Pelagos. Is Transgender

Which is silly because how employees live their lives outside of work is none of their business.

I guess they’re just living up to the lies were were told about the pilgrims. Who came to this country to get the important religious freedom to be able to repress the religious freedom of everyone else that they could.

I’ll never forget how I had to argue with a doctor about getting a cancer-preventing treatment because I don’t have the same agency over my body as a man does.

I was unironically asked if I had my boyfriend’s permission.

Country was founded on those principles. They have to be adjusted and you won’t get an argument from me on saying people take the bible and evangelicalism too damn seriously. Not all people on the right are like that.

Abortion is about the rights of the unborn. You wanna talk about “dehumanizing” we can start right with this discussion.

But it’s legal now and widely accepted by most on the right. Only the most hard core Evangelical Christians are still against it. I never was.

People attack you because they don’t understand you and fear what is different. This is part of our tribalistic nature.

I am conservative. I do not hate you, fear you or wish bad things on you. I have spent lots of time in this thread talking to you in part simply to get your view on things as they are outside my own and i always enjoy getting others perspectives.

Lumping us all up is a mistake.





If a woman wants birth control, it’s none of your business.

If a woman wants to get sterilized, it’s none of your business.

If a transgender person wants hormones, it’s none of your business.

If I want to get my uterus removed (already did actually), it’s none of your business.

If you don’t like pregnancy termination then don’t get one. It’s between a woman and her doctor, it’s none of your business.

If you don’t like gay marriage don’t marry someone of the same sex.

If I am an atheist and don’t go to church, it’s none of your business.

If you don’t like blue states, which pay the welfare of the red states, don’t live in one.

If I want to be happy about getting representation in a vidya game, it’s none of your business.

It costs nothing to stay in your own lane and mind your own business.


Agree completely.

If a woman wants to take a plan B after an ill advised fling or knows they cannot support the child and wants to terminate the pregnancy very early on. I agree.

But if a child is mostly formed and in many cases able to be kept alive outside the womb? F That. Straight up. Unborn children cannot speak for themselves. They cannot sue. They cannot write a letter to a politician stating their case. There is a moral obligation to speak for them and their right to live as they cannot do it themselves.

While i see it as shameless pandering, i’m glad it pleases you. Though you could choose any sex in character creation and many are not the gender they live life as so the option was already there and you play the game, so in a game where you are very much part of the world you are represented by simply being in it.

Well, this is a public forum and when you post on it you open yourself up to criticism. Don’t start none, won’t be none, ya dig?


Oh wow, it’s enslavement of women talking points! Where you lie and pretend that there’s any significant number of women looking to do so late term, and in doing make life a living hell, or just end it, for women going through medical emergencies and the loss of a child they were hoping to have. Shame on you.


Your entire post is a baseless assumption. Of course there are exceptions. Enslavement of women? What? I am talking about killing the child for non medical reasons.


No. You’re talking about forcing women into a dangerous state against their will. And lying by conflating elective ones which are almost entirely ok according to your earlier post with late term ones, which are nearly all done to protect the life of the mother, handle a miscarriage (it’s still consider an abortion even if the fetus has died) or there’s other major medical issues.

And this kind of lie kills women. All to control them.

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It is a fact.
Hey guys we have a .6% of the population in our game now to represent a microscopic % of the population. now give us your money since we are so progressive.

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If you don’t like blue states, which are more dangerous especially since they are going to get rid of the police, don’t live in one
Fixed it for you. Would know first hand since i live in california of all them.

didn’t quote correctly.


Good thing late trimester termination is banned and has been for the last 20 years.

Don’t expect a woman who doesn’t want a child to raise it.

Still the right’s war on women seek more and more restrictions. Including taking away everything in every case even minors impregnated by their fathers and cases where the pregnancy would kill the mother.

It’s literally a war on women and enslavement of women as baby factories.

If the right really cared about children they wouldn’t bend over backwards to take support from poor single mothers.

Your religion is not mine. Your morals are not mine.

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If it reasonably endangers the mother then i have no problem with it. That is not where my disagreement lay. There is some gray area in this as reasonably isn’t a concrete term.

I’m not for this make it illegal all together nonsense. Some are. This is simply how i see it. Abortion laws can be used in malicious ways, i agree with you on that, but legal no matter what? Nah.

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I’m not religious. My moral is that unborn kids should get a chance to live, even if the mother doesn’t want them. Calling all abortion laws “wars on women” is dehumanizing the unborn. I would hope you could see how that could be a bad thing.

There is a strong argument that the welfare state has caused more harm than it has done good. Adoption is ALWAYS an option. Lets not act like mothers that don’t want to raise their children are forced into it.


Doesn’t matter. Forcing someone to risk their life, as ALL pregnancies have the potential to kill, in order to protect a potential life is just unethical.


My morals say a cluster of cells that can’t live on its own isn’t a person. This is simply how I see it.

Not recognizing the attempt to block any sort of termination in every case is a war on women is dehumanizing to women.

Women are people.

Red states could totally get rid of welfare in their own states if they’re against it so much and see what happens.

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I think we are a lot closer to agreeing on this than most things. Either way i gotta run. Thanks for keeping it civil, good luck and enjoy the rest of your day! :beers:

Look! They don’t know what fact means.

Also you have no reason or evidence to support it either way.

Regardless, representing trans people with one character is hardly a problem.

(since I’m guessing you didn’t read anything else given this response… Fezzy Alt.)


See…this is something I seriously don’t understand. How is playing the game supporting something you don’t believe in?
Exactly how?