New Sharding/Phasing Restrictions?

It would be a good thing, if it stopped that.

You think they programmed a message as well as a bug into the game?

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It’s a bug. Acknowledged by blue here: Party phasing problem - #13 by Itzali-11154


I think its a bug and it wasnt intended. If it was why have LFR in first place? LOL moot point.

what does LFR have to do with grouping up in the world?

Implied it’s not intended. Hopefully it’s a quick fix, cause this is taking the MULTIPLAYER out of the MASSIVE MULTIPLAYER ONLINE.


Story on wow head is that this is intended.

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And yet there is a dialog box deliberately in the game that conveys the need to go to a sanctuary. Doesn’t sound like a bug to me, it sounds like a deliberate design decision.

I’m hoping it’s a bug. It makes the group finder useless for anything that isn’t an instance…


umm…no. If we didnt have it, servers would be crashing and lagging up like crazy. Proof? WoW classic on release. It was BAD. Phasing is created in order to prevent problems and not make you dc every 5mins.

Watch people not understand this at all.

As I said in another thread, people still think they can shard you to their realm by inviting you while they are in another zone. That hasn’t been true since legion pre-patch.

Ok, I’m here as well to complain about this. Grrr, I wish that instead of them making you use your hearthstone to go BACK to Oribos… let rephasing be at the innkeepers or at least make it with a 5 or 10 min cooldown… I’m REALLY frustrated trying to play with this whole mess of trying to stay with my party, or even a late comer friend as well coming in to join. I understand to keep the zones from crashing, but omgz, there is like NO ONE any where near my friends and I. It really feels like NOT the beginning of an expansion. The camaraderie of making new friends, hooking up with old time friends that been gone for a year… it just feels lacking. I purposefully grouped up today with ONE person and we opted to stay in line with each other so we could help each other on the harder quests. We both are not uber players by any means since we both tend to afk a ton. Stinks when we have to go BACK to Oribos to rephase.
Here’s hoping that there will be a better a solution to this phasing.

The phasing while only in a city is supposed to happen (which was annoying in beta and got reported a lot). The bug is that groups are getting thrown to different shards.

This right here is BS!!! There is NO excuse to not allow players to phase together in the world or at the most in a rested area. It makes it difficult to play if something happens and a character phases to a different shard mid-quest and the system won’t allow them to phase back without heading to a city. It made it difficult to group up in beta, and it is even more annoying in live.

Bug example: I was in a group that was questing together to start the expansion and ended up with players in completely different shards heading into the Maw part of the quest line. We were in a group beforehand and in the same shard, but because it tossed us into different shards, we couldn’t complete the quests together. We had part of the group with the healer in a shard with a lot of people so it was easy to complete quests, and the other part of the group in an empty shard with no healer that took them twice as long to complete quests. Since none of us knew what getting back would have been like if we tried porting out, we ended up working as two groups instead of one until we finished Maw and ported up to Oribos.


Yeah this is a stupid idea and I hope Blizz reverts it back to it being easier for players to play together in a MULTI-player game and not their attempt to stop people from having fun!

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This will make world bosses literally impossible. There’s zero chance this is intended.


This is a horrible change if intended. All it does in inconvenience players.


i hate to say it but it looks like it IS intended - again I think another way to stop people ‘quickly’ doing WQs - should of guessed this was coming when they broke the ‘autogrouping’ addon way back in the day - now this - but I agree its an absolutely terrible change :rage:


So with this change if the quest is not solo-able then just drop the quest?


Wow, one of the most ham-fisted, anti-social and incompetent things I’ve seen from an MMO company in a long time. WTF are you thinking Blizzard ??
You do know this is an MMO right ??
So instead of making it so players can’t abuse sharding ( no idea how ) you instead want to punish legit players that just want to play an MMO with other out in the open world.
If players are on boosted toons leveling through the zone they will be unable to group with random players to do rares or hard quests they are not geared for.
And why wasn’t this common knowledge prior to the launch??
Scared players would cancel even more pre-orders??

Stupid change, simple as that.


Happening for every group world quest right now, super annoying

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I don’t ever post on the forums, but yeah this might be the worst change they have done yet. I hope they revert this nonsense.


I’m just here to pile on the criticism of this change. I acknowledge that phasing needs to exist but this restriction is one of the dumbest, ham-fisted decisions I have seen in a long, long time.

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