Party phasing problem

My husband and I are on the same part of the quest in the Maw, but we are phased and can’t seem to play together. We both have war mode on. We are on the same server. I can see other players. Party sync does nothing.


i had the same issue with a friend on the jailer finishing quest. he clicked the portal nad mine disappeared and i was stuck there until i abandoned quest and redid it.


Yes, this is exactly where we were having the phasing issue, from the time you clicked on Jaina’s portal to the end of the Jailer quest.

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Been having this same issue with multiple people, phasing seems to be really messed up. From the very start of the Shadowlands campaign we have been unable to see each other.


The only way I’ve found to fix this is getting the whole party to return to Oribos. We were then able to phase together.


Yes, we got to Oribos and were able to see one another and play together again.


Same problem here. Playing with a group of four, and we’re all phased to each other in The Maw, right after logging in after completing the initial quest to gain access to The Shadowlands.

Come on, Blizzard this is a Massively MULTIPLAYER online game. How about you let multiple players that want to work together be able to do so.


Same problem here, but with using the Group Finder for field quests.
Everyone that joins is in a separate phase!


We were together when we got to Bastion, logged out for supper, back in & now out of phase and have to go all the way back to be able to continue questing together?

Please fix this. It’s absurd.


Same problem, using the group finder for elite quests while leveling. No one phases in, no matter if I start the group or they do. It’s a hot mess.


Same as others – I can’t use the group finder for elite quests because we all end up in different phases.


Same. Can’t group with hubby to do any kind of content its awful.


Thank you for your report. Forwarding to my team for investigation.


This is definitely a big issue. It’s been happening all day. Joined multiple Nikara groups earlier and we were all phased. Tried to join Theater of Pain group and same thing.

It’s making some rares impossible.


Yeah, me and my boyfriend had the same issue partying up and not being able to see each other – heading back to Oribos fixed it, though it is a tad annoying since we wanted to pick up questing where we left off and couldn’t without a detour.

Not game breaking in the grand scheme of things, but it is inconvenient in a very odd way.

Phasing in general is all messed up. Feels like a single player game, there is no one in the damn world! Emersion for an expansion release is totally destroyed by this!

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Group quests are impossible with this phasing problem , its really spoiling the game for me i hate to leave quests not done because of this …


Definitely an issue for me too… phased since SL launch other than in Oribos

For what it’s worth, neither of us had War Mode on… We both returned to Stormwind, flipped War Mode on, and returned to Bastion and we were no longer phased.