Ghost Wolf visuals have been updated to scale with player model, and have been made more transparent to reduce visual clutter.
Lightning Bolt has a new spell visual.
Ancestral Guidance has been removed.
Developers’ notes: We have a couple goals we are trying to address with this change. One is to reduce the overlap between Ascendance and Ancestral Guidance for Restoration. They both serve a similar purpose and are often combined together. Second, we’d like to bolster Enhancement and Elementals off-healing utility from intentional global cooldown usage while pulling back on more passive ways to restore group health.
The initial shield from Stone Bulwark Totem is no longer dispellable. The repeating shields will continue to be dispellable.
Deeply Rooted Elements is now a small percent chance per Maelstrom spent rather than being a flat chance per Maelstrom Spender.
Developers’ notes: This change should make it equally valuable to cast a Maelstrom spender while talented into Deeply Rooted Elements, so abilities such as Elemental Blast no longer generate less Ascendance activations over time.
Primordial Wave has been redesigned – Now deals a high amount of damage to all targets affected by your Flame Shock.
Developers’ notes: Primordial Wave is a complicated spell to manage and get optimal use out of. We’re adjusting it to be more of a big damage impact upon activating the ability rather than priming your next Lava Burst to hit many targets.
Healing Stream Totem healing increased by 80%.
Ascendance now requires a target to cast. Flame Shock and Lava Burst from casting it will always hit your primary target.
Lightning Rod’s visual has been updated.
Maelstrom Supremacy now increases the healing of Healing Surge and Chain Heal by 15% (was 8%).
Arc Discharge can now accumulate up to 2 charges.
Developers’ notes: Enhancement Shaman currently have Maelstrom Weapon spending abilities that potentially do very high damage, while their melee abilities are not hitting as hard as we would like them to be. We’re redistributing some of your overall damage to be less weighted towards Maelstrom Weapon spenders and more damage towards your melee abilities, and making some buffs like Feral Spirits always grant bonuses to your physical damage abilities regardless of what talent options you have chosen.
New Talent: Primordial Storm – Primordial Wave transforms into a single use Primordial Storm for 15 seconds after it is cast. Devastate nearby enemies with a Primordial Storm dealing Flamestrike, Froststrike, Stormstrike damage, and unleashing a Lightning Bolt or a Chain Lightning at 150% effectiveness(100% in PVP combat). Deals reduced damage beyond 5 targets. Consumes all Maelstrom Weapon for increased damage.
Molten Thunder has been updated – Sundering has a 40% chance to reset its own cooldown, increased by 12% for up to 5 targets. Each consecutive reset reduces these chances by half.
Developers’ notes: Molten Thunder proc rates were a bit too unpredictable, causing significant shifts in damage output, especially with the Totemic hero talent tree. We’re making adjustments to make it more predictable while preserving its functionality. Additionally, we’re transferring some power away from Tremor and Earthsurge into other abilities alongside the proc trigger adjustments.
Elemental Spirits has been updated – Your Feral Spirits are now imbued with Fire, Frost, or Lightning, increasing your damage dealt with that element by 10%, but now only increase your Physical damage dealt by 10%.
Voltaic Blaze has been updated – Tempest, Lightning Bolt, and Chain Lightning have a high chance to make your next Flame Shock become Voltaic Blaze.
Developers’ notes: With this change, we’re aiming to make Voltaic Blaze procs more consistent, allowing them to align better with the Enhancement Shaman rotation.
Lashing Flames has been updated – Lava Lash and Sundering increases the damage of Flame Shock on its target by 100% for 20 seconds.
Primordial Wave has been updated – Now deals a high amount of damage to all targets affected by your Flame Shock.
Developers’ notes: Primordial Wave is a complicated spell to manage and get optimal use out of. We’re adjusting it to be more of a big damage impact upon activating the ability rather than priming your next Lightning Bolt to hit many targets.
Primordial Wave is now disabled and enabled on the action bar depending on the availability of Flame Shock targets.
Stormstrike is now learned at level 10 (was a talent).
Developers’ notes: The primary resource system, Maelstrom Weapon, was not very noticeable as a passive in the spell book. To address this, we’re making Stormstrike the introductory ability for those choosing the Enhancement specialization and replacing its spot on the talent tree with Maelstrom Weapon. Alongside this update, we’re allowing Stormstrike to be cast without an offhand weapon for the new player experience.
Stormstrike can now be used without an offhand weapon, dealing only its main hand weapon damage.
Maelstrom Weapon passive is now the first node on the talent tree.
Stormstrike damage increased by 100%. Does not apply to PvP combat.
