Paladin Problems that could use some work. : )

Arms warriors is not the only dps spec warriors has. So this comment has no merit.

I mostly post on mobile these days (which is why i have 10000000 typos all the time) so all good.

But yeah, it is extremely important. I refuse to play holy which is why i stopped playing pally in wrath and played DK, which at the time was the only viable pvp spec. Which is still somewhat true now but holy is now having problems too with it’s identity (are they melee or ranged healers?)

Ive only played Arms or Prot since 04 on this warrior. Clearly she was a night elf back then but despite its lack of self healing Ive made arms work for me. And I had a blast as my Ret paladin when it came to leveling her via PVP and time walking. So yes the comment has merit no matter how you look at it cause from my POV there is only 1 warrior DPS spec to play.

Again, not trying to nickpick, just ensure communication.

This quote can also be read as, “at least one dps spec” instead of “only dps spec”. The understanding being that if a class wants to participate in PvP, at least one dps spec for that class should feel feature complete for PvP - otherwise the intended entry point for Blizz’s PvP experience fails.

When you say there is only one (aka, “at least one”) Dps spec for War that works for PvP, this lines up to agree with the sentiment of the above quote.

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Same Im just talking about the fact that Ret isnt as weak an helpless as Greatbrae seems to want to make it be.

It is basically what I said. Warriors has 2 dps specs. Blizzards requirement is to at least make one pvp viable. Whether it is arms or fury is not the paladins problem, because paladins only has 1 dps spec.

So yeah the goal of “at least one dps spec needs to be viable in pvp per class” applies here. Warriors has 2 vs paladins 1. And i am pretty sure fury is viable.

It is though. Everything the paladin has is hard countered by simply having purge, spell steal, or mass dispel, etc. In fact our own talebts can make us weaker in pvp by simply applying “can snare” to the debuffs we do.

We are also required to be in melee to damage right. Which is counter to having jurisdiction even existing.

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For sure, Paladins are strong, and their utility has been pretty powerful, I’m just saying it’s not as powerful as it once was.

For example:

Continuing the discussion from Undermine(d) Development Notes:

Healing Hands being nerfed this patch is a big hit to that Utility, if that’s a big reason why you bring a Ret Paladin to PvP… well… that’s being nerfed. :sweat_smile:

Simultaneously, more classes are getting more utility buffs than ever.


It’s not some weak pitiful spec for sure, it’s just beginning to feel like Paladin burst, off healing, utility, etc… is not worth the down sides of not having an MS, or multiple stuns, or playmaking abilities, or whatever.

Again, I’m not asking for pure buffs here, it’s fine to make trades. I just think a re-evaluation of the spec going forward due to losing half our self healing, the PvP Talents, and the homogenization of the rest of the game, would be nice…

Is Shinning Revelations really the best PvP Talent to make up for these things? It feels really specifically designed and … well bad lol. :joy:


Ugh don’t even get me started on that joke of a pvp talent.

100% and your right they aren’t the super power they used to be but they are also not playable that Greatbrae is saying. Your willing to discuss it he just says they are instantly dead and unable to fight which isnt true.

This talent is so oddly specific, I have to assume some poor Dev played against a double rouge team in 2s and just kept getting vanish resetted on. :joy:

Just sat there for 20 min before they said **** this, gonna make a PvP Talent to combat this stupid ****.


Because ret is not in any meaningful pvp game. Play ret against real pvp comps and you are gonna learn real fast there is nothing a ret can do to play in those matches.

Random bg? Sure. But that isn’t anything meaningful at all.

That is assuming any dev plays ret at all in pvp.


That is assuming any dev plays pvp at all*


Holy Paladin says hello in PVP. And no there is no stated goal like that. And while you yourself refuse to believe it there are alot of Ret Paladins out there pvping on the class and doing well.

Holy paladins is a healing spec, not a dps spec.

Please read what i type before wasting time.

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I mean, I’m sure they do play it, lol.

I just don’t understand where my disconnect comes in with the Class Design.

To me, these two “new” Paladin PvP Talents could be combined into an awesome new Aura, right?

