All I hear about is how fast people are going to get Part 2. No one wants to be stuck on the ground while everyone else is flying. It takes away the enjoyment of anything that isn’t strictly necessary to getting off the ground. I can’t even enjoy the two new zones because I’m so focused on getting everything done and on schedule to unlock flying ASAP so I can get back to leveling my alts, which is what I really enjoy.
So please, either give people flying or take it out. Pathfinder weighs too heavily on people’s minds and makes the game not enjoyable and limits our choice in play. It’s just a giant time gate that makes these arbitrary rep grinds feel like a slog to the finish line when we should be able to pick and choose what rewards we want to go after.
The core issue is that this very basic desire is being used to replace real and meaningful rewards. If you can’t get people to want to play without Pathfinder, something is wrong. This is the WRONG carrot for content.
This is a non negotiable thing with a lot of the current players. We are sick of this passive aggressive nonsense and I won’t buy another expansion unless it changes.
Yes, I know they don’t want it. At the same time they are using it as the primary carrot, whether they are doing this intentionally or not. It just ruins the game. The two new zones could have been great content and instead they’re just the finish line for flying.
They need to grow some healthstones and either give it to us or take it out.
everything you mention in regards to flying BLIZZARD doesn’t care what so ever and I 100% agree pathfinder is killing the game cuase if you want flying. guess what? YOU’RE FORCED to do what that stupid achievement says or don’t fly at all. ive said this since the first pathetic pathfinder. its forced its not fun never will be and I was gonna do all that content anyways. so why force it on me or ( us) all for the sake of their played time metirc that actijoke wants
This would be a huge improvement, but it still removes the RPG if we can’t even decide what we want to do with your time. There should be multiple paths we can take and instead we’re all out grinding the same WQ for the same reps so we can unlock flying for the THIRD time using this awful system.
I don’t really like Pathfinders at all either. I would have done it the same way it used to be, back in the TBC, WotLK, Cata, and MoP days, where you had to literally buy the skill that allowed you to fly in those continents. I’m happy they got rid of those for those continents, but I would just like to purchase the flying skill, in Kul Tiras/Zandalar, without need all the rep grind and whatnot, with all this nonsense going on.