Agree, there’s a lack of moderation and probably that leads to a lack of attention to all these feedback threads, which are ractically duplicate topics in different forum sections.
I’m just pointing to all the feedback ignored, if we didn’t do 400+ comments in their official announcement, that change wouldn’t happened. It’s just a reaction to backlash instead of working on actual feedback from their forums, specially PTR.
Both are forms of flight. They are just a way to get around.
Yes one being free while the other wasn’t made no sense.
Only since WoD. One of the worst expacs for the game.
You can still work your way up to rank 15. You’ll get other things for that. If you weren’t into traditional flying, it was never gonna matter to you anyway.
Its being ignored until today after the backlash, they’ve almost 2 months of feedback since September 8 in the PTR, to check player response and work with that.
Almost 2 Months without response to multiple threads…yeah my bad that’s not ignoring…
Are you guys in here just mad you have nothing left to have a group chat complaint thread after thread now because you got what you asked for so you’re creating reasons to be upset?
So, if it’s ridiculous just don’t reply, it won’t gain any more attention but thanks for your response.
I did the post because its frustating that some players report this 2 months in advance and there’s not any response or change from Blizzard side, until there’s a backlash at the last moment. That leads to less players providing feedback for future issues.