PCTs Temporarily Unavailable - Resolved

No ETA at the moment

So yeah, the outlook is bleak.

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Yeah it’s insane. I just want to be able to play my warrior or hunter without being in queue for half the time before work

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Apparently its fixed for EU https://eu.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/pcts-temporarily-unavailable/280178/55 so hopefully it comes back up soon for na

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I assume that we have more players in NA/Oc meaning that it will take longer for us but still should be done soon if they have a solution to whatever it was. That is good, I have things i need to do on my guilds new server

It’s also basically preventing me from playing. My buddies and I are swapping to alliance and my 55 mage is the transfer mule. I can’t make a my alliance boost until I transfer over with all my cash.

I’m just guessing that we’ll get a blue post here when it’s fixed just like EU did.

Ok, so yeah this is where we will learn when it’s back up, according to @BlizzardCS.

Talk about honor.

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Lol there are literally hundreds of other threads for that with an overwhelming majority of players voicing their opposition to the nerf. Still though
 we probably should talk about it in every possible space since Blizzard seems to have yet to take notice.

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Fix the honor!!!

This should be posted with every single comment demanding an honor fix.

So is blizz going to allow PCTs temporarily to any server (e.g. full) when the service is eventually resumed. Or are a couple guildies that were waiting to transfer and couldn’t just get screwed because of the downtime? Had it not been for the maintenance, we would have been together.

Also gtfo with the honor spam in this thread; you guys have 20 posts already, keep this thread on topic.

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Hey guys,
We know theres a heap of game altering bugs out there and you’re really unhappy with how our approach to fixing the extra honour is but our number one priority is to make as much money as possible by making sure those micro transactions work.
Love your wallets
Blizzard Activision.

You can complain about the number of micro-transactions in the game, thats fair. But some people have been planning this expansion around a service which has been reliably in the game since TBC but has nosedived in recent weeks, with little to no updates other then “it’s being worked out.”

But because you guys can’t get easy GM gear to level with until the mid 60s, every thread has to be about that issue.


I actually dont give a damn about the gear, it’s the half pie fixes that go from it being a joke to acquire to making it take longer than a working week to get a single weapon that I have a problem with.
It’s the fact that upon joining a raid you have a chance to be saved to a random raid instance without even setting foot in the raid zone.
It’s the ignored beta feedback and changes that suit the dev team over what actually makes sense.
It’s the ridic amount of downtime we had yesterday that showed they had put zero prep into their patch launch.

And yet the minute their margins get affected they fix it.

So can we at least expect to be able to xfer before the launch? People really need to know to plan dungeon groups and fun times.

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That’s what I am worried about. I need to send my mage to a now full server, so I am a little concerned I won’t be able to do it.

any update??

EU enabled PTCs 4 hours ago. NA, nothing


They fixed EU transfers a while ago, but we’ve just been left hanging.

Please, Blizz, I want to give you my $25 for a transfer and $40 for a boost. Just please let me do that.

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I just really wanted to play with my friends that transferred to another server after i took a break for about a year, take my money, please let me spend $25 so i can play with my friends, you know you want to.

Sincerely, a depressed warlock that wants to enjoy the game.