Pathfinder is killing WoW: Either give us flying or get rid of it

(quote edited to clean it up)

This is actually a very good point. Can you imagine a new or returning player being faced with earning multiple pathfinders as they level up?

These need to be drastically simplified as expansions become old and irrelevant to current content. A good place to start would be WoD, since it’s 2 expansions old now.


Actually, whining, complaining, nattering, entitled people are what is “Killing WoW”
Flying is fine. We have had the same or similar flying since BC. The core issue isnt flying, its people who want to spend all their time telling other people how to play, which is more off putting than all the flyers in the game.

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No. Players who blindly accept everything that is thrown to them is what is killing WoW.

What some consider complaining, others consider standing up for a just cause. Players have invested years, many more than a decade, playing a game they loved, only to see it changing from a fun experience into a major grind.

Maybe players “complain” because they want to love the game again.


I’ve played since near the end of BC. I’m not new and I still don’t see why people feel the need to whine about everything. Its pointless. There will always be just as many people arguing the opposite to what you want, because people play WoW for a myriad of reasons and not just the reason you do.

well said

if only the forums allowed multiple likes id gladly toss 100


Raiding already has rewards tied to it. Not all rewards should come from all activities.

I can’t get AOTC from pet battles or pvp, why should raiders get Pathfinder from raids?

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Not on the subjects of flying, rep grinds and time gating. I read these forums, and it’s a very small minority who claim to enjoy those things that are having a detrimental effect on the majority.

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Hugs to you Belitt! This is exactly what people need to understand!

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You are either a pathological liar, or you just don’t realize what you said… if you were, as you say, shaped by the game itself, then you should already expect the game to always disappoint you… as such, you’d either quit or accept the paradigm. Liars and the lies they tell… sheesh.

Lol. Can’t talk to some people. Have a nice day, Banksey.

Exactly! WoD pushed me away and killed my guild. Never really bothered with flying in WoD and have been playing every xpac only few months but with tokens only. Next xpac I will buy it only when on sale. BFA now is $12 and considering what’s going on it may be even free as long as you pay for sub…

cant have a logical discussion with some people I mean if we stay and voice our concerns they will call you whiners and if you unsub they will then accuse you of not caring enough about the game since you clearly threw in the towel

that’s the same kind of mindset regarding pathfinder that Blizzard is hoping for if we jump through all the hoops and do the entire list of chores Blizz will say hey look the players LOVE PF so lets keep doing it each new expansion and if we refuse to do out of protest or whatever they will then say well seems you player really don’t care about flight and use it as an excuse to remove it again like they wanted to do in the first place its a no win situation either way and its only made worse when you got others defending this kind of business practice constantly attacking those of us that actually have an opinion that is calling on Blizzard to step up and do something better rather than a do it this way or else attitude in this matter

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If it was bait you still lost because you came back to bite :slight_smile: People who don’t get baited don’t respond, sorry but it’s a lose lose for you <3

How is expressing an opinion for or against win or lose? Im expressing my own views on the pathfinder achievement.
Im not sure how you measure yourself worth by somebodies dissenting opinion.

got em again lads.

You will if you want the last word xD

you would think with all the different threads popping up by the players that says pathfinder and other unpopular game decisions are slowly eroding all confidence in Blizzard and their ability to create fun and engaging content that they would go hmm maybe there’s some merit to it perhaps we should step back and re-examine the decisions but no they’re probably sitting in their ivory tower and saying look how triggered everyone is and having a good laugh at our expense over it

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Have a gander at the numbers since they tried to take it away/gated it as well…

I like pathfinder… It makes people complete the content before skipping it with flying. I do think they should prefer sharding non-flyers together and flyers together.

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we cant since Blizzard stopped publicly sharing those numbers and I kept but wonder why I mean the game is doing so well why the secrecy then?

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No dilemma here. Just bought two PC games off the Steam store. Neverwinter Nights Enhanced being one. Great game from back in 2001,or 02. Only reason not playing it at this moment, is I still have 5 days left active sub time left for wow. Going to get that last 5 days worth out of it. And that is leveling a alt that is already 113 anyways. it wont be time spent in their fail 8.2 nothing but trash mob content lol.