Ice Strike damage increased by 100%. Does not apply to PvP combat.
Lava Lash damage increased by 100%. Does not apply to PvP combat.
Elemental Blast damage increased by 20%.
Crash Lightning initial damage increased by 200%.
Healing Stream Totem healing increased by 100%.
Molten Assault now spreads Flame Shock up to 5 nearby enemies (was 4).
Ice Strike now generates 1 Maelstrom Weapon.
Swirling Maelstrom no longer causes Ice Strike to generate Maelstrom Weapon.
Deeply Rooted Elements is now a small percent chance per Maelstrom Weapon stack consumed, rather than being a flat chance per Maelstrom Weapon stack consumer.
Developers’ notes: This change should no longer make it seem advantageous to always try to cast as many spells as possible while at exactly 5 stacks of Maelstrom Weapon. Any amount of Maelstrom Weapon stacks consumed grant the same linear chance towards getting an Ascendance activation.
Developers’ notes: We have been carefully examining the user experience of playing Enhancement Shaman and our messaging to guide the players towards taking the correct actions at any given moment. After the adjustments done in 11.0.5, we’re further iterating on our messaging to help players better prioritize their actions. The constant highlighting of Maelstrom Weapon spending abilities has become a hindrance in understanding how to play Enhancement Shaman, causing too much information overload that is often inaccurate. Our goal here is to let the fundamental design of the specialization speak for itself, similar to our other specializations, and be more deliberate with procs that require immediate actions. Moving into Undermine(d), we will be rolling back most of the highlights on the main resource system, and start relying on UI overlays (Top) and personal resource display to show the current state of Maelstrom Weapon. We do not take these changes lightly, and realize there will be an adjustment period. We are excited for you to experience Enhancement Shaman in this new way and look forward to hearing your feedback.
Maelstrom Weapon no longer highlights spenders when they become instant cast at 5 stacks.
Maelstrom Weapon will display a UI overlay at the top for when it reaches 10 stacks, overriding the 5-stack display (was at the bottom).
Maelstrom Weapon will not be highlighting Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning and Elemental blast at 10 stacks.
Developers’ notes: After the user experience improvements in 11.0.5, which dedicated the UI overlay space exclusively to Maelstrom Weapon, we no longer believe that highlighting your baseline spender abilities is necessary. The initial five stacks for Maelstrom Weapon will be displayed at the top as usual. Upon reaching ten stacks, another visual will override the five-stack display, utilizing the visual previously used for the mastery reset on Stormstrike’s cooldown. We’re aware that some players are currently using custom UI solutions and disabling the in-game UI overlay system. However, we hope you’ll give this experience a try and provide us with valuable feedback for further improvements.
Maelstrom Weapon highlights Tempest when it is at 10 stacks.
Maelstrom Weapon will highlight Primordial Storm when it is at 10 stacks.
Maelstrom Weapon and Stormweaver spender abilities will now indicate in their tooltip that they consume Maelstrom Weapon or Stormweaver to increase cast speed, as well as damage or healing if talented into.
Static Accumulation will highlights Maelstrom Weapon spenders for a short duration when the refund effect triggers.
Arc Discharge will highlights Maelstrom Weapon spenders while its active.
Legacy of the Frost Witch duration is increased to 8 seconds (was 5 seconds).
Rank 1 of Legacy of the Frost Witch talent now grants 15% increased Physical and Frost damage.
Developers’ notes: After the Maelstrom Weapon economy pace adjustments and the increased access to Stormstrike, Legacy of the Frost Witch has significantly fallen in power compared to other 3rd gate talents. We’re adjusting the value gained from investing 1 talent point into it.
Ice Strike now highlights Frost Shock.
Ice Strike buff is no longer on the personal resource display.
Lava Lash now consumes Whirling Earth if it activates Molten Assault.
Crash Lightning’s visual, animation and sound has been completely revamped.
Developers’ notes: We’re excited for you to experience the updated version of Crash Lightning. We believe the visual, sound, and animation now truly captures the fantasy of this ability.
Fire Nova spell visual updated.
Ice Strike empowered Frost Shock visual and sound updated.
Ice Strike impact sound updated.
Glyph of Spirit Raptors now function with Flowing Spirits.
Doom Winds is no longer on personal resource display.
Hot Hands is now on personal resource display.
An issue causing Hot Hands to grant 50% increased damage to Lava Lash through Whirling Elements when not talented into Hot Hands has been resolved.
An issue causing Hot Hands to display 0% value on its aura tooltip has been resolved.
Some talents have moved locations.
Splintered Elements is now a 2-point talent and moved to Primal Maelstrom’s location.
Some talent icons have been updated.