Luminance Aura
PvP Talent

Reduces all damage taken by 3% for all party and raid members within 40 yards and your Lightbearer’s Healing Transfer is increased by up to 200% based on your current health. Lower Health heals for more.

In addition, using Divine Shield casts a burst of Holy Light, revealing all enemies in stealth or invisible to you for 20 seconds.

And make it have this cool visual at your feet, and whatever.

It’s still not the best talent, and again if it’s just there to make up for the Healing Hands nerf, well… charging a PvP Talent to off set a nerf is pretty lame, but at least this is a bit more useful/meaningful?

That’s why I try and ask questions and not come off as toxic.

  • Blessing of Sancturay vs Berserker Road I can understand.
  • Blessing of Spellwarding vs Sharpen Blade and Duel or w/e I can understand.

But how does a PvP Dev justify:

  • Shining Revelation (Spectral Sight on a 3min cooldown?)
  • Spellbreaker (PvP Modifier?)
  • Luminescene (PvP Modifier?)
  • Spreading the Word
  • Ultimate Retribution
  • Hallowed Ground


  • Battlefield Commander
  • Disarm
  • Dragon Charge
  • Rebound
  • Safeguard
  • Storm of Destruction

While the Warrior PvP Talents could get some buffs here and there to be more competitive for sure, these Paladin PvP choices just aren’t fun, engaging, or interesting. =/

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Because you have access to all 3 roles Great. Healing, DPS and Tank. Warriors have 2 DPS specs and Tank cause while it would be funny as all get out I dont think yelling harsh words at allies will heal them for Warriors.

And blizzard in their own words they need to make sure at least one dps spec is viable for pvp and pve. Ret has one, only viable in pve. Holy is not a dps spec. Prot is not a dps spec. Having access to holy spec does not resolve this. Not to mention not everyone enjoys healing.

Atm paladin pvp talents are basically non-choices. There is 2 useful ones that we must take and the rest just filler do nothing talents.

They could use a slot for maybe a gap closer or pvp unique utility. Maybe put a magical damage reduction on LoH to pair it with the armor it gives via normal talents.

Exactly my point, blizz has to at least make one viable for pvp, since warriors has 2 dps specs, they only need to make one work, which there is. Paladins got one. They are obligated to make it work.

… this is ironic because warriors has better self healing then paladins, the class that is literally embued with light magic.

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I dont know what server your on but I watch a good number of streamers using Ret Paladins in all the time in PVP so either you or your server has some of the worst Paladins in all of WoW or your just complaining to complain at this point. Maybe you have the Grass is Greener Syndrome. Cause I dont know how to say it but most people agree that Ret is fairly good in PVE and PVP.

You what mate? Are you joshing me? Have you seen an Arms warrior in PVP. Please tell me your kidding cause well that is going to be alot of egg on your face if you sit there and tell me with a straight face that you honestly think that is true. But as I said before… You bring so much utility to the table you can’t be the master of everything. You have heals, are they going to top the charts while doing good DPS? No, no they will not. Besides you yourself just said ret is your DPS spec why on earth would you think that you should be doing good healing when your DPS? I dont go into BGs with my Arms warrior and think… well darn time to show this Holy Priest and Resto druid whos the king of the healing charts. I do my job and punch stuff in the face till either I stop moving or they do.

I am sure what your smelling near the farmlands smells good if you think any of them is at any competing level content except maybe for one ret paladin, whom also makes complaints about ret paladins. Of course holy has it better too and is more common on the higher levels. But again, it’s a healing spec, not a dps one. Due to that blizzard by their own words, must do a better job with it to make it work in both pvp and pve.

Why are you so transfixed on arms? Fury is the viable one for pvp. They get extreme amounts of self healing from their enrages. Again, because warriors has one viable dps spec for pvp your arguement has no merit.

I am jot going to even entertain the rest of that paragraph since you went on a toxic charade.


Me not agreeing with you don’t mean I’m toxic. I’m simply trying to get you to realize that you can’t have a DPS class and top thehealing charts too in pvp

That wasn’t disagreeing.

This is part of it and just plane toxic.

On top of it you keep trying to change narritives through out this discussion.

I think you are done discussing on this topic.