about the rights of the unborn? Abortion kills more minorities a year than most other things combined.

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Oh, so you’re a plague rat too, trying to get people killed because you have some damn political obsession that prevents you from realizing there’s a pandemic going on and that we need to take some steps to keep a very contagious disease from spreading.

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Wanting consistency in application of the law doesn’t make me a plague rat. Shallow take. You can do better.


Actually. It’s the righ which is against religious freedom. One of the things on their agenda is to force judaeo-christianity on everyone. Particularly old testament.

That’s why they legislate against women having bodily agency.

That’s why they blocked LGBT people from marriage for so long.

That’s why they attack transgender people who are literally just trying to live our lives.

If the right really cared about liberty they’d stay in their own lanes.

No, shouting about how it’s oppression that one of the riskiest situations, singing/yelling in a crowded indoor area is being prohibited until we can get a handle on this.

And do you know, being outdoors with a mask is decently safe, and you’re not seeing upticks in areas where there were protests but other safety measures were in place. Where you do see upticks is where political hacks endanger the public by turning public safety into the new culture war.

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Well, they did get the important religious freedom to allow employers to interfere in their employees medical care.