Primal Maelstrom has been removed.
Lava Lash damage reduced by 20%.
Doom Winds damage now scales with Mastery: Enhanced Elements.
Voltaic Blaze damage now scales with Mastery: Enhanced Elements.
Lightning Rod’s visual has been updated.
An issue causing Maelstrom Weapon spenders to remove a stack of Winning Streak! has been resolved.
Liberation of Undermine 2-set bonus has been updated – Your spells and abilities have a chance to activate a Winning Streak! increasing the damage of your Stormstrike, Lava Lash and Doom Winds by 5%, up to 25%. Maelstrom Weapon spenders have a 1% chance to remove Winning Streak! per Maelstrom Weapon spent.
Liberation of Undermine 4-set bonus has been updated – When you lose your Winning Streak! the winds shift into Doom Winds for 4 seconds. When Doom Winds deals damage, your next Crash Lightning deals 20% increased damage, up to 100%. This effect can be stored up to 10 stacks. Additionally, Crash Lightning deals 50% more damage to your main target.
Voltaic Blaze chance to trigger has been slightly reduced.
Forceful Winds now increases the damage of Windfury Weapon by 15% per stack (was 20%).
Arc Discharge now stacks up to 2 times (was 1).
Conductive Energy now causes Primordial Wave to apply Lightning Rod to its targets.
Chain Lightning with Conductive Energy will apply Lightning Rods to secondary targets that are not already affected by Lightning Rod. If the main target and all the secondary targets are already affected, it will refresh the Lightning Rod on the main target.
Conductive Energy now causes Primordial Wave to apply Lightning Rod to its targets.
When Conductive Energy is talented, Chain Lightning will apply Lightning Rod to one of the secondary targets if the main target is already affected by Lightning Rod. If all secondary targets are already affected, the duration of Lightning Rod on the main target will be refreshed.
Tempest damage increased by 15%.
Awakening Storms damage increased by 20%.
Searing Bolt damage increased by 40%.
Searing Volley damage increased by 40%.
Oversurge now increases Surging Totem damage during Ascendance by 50% (was 150%).
Sundering from Lava Lash Reactivity procs now trigger Earthsurge at 50% effectiveness.
Earthsurge now causes a Tremor at the target area at 100% effectiveness (was 200%).
While active, Surging Totem is replaced with a relocation spell that summons your Surging Totem nearby. This spell has a 6-second cooldown and does not trigger the global cooldown.
An issue causing Reactivity Sundering not to trigger Windfury Weapon has been resolved.
Tremor damage reduced by 25%.
Searing Volley damage reduced by 20%.
While active, Surging Totem is replaced with a relocation spell that summons your Surging Totem nearby. This spell has a 6-second cooldown and does not trigger the global cooldown.
Imbuement Mastery now increases the chance for Windfury Weapon to trigger by 5% (was 10%).
Imbuement Mastery now increases the damage of Windfury Weapon 8% (was 15%).
Developers’ notes: Our updates to Restoration Shaman are focused on simplification, condensing keybind space, and adding support to Riptide focused builds.
New Talent: Mana Tide – Healing Tide Totem now additionally grants 80% increased mana regeneration to allies.
New Talent: Therazane’s Resilience – Earth Shield and Water Shield no longer lose charges and are 115% effective.
New Talent: Whispering Waves – 10% of Healing Wave’s healing is duplicated onto each of your targets with Riptide.
Healing Wave is now learned at level 11 (was a talent).
Wavespeaker’s Blessing now additionally increases the periodic healing of Riptide by 10/20%.
Spiritwalker’s Tidal Totem now triggers after casting Healing Tide Totem.
Downpour now overrides Healing Rain for 8 seconds (was 6 seconds).
Developers’ notes: We are leaving some room for this to expire before the cooldown of Healing Rain or Surging Totem becomes available to avoid having to cancel the buff or wait for it to expire when Downpour is not necessary to cast.
The starter build has been updated.
Several talents have moved locations.
Ancestral Vigor is now a 2-point talent.
The following talents have been removed:
Healing Wave (now learned at level 11)
Mana Tide Totem
Primordial Wave
All healing increased by 5%.
Acid Rain damage increased by 25%.
Fixed an issue that caused Therazane’s Resilience to not function correctly with external Earth Shields.
Developers’ notes: This baseline healing adjustment is aimed at keeping Restoration Shaman’s overall throughput similar to their level before Ancestral Guidance was removed.
Master of the Elements now lasts 30 seconds (was 15 seconds).
All Ancestor healing now benefits from Mastery: Deep Healing.
All Ancestor healing reduced by 15%.
