You get both by playing the game, so what you types actually want is a reward without any effort. Well, it’s time to wake up to reality. if you want to fly, then you do what is necessary, if you don’t want to do that, then you don’t fly, and it’s really that simple
Flying is without a doubt one of the worst things in the game[/quote]
I don’t think I’ll ever understand that sentiment. There’s so many crappy things in this game like CRZ, buggy quests and enemies, frame rate and graphical issues, Blizzard often changing classes to something unrecognizable to long time players and so on. But flying is apparently the “worst” thing in the game to some people. I just don’t get it.
You know I agreed with your first half but this part still gets to me. I understand people like alts, however, since everyone keeps quoting classic and such, I am really looking forward to reading all the post about catch up for alts even for that. This was never a thing til the past few expacs. Back in the day you had to grind all that content, pay for flying on each toon etc. I really don;t believe anyone should have anything handed to them because they don’t feel like doing content again.
This is just how I feel. You already unlock WQ on alts in older content right away, you get flying across your account, not per toon.
Hate to say it but you likely won’t be buying another expansion then.
The current dev team does not understand the meaning of the words “player feedback.”
I should be close to getting flying, but I faction transferred my Druid and lost all the questing achievements in BFA. The progress should be account wide- I already completed all these damn quests on a different Horde toon. I don’t feel like doing them all over again because I gave blizzard money for a transfer. Its infuriating.
What? God no. Give us all permanent anti-grave packs!
I can see this is clearly an unpopular opinion but, the new zones really aren’t all that big and most people don’t need to min-max. I am planning to comfortably get Pathfinder part 2 after a month and thats just with doing a few dailies a day and then stuff I enjoy more like dungeons or other games. It is not an endless grind if you only do the content with a good ratio of rep for time such as dailies or story quests.
I started playing in TBC and saw more world PVP in Outlands (where you could fly) than I did in Vanilla zones (where you couldn’t fly), so my individual experience says flying didn’t kill world PVP. Also, traveling longer or slower to reach an objective doesn’t mean the game is harder.
Scratching my head on this one… who’s holding a gun to you making you do the unlock flying so you can level alts?? Just go level alts! BAM!
pathfinder is fine
Correct - just this week a new flying dragon in the store with a 6 month sub. The pity is fools will buy the sub for the mount and some of those people will be the same ones on the forum saying “Pathfinder is not so bad, I like to earn it”.
People literally continue to pay Blizzard for Pixels that we can barely use and to perform hamster games toward the end of expansions just so we can break our toys out of storage.
You are correct, Flying will never “go away” they have sold to many items from the store to do that - and those items continue to sell apparently.
What needs to happen however, is the silliness of restricting flying behind a wait of months and a silly extra grind needs to end.
This is why I am ok with the concept of Pathfinder. Once you have it, you have it, for all present and future alts. And the requirements are things most players would be competing by just playing the new content anyway. Plus, the old way required you to play until max level to fly, so you were grounded until then anyway.
BUT… It should only be one part, should be ready at the start of the expansion, and players should be able to complete it at their own pace. And, most importantly, no rep grinds.
You are not forced to do anything.
yep its been about that many days
I highly doubt it will ever be removed. We will see it next expansion, in sure of it.
They don’t listen anymore. This is why I’m going back to older content.
I’m in the camp that they should never have added flying, but now they’ve added it they can’t remove it. Removing it would be a grave mistake. That being said I like that we have to earn flying through achievements with each new expansion, but I do think the system can be vastly improved.
And 1-2 drops per boss to match the 2-3 drops for 40 people.
strong text[quote=“Rhanlar-sargeras, post:251, topic:213370, full:true”]

Id rather earn it in
Im gonna need to hit you with this again, imagine if “earning” something didn’t mean doing content you find pointless and will likely never touch again after pathfinder. Imagine that instead of being shoe-horned into one type of content, you had the option to complete your grinds in your method of play? Oh you do mythic+? Cool grab this and your rep is going to come from dungeon. You do PvP? Cool, grab this and your rep is going to come from PvP. You do world content? Cool, grab this and your rep comes from WQ’s and BPs. You like raids? Cool, your rep is going to come from raids.
Like your argument of “earn it” has nothing to do with what I posted in the slightest. Where did I say earning it was the problem. Can you please quote that part? Becase I am pretty sure I said:

if “earning” flying wasn’t just a glorified race of how many WQ’s and Dailies you can do people wouldn’t mind.
No where does this say earning flying is an issue.
I’m not taking your bait. i feel that my opinion on this topic is clear on its intent and meaning. If youre not understanding the content in its entirity to your opinion on pathfinding. Its not my responsibility to clarify it for you.

No matter what blizzard does, some of you people who spend more time complaining than actually playing, will find fault with the new paradigm.
It isn’t an issue with rewards… it is actually an issue with expectations being unrealistic for a game.
Yes, how dare I be so unkind to a multi-million dollar corporation. Poor corporation, always getting criticized. Thank goodness corporation has a friend like you to hold its hand.
My expectations for the game are shaped by — gasp — the game itself. Because WoW used to have a more functional reward system and play that was more varied and better designed.