No it was just the 2000g thing unless you had rep, wasn’t it?
That’s what I remember.
(the rep was for the cloud serpent riding)
I think the rep was to make the training cheaper. It was 2000g at neutral, IIRC.
scratches head
Sounds familiar, but to the point, we didn’t have a lore reason why we couldn’t fly in Pandaria.
“think you would find if “earning” flying wasn’t just a glorified race of how many WQ’s and Dailies you can do people wouldn’t mind. Forcing people to do irrelevant content they don’t want to do to regain a feature causes frustration.”
Fan of drama? Nothing and no one is forcing me to participate in relevent or irrelevant content. When i tire of what ever casual content that im involved in. I quest or world quest and find those few activities to be suffucient for my entertainment.
This may cause fustration for you. i didnt unlock my flying until end of legion. i never unlocked my draenor flying. Because its a choice i have and a choice i made.
Again i don’t feel entitled to have flying. Id rather earn it in, and regain it in content i find relevent, because i chose to pay for it.
I just seen it as training like all the other levels and Cold Weather flying.
Im gonna need to hit you with this again, imagine if “earning” something didn’t mean doing content you find pointless and will likely never touch again after pathfinder. Imagine that instead of being shoe-horned into one type of content, you had the option to complete your grinds in your method of play? Oh you do mythic+? Cool grab this and your rep is going to come from dungeon. You do PvP? Cool, grab this and your rep is going to come from PvP. You do world content? Cool, grab this and your rep comes from WQ’s and BPs. You like raids? Cool, your rep is going to come from raids.
Like your argument of “earn it” has nothing to do with what I posted in the slightest. Where did I say earning it was the problem. Can you please quote that part? Becase I am pretty sure I said:
No where does this say earning flying is an issue.
Cold Weather at least was a kinda legitimate reason for why you couldn’t fly till then, needed special training to fly in the cold/high altitudes.
Yeah true but they sold their own mounts there and you would think they didn’t need training
An expensive venture
omg, just grind a little rep. Its not that hard. Bunch of whiners that want everything handed to them on day 1.
Maybe it’s like Pokemon Gym Badges and was a dominance thing?
and druid bird forms are meant to fly. shoot even the “class mount” requires flying for it to work and even then you cant just decide to use it you have to go back to the order hall swap then go back out then when you dont need it, go back again swapp again to be a storm crow again (note: epic flight form varies by race)
I really like Naz, I have been agressively working Benthic gear and hope to have 4 or 5 pieces at 420 by next Tuesday’s M+ season open on both my tank and dps. I also have 4 other alts that will have 3 or 4 level 415s. And I’ve had fun - so I’ve not grinded rep for a second, and I’ll be revered next week easy. I like the new herbs and ore and have every crafting profession making stuff. By your definition, this rep was fine for me for pathfinder.
Mechagon? I can’t stand it and will struggle to get to revered in that zone. Nothing about it is fun for me. I run around trying to find rares (which are all farmed) and often can’t even trigger them without some stupid unclear process. And all of the mobs are not dangerous and just time wasting garbage. The herbs and ore are old and useless, so the zone value is very low.
So, yes, by your definition, this is a horrible rep to add to pathfinder. I’m fairly certain that once i get flying I will avoid this zone and not even enjoy having to go there to get in the dungeon.
As a player in Vanilla, I can tell you this was never a downfall. Flying actually brought more players to this game. Have a gander at the numbers, simple google search, they did release them back then.
You are beyond mistaken, to think otherwise. Vanilla didn’t even come close to the subs that were added when BC was launched. But you know, some don;t like it you are entitled to your opinion, but don’t call it a downfall when the numbers are there to show the reality of the situation.
I remember when most of us were so excited that we were peeing our pants for flying in TBC. There was much “squeeeing” in guild chat.
Im glad youre having fun. ESO is garbage, but each to their own.
Yeah it was so great, I remember farming my tail off to be able to afford epic flying too. These were things to aspire to!
I admit there are times not having pathfinder 1&2 is annoying at times but I know I’ll eventually get it. So I really don’t worry about it too much and still go about my day in and around new zones and the rest of Azeroth
Pathfinder is just “play the game”. If doing quest content once is some huge massive chore to you you’re playing the wrong type of game. The ‘grind’ this time was super easy, only 7 days of doing daily stuff.
Having to do it again on all your alts to unlock certain things (war campaign, waycrest etc) is ridiculous, but that’s a separate issue.