Ancestors now cast Healing Wave when the Shaman casts Healing Wave. Healing Wave heals for slightly more than Healing Surge.
Whispering Waves now also duplicates Healing Wave healing done by Ancestors.
Maelstrom Supremacy now increases the healing of Healing Wave, Healing Surge, Wellspring, Downpour, and Chain Heal by 15% (was 8%).
Elemental Reverb now increases Riptide healing by 10% (was 5%).
Downpour now overrides Surging Totem for 22 seconds (was 12 seconds).
Drain Life damage increased by 100%.
Drain Life damage increased by an additional 100%.
Developers’ notes: Soul Rot provides Affliction with a burst damage window that focuses on casting Malefic Rapture in quick succession. While the Drain Life functionality of Soul Rot is unique and has some niche uses, it goes largely unused and can be confusing to newer players as to what they should be doing while Soul Rot is active. To address this, we are updating Soul Rot to heal its caster for a percentage of the damage dealt. This retains some of Soul Rot’s identity as an Affliction spell while providing a benefit that doesn’t clash with throughput.
Soul Rot has been redesigned - Devour the life force of your current target and up to 4 additional targets nearby, causing your primary target to suffer Shadow damage and secondary targets to suffer Shadow damage over 8 seconds. Damage dealt by Soul Rot also heals you for 50% of damage done.
Developers’ notes: In Undermine(d), the duration of Doom is now reduced for each Soul Shard spent on Hand of Gul’dan. Our goal with this change is to provide more control over when Doom explodes since its application is dependent on randomly receiving a Demonic Core. In addition, Doom Eternal wasn’t attractive enough to warrant a talent point but still felt missed as it made Doom feel incomplete since its duration reduction wasn’t maximized. Considering this, we’ve redesigned Doom Eternal to increase the uptime of Doom and provide a slight nudge to the Demonic Core economy.
Doom has been updated – Consuming a Demonic Core no longer reduces the duration of Doom. The duration of Doom is now reduced by 1 second per Soul Shard spent on Hand of Gul’dan.
Doom Eternal has been redesigned – When Doom expires, you have a 30% chance to generate a Demonic Core.
Demonic Calling now has a 20% chance to make your next Call Dreadstalkers cost 2 fewer Soul Shards and have no cast time (was 10%).
Liberation of Undermine 2-set bonus has been adjusted – The chance of your spell and abilities summoning a Greater Dreadstalker has been reduced.
Developers’ notes: War Within introduced a lot of new spells to Destruction’s kit, increasing its complexity considerably compared to prior versions of the specialization. In Undermine(d), we are adding passive versions of Dimensional Rift and Channel Demonfire as well as adding the ability to change Rain of Fire’s targeting to an enemy target rather than a reticle. These changes are aimed at providing more options for players to customize their gameplay to fit their preferred level of complexity when it comes to playing Destruction.
New Talent: Demonfire Infusion – Periodic damage from Immolate/Wither has a 4% chance to fire a Demonfire bolt at 100% increased effectiveness. Incinerate has a 25% chance to fire a Demonfire bolt at 100% increased effectiveness.
Dimension Ripper has been redesigned – Periodic damage dealt by Immolate/Wither has a 5% chance to tear open a Dimensional Rift. Now a choice against Dimensional Rift.
Havoc duration is now 15 seconds (was 12 seconds).
Mayhem now has a 35% chance to activate (was 25%).
Decimation will now highlight Soul Fire while active.
Diabolic Embers has been moved to row 10.
Rain of Fire is now a choice node that can be used to change the targeting from reticle to your current target.
Liberation of Undermine 2-set bonus has been adjusted – Jackpot! now fires a flurry of 6 Demonfire bolts (was 12).
Developers’ notes: We feel that Warriors are in a good place overall, however, there are a few places we’d like to make improvements to each spec, and to the class as a whole. Warrior survivability in particular has been a weak point, and Endurance Training competing against powerful throughput nodes in the bottom of the Warrior tree makes it difficult to talent into. We’re combining Endurance Training and Reinforced Plates to put the choice in the second tier, which has more choice against other utility and survival nodes and thus be easier to spend points on. The Weapon Specialization nodes have been increased to 2 points to keep the tree structure and overall talent build costs similar, and the nodes have been rearranged slightly to make the choice about how to access Avatar more distinct for each spec.
Reinforced Plates is now a 2-point talent that grants 5% Stamina and 5% Armor per point.
Overwhelming Rage is now a 1-point talent that increases maximum Rage by 30.
Two-Handed Weapon Specialization (Arms) is now a 2-point talent that grants 3% damage and 2% reduction of damage from area-of-effect attacks while wielding a 2-hand weapon per point.
