Pelagos. Is Transgender

I know. I only point it out because as i’v stated. Companies will do anything to get your money. If they truly do have your best interest then they would cease business with countries that have such extreme laws.

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Companies being for profit has absolutely nothing to do with transgender people being happy about having representation.

Not a darn thing.


Half of the actions you posted aren’t overtly oppressive to transgender people and have to do with other issues that arise while trying to give said people fair treatment or little to do with trans rights at all.

School sports for example: if being fair to transgenders creates an unfair situation for the women in those sports is it a good policy?

Bathroom/Locker room access: Can be abused by predatory individuals to prey on the opposite sex. Also the cost incurred in creating separate facilities is a huge one and isn’t reasonable in most cases considering the number of individuals involved.

Many more of them are to prevent cost prohibitive bureaucratic systems that are ineffective and lead to unproductive, expensive lawsuits.

Some of them just have nothing to do with trans people at all and you have simply connected them to support your ideology. The things you listed aren’t the overwhelming evidence you think they are. You just posted a lot to make it seem that way.


Sound the alarms. Terf talking point.


Yet, it makes you happy and as such you will give them money. At the end of the day, you are a dollar sign and they will reach as far as they can to get it.

I wouldn’t waste time with that one. Just spits one liners with little to no elaboration. Been doing it the whole thread. Use your time on the people who actually engage in discussion.


I’m already a subscriber. This is just a bonus.

However I noticed that you are here and mentioning China. That incident happened months ago. If you really cared about Hong Kong you would speak with your wallet.

But here you are.

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I’v seen their posts. Most likely that will be the only reply they receive from me.




Find me a case of a transgender person using the correct locker room to assault cis people.

I’ll wait.


Its not a point of a transgender person doing it. It’s creating a situation where someone can use protections meant for you for deviant purposes. And it’s a legitimate point. People will make several of these along the way. Just because they do doesn’t mean the hate you, want you dead or want to dehumanize you.

My point has never been that you haven’t been discriminated against. It’s that people that stand in the way of these protections aren’t inherently evil.

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So all transgender people should be forced into the wrong locker rooms where we risk assault because of some fictional situation?

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Can you clarify what exactly you would like me to cite with each argument?

Didn’t say this at all.

Both situations are equally imaginary. You are talking about possible causes access effects. Your worried about potential violence. He is worried about potential unintended abuses. Both fears have basis in real things that have happened.


Usually for transwomen to participate in women’s sports they have to be on hormones or hormone blockers which completely eliminate any ‘advantage’ that might come from testosterone.

This is the case of the two transgirls in Connecticut that triggered the thing on the list.

It’s hilarious to see people who never cared about women’s sports suddenly care just so they can lash out against transwomen.


(switched toons cause I ran out of likes and wanted to give Fezzy a rest… Fezzy Alt)

Yeah. Show any actual evidence that what you brought up has ever been done by a transgender person or been caused by one.

And don’t bring that old response of “oh it makes for a situation where this could occur!”

That would just show that you have no clue how this all works.

And there it is…

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I’m not really worried about it but i can see that there is an argument there and that the people that make it aren’t evil just because they bring it up. I’m playing devils advocate on this subject.

I’m glad that they are also shining the light on various aspects. I start to have an issue when the reason is just so they can say, “See we represent everyone!” and yet the character doesn’t add anything to the game other than what they represent.

I don’t care who they are if that is all that is propping them up. I would rather see a character with some depth other than, “Look at me, I’m Trans!”

I get it, character building takes a little bit of time. But there should be some kind of foundation other than a gender prop up.

Its happened though