Dual Wield Specialization (Fury) is now a 2-point talent that grants 3% damage and 2% movement speed while dual-wielding per point.
One-Handed Weapon Specialization (Protection) is now a 2-point talent that grants 3% damage and 2% Leech per point.
Thunderous Words increases your Bleed damage by 20% on affected targets (was 30%).
Cruel Strikes, Wild Strikes, and the Weapon Specialization nodes have changed positions in the tree.
Endurance Training has been removed.
Developers’ notes: Arms Warriors should always feel good about using Mortal Strike when it’s available, so we’re moving damage from the Overpower buff into Mortal Strike and Cleave baseline to open up more rotational and build options.
Mortal Strike damage increased by 15%.
Cleave Damage increased by 15%.
Martial Prowess’ Overpower now increases the damage of your next Mortal Strike or Cleave by 15% per stack, up to 2 (was 30%).
Bloodborne increases Bleed effect damage by 5/10% (was 7.5/15%).
Bloodsurge now causes damage from Deep Wounds to have a chance to generate 3 Rage.
Liberation of Undermine 2-set bonus – Your abilities have a chance to begin a Winning Streak!, increasing the damage of Overpower by 5%, stacking up to 10 times. Overpower has a 15% chance to end your Winning Streak!
Liberation of Undermine 4-set bonus – When your Winning Streak! ends you gain 2% Haste and your Mortal Strike and Cleave damage is increased by 2% per stack of Winning Streak! you had for 12 seconds.
Mortal Strike damage increased by 20%.
Overpower damage increased by 20%.
Dreadnaught damage increased by 20%.
Cleave damage increased by 10%.
Execute damage increased by 10%.
Slam damage increased by 30%.
Colossus Smash and Warbreaker have new visuals.
Warbreaker’s area of effect is now centered around a point 1 yard in front of the Warrior, to better align with the new visuals.
Colossal Might is no longer applied by Execute.
Developers’ notes: Using your hard-hitting rotational ability regularly is core to the Colossus playstyle, and Execute applying Colossal Might pushed Colossus away from that during Execute phases.
An issue causing Demolish’s animation to not correctly play sometimes is now fixed.
Cleave will only trigger Reap the Storm if 3 or more targets are hit.
Imminent Demise and Death Drive now correctly require the Sudden Death talent to be taken to function.
Developers’ notes: This was an oversight during implementation. Slayers are expected to talent into Sudden Death.
Developers’ notes: Fury is overall in a place we are happy with, and we’re taking this opportunity to redesign some talents to keep their effects unique and powerful.
Titan’s Torment has been redesigned – While Avatar is active Rampage’s Rage cost is reduced by 20 and Bloodthirst’s cooldown is reduced by 1.5 seconds.
Developers’ notes: We want to provide a new option for Avatar to impact Fury’srotation, and let you make the best use of your Avatar duration with more Rampages and Bloodthirsts. This change will also allow us to maintain Odyn’s Fury as a powerful and signature Fury ability independent of Avatar.
Reckless Abandon has been redesigned – Activating Recklessness generates 50 Rage and while Recklessness is active, Raging Blow and Bloodthirst are replaced by Crushing Blow and Bloodbath.
Crushing Blow – A powerful dual-weapon strike that deals 10% increased Critical Strike damage.
Bloodbath – A powerful attack that applies a Bleed to the target that is extended by its full duration when reapplied.
Developers’ notes: Reckless Abandon has been having an outsized impact on rotations and we’d like to bring the focus of the talent back to Recklessness as well as make Crushing Blow and Bloodbath abilities with unique additional effects.
Rampage damage increased by 20%.
Raging Blow damage increased by 20%.
Crushing Blow damage increased by 20%.
Bloodthirst damage increased by 20%.
Bloodbath instant damage increased by 20%.
Odyn’s Fury damage increased by 15%.
Imminent Demise and Death Drive now correctly require the Sudden Death talent to be taken to function.
Developers’ notes: This was an oversight during implementation. Slayers are expected to talent into Sudden Death.
Developers’ notes: Protection Warriors are currently constantly flooded with Rage which undermines rotational defensive decision-making and encourages constant dumping of Rage into Ignore Pain to maximize effectiveness. We’re taking a pass at reducing Protection’s overall Rage generation to make decisions on when and how to spend it more meaningful, without reducing Protection Warriors’ ability to tank effectively.
Chance to reset the cooldown of Shield Slam from Devastator and Strategist reduced to 20% (was 30%).
Impenetrable Wall no longer increases Rage generated by Shield Slam.
Champion’s Bulwark no longer increases the Rage generated by Shield Charge.
Bloodsurge now causes damage from Deep Wounds to have a chance to generate 3 Rage.
Violent Outburst has been rebuilt to be easier to understand and track progress towards the next Outburst. Additional Rage generated from Violent Outburst reduced to 50% (was 100%).
Shield Wall cooldown reduced to 3 minutes (was 3.5 minutes).
Amount of damage ignored from each use of Ignore Pain increased by 30%.
Developers’ notes: As we continue to iterate on improving Protection Warriors’ rotation and Rage economy, we’re making adjustments to several talents to account for those rotational changes and feedback from testing.
All ability damage increased by 5%.
Shield Slam damage increased by 20%.
Brace for Impact stacks up to 3 times (was 5), and grants 10% Shield Slam damage and shield block value by 5% (was 5% Shield Slam damage and 3% shield block value).
Punish reduces damage the punished target deals to you by 4% (was 2%).
Bloodsurge has had its chance to trigger increased significantly and generates 5 Rage (was 3).
Instigate causes Devastator to generate 2 Rage (was 1).
Liberation of Undermine set bonus has been updated:
Luck of the Draw! duration increased to 12 seconds (was 10 seconds).
Fixed an issue causing Luck of the Draw! to incorrectly modify Shield Slam’s critical strike chance.
Barbaric Training no longer increases the Rage cost of Revenge.
Execute damage increased by 10%.
Frothing Berserker now has a chance to refund 50% of the Rage spent on Revenge (was 25%).
Fixed an issue that was causing Bloodsurge to trigger less frequently than intended.
Liberation of Undermine set bonus – Luck of the Draw! duration increased to 12 seconds (was 10 seconds).
Liberation of Undermine set bonus – Shield Charge cooldown reduction increased to 12 seconds (was 6 seconds).
Liberation of Undermine set bonus – Fixed an issue causing Luck of the Draw! to incorrectly modify Shield Slam’s critical strike chance.
Colossal Might is no longer applied by Execute.
Developers’ notes: Using your hard-hitting rotational ability regularly is core to the Colossus playstyle, and Execute applying Colossal Might pushed Colossus away from that during Execute phases.
An issue causing Demolish’s animation to not correctly play sometimes is now fixed.
Practiced Strikes increases Rage generated by Shield Slam by 3.
Mountain Thane
Avatar of the Storm has a chance to grant 6 seconds of Avatar (was 4 seconds).
Two new delves are available: Excavation Site 9 and Sidestreet Sluice
New variants to almost all of the War Within delves, with the majority of them being goblin-themed.
Delver’s Journey has been updated with new rewards for Season 2.
New delve mount: Delver’s Gob-trotter
New challenge encounter.
Rewards a gold variant of the new gob-trotter mount.
Brann Bronzebeard now specializes in an additional role: Tank
Developers’ notes: In Undermine(d), we’re aiming to make healing a more viable and engaging option fordoing solo Delves content.
Brann relies on his allies, scavenged advanced technology, and his trusty shotgun to charge into the front lines.
Pistol Shot – Brann pulls out his pistol and quickly shoots his enemy.
Shield Bash – Brann bashes enemies in front with a shield.
Boomstick Blitz – Brann uses his shotgun to blast his enemies.
Veteran of Ironforge – Brann wields a pistol, and a shield that wears in battle, providing damage reduction per stack. As the shields gets damaged, Brann’s survival instincts kick in, increasing his damage dealt, and when the shield gets worn-out, he switches to his trusty shotgun.
Bronzebeard’s Brown Bear – Brann summons the family bear, which charges into battle, launching enemies up into the air. The bear then prepares for a series of massive stomps, dealing damage, forming an area that increases dodge chance, and increasing maximum health.
Electro-Charged Gadgets – Brann’s equipment is enhanced with cutting-edge tech upgrades.
Electro-Charged Shield – Effective healing done to Brann pulsates as Nature damage to nearby enemies.
Electro-Charged Pistol – Each shot discharges and electrical current, arcing through nearby enemies and reducing their attack speed. Healing Brann super-charges his pistol to deal more damage.
Electro-Charged Shotgun – Each enemy hit has a chance to be knocked down. Healing Brann super-charges his shotgun to deal more damage.
Neat Rope Trick – When an enemy attacks a player, Brann throws his trusty lasso, pulling the enemy back to him. The same enemy cannot be lassoed more than once within 10 seconds.
Sentry Totem – Brann deploys an electrifying totem, nullifying up to 3 harmful spells and boosting combat capabilities of allies within the area.
Grand Brann Slam – Brann leaps into battle with concussive force, dealing damage and taunting enemies nearby.
Lightning Link – Brann generates an electro link that transfers damage done to nearby allies to himself.
Explorer’s Survival Journal (Paragon Ability) – Brann’s combat mastery grants him increased maximum health and healing received.
Season 2 Delver’s Journey and rewards are now available for testing.
The following delves are now available for testing:
Excavation Site 9
Kriegval’s Rest
An issue causing Bronzebeard’s Brown Bear to sometimes not engage in combat has been resolved.
Item Level will now be correctly adjusted to 11.1 scaling when entering a Delve on PTR.
Zandelvari is located at the Delver’s Headquarter in Dornogal and will offer testers the following:
Coffer keys
Brann Curios
Brann Level Ups
Teleports to any Delve
Teleport to Capital City
Operation: Floodgate
Cinderbrew Meadery
The Rookery
Darkflame Cleft
Priory of the Sacred Flame
The Motherlode
Mechagon Workshop
Theatre of Pain
New character-specific achievement: The War Within Keystone Legend: Season Two
Requirement: Attain a Mythic+ Rating of at least 2850 during The War Within Season Two.
Reward: Failing to clear a Mythic+ dungeon within the timer will no longer reduce the level of your Keystones below 12 for the season.
Keystone from the weekly vault will not decay below level 12 with this achievement.
Keystone can still be lowered below level 12 by speaking to Lindormi.
Unified enemy buffs on all Xal’atath’s Bargain affixes with Xal’atath’s Gift, increasing damage done up to 50% and reducing damage taken up to 100% for 20 seconds on all nearby enemies in combat.
New Affix: Xal’atath’s Bargain: Pulsar – While in combat, Xal’atath summons pulsars that orbit players. Replaces Xal’atath’s Bargain: Oblivion in Season 2.
Xal’atath’s Guile has been redesigned – Now causes keystones above level 12 to increase health and damage of enemies by 12% per level instead of 10% per level.
Xal’atath’s Bargain: Voidbound has been redesigned – Dark Prayer now has a 15 second cast time, and grants all nearby enemies in combat Xal’atath’s Gift when the cast completes. No longer grants damage reduction while active.
Potency of Xal’atath’s Gift granted by Dark Prayer is based on the remaining shield percentage on the Void Emissary.
Royal Jelly Purveyor’s Honey Volley cooldown increased.
Darkflame Cleft
Minecart Event
The minecart’s candle light now burns more slowly.
Default light radius increased.
The light radius of candles now have a visual indicator.
Shuffling Horror no longer uses Shadow Smash.
Reduced the area effect size of Suffocating Darkness.
Priory of the Sacred Flame
Ardent Paladin
Consecrate now has a precast visual and a 2.75 second cast time.
No longer uses Seal of Light’s Fury.
Zealous Templar
No longer uses Templar Strike.
No longer uses Divine Storm.
Arathi Footman
No longer uses Mortal Strike.
The Rookery
Kyrioss now has an increased hitbox range during Lightning Torrent.
Cursed Rookguard no longer uses Crackling Crush.
Void-Cursed Crusher no longer uses Implosion.
Item effects that increase their damage for each enemy struck while splitting between all enemies (sometimes known as “meteor damage”) increased by 100%.
Developers’ notes: Trinkets of this type tend to scale very poorly compared to stat trinkets in area-of-effect situations. While this change is not necessarily intended to put them on par with each other, it should make them more competitive overall.
Completing the Feat of Strength for achieving Keystone Master, or 1600+ in rated PvP, or killing the final raid boss on Heroic or Mythic difficulty now grants one additional Catalyst charge as a reward.
Developers’ notes: This previously awarded a token for one set armor piece. We feel that the time has come to move on from earning and redeeming class set armor tokens at their vendors for a desired armor variant. Players will now want to find an eligible Veteran-track or higher armor piece to convert at the Catalyst, and these can be acquired from many sources around Undermine.
The Intellect and Stamina values given by Daybreak, Sunset, and Weavercloth Spellthread in The War Within have been adjusted to match the Agility/Strength and Stamina values given by their Armor Kit counterparts for better parity. These changes apply to existing enchantments, and do not require re-applying a spellthread for updated values.
Developers’ notes: In most instances this is a significant increase, with 1-star/2-star quality of the Weavercloth Spellthread being reduced in potency. For example, a 3-star quality Sunset Spellthread goes from +747 Intellect / +230 Stamina to +930 Intellect / +895 Stamina. Meanwhile, a 2-star quality Weavercloth Spellthread goes from +536 Intellect to +525 Intellect.
Remaining Bronze Celebration Tokens from the 20th Anniversary Event has been converted to Timewarped Badges. The exchange is 20 Timewarped Badges for each Bronze Celebration Token matching the boxes that were on the event vendor.
Sureki Zealot’s Insignia’s mana restoration effect reduced by 50% and requires direct healing to trigger.
Developers’ notes: As groups acquired more of these rare necklaces as Season 1 progressed, its effect had a greater impact on the mana management than intended. This was particularly true for Restoration Druids who could trigger it significantly more often than other healers.
Scrapfield 9001’s health threshold to trigger the absorb effect lowered to 60% (was 75%) and the absorb increased by 10%.
Singing Citrine’s heal effects reduced by 33% for damage dealer and tank specializations.
Roaring War-Queen’s Citrine chance to trigger has been reduced slightly.
Raid Rewards
Eye of Kezan, Mug’s Moxie Jug, and Reverb Radio should trigger more consistently across all talent specializations.
House of Cards cooldown reduced to 1.5 minutes (was 2 minutes), duration reduced to 15 seconds (was 20 seconds), and reduced variance of potential Mastery to ±10% (was 15%).
Fixed an issue where the transform cast from Best-in-Slots was not immediately interrupted upon entering combat.
Players are now more likely to find Warbound Until Equipped equipment when defeating raid bosses.
Waxwick can be purchased at any stable master by players who have completed Khaz Algar Safari achievement.
Developers’ notes: We’re making updates to PvP talents focused on removing, replacing, and modernizing our designs to encourage talent diversity, save keybinds and reduce complexity, and carve new gameplay space.
Conqueror’s Prized Varnish and Conqueror’s Prized Lacquer are now purchasable from Lalandi in Dornogal for 875 and 700 Conquest respectively and can be consumed to apply rated PvP item level to class set armor acquired from PvE content.
Developers’ notes: These new consumables allow players to avoid having to choose between catalyzing PvP and PvE armor. For example, a player could acquire a Hero-track chestpiece from Mythic+, convert it into their class set armor at the Catalyst, and then purchase a Conqueror’s Prized Varnish to reach the same PvP item level that they would receive from purchasing and converting a Prized Gladiator’s Leather Vest for the same Conquest and Catalyst costs. Please note that armor upgraded in this way maintains its PvE origin and so cannot be socketed with a Prized Jeweler’s Setting.
All Liberation of Undermine class sets are now 50% effective in PvP combat.
Arathi Basin
The initial spawning of nodes to capture Blacksmith, Gold Mines, and Lumber Mill now spawn 4 seconds later than previously.
Battle for Gilneas
The initial spawning of the node at Waterworks now spawns 4 seconds later than previously.
Walking Dead (PvP Talent) has been removed.
New PvP Talent: Death’s Cold Embrace – Pillar of Frost grants you Remorseless Winter and increases its damage by 1000% and its radius by 150%, but your movement speed is heavily reduced for its duration. Pillar of Frost’s cooldown increased by 15 seconds.
Veteran of the Third War now increases Stamina by 6% in PvP combat (was 10%).
Null Magic now reduces the magical damage you take by 3% in PvP combat (was 4%).
Dead of Winter (PvP Talent) has been removed.
Veteran of the Third War now increases Stamina by 6% in PvP combat (was 10%).
Null Magic now reduces the magical damage you take by 3% in PvP combat (was 4%).
Necrotic Wounds no longer has a healing component.
New PvP Talent: Illidan’s Grasp – You strangle the target with demonic magic, stunning them in place and dealing Shadow damage over 5 seconds while the target is grasped. Can move while channeling. Use Illidan’s Grasp again to toss the target to a location within 20 yards. Replaces Fel Eruption.
Illidan’s Grasp (PvP Talent) throw range reduced to 20 yards (was 40 yards) and no longer stuns and damages on throw impact.
Thorns (PvP Talent) has been redesigned – Now a passive that activates when you cast Barkskin or Ironbark.
King of the Jungle (PvP Talent) has been removed.
New PvP Talent: Ancient of Lore – Shapeshift into an Ancient of Lore for 12 seconds, preventing all crowd control effects, reducing damage taken by 20%, and granting you access to Blossom Burst and Mass Blooming. Reduced movement speed and replaces Incarnation: Tree of Life. 1.5 minute cooldown.
Blossom Burst – Heals an ally and applies 1 missing heal over time effect. If all of them are present, Blossom Burst critically heals.
Mass Blooming – Heals 5 allies and applies 1 missing heal over time effect.
New PvP Talent: Forest Guardian – Wrath, Starfire, Cyclone, and Combo-Point generating abilities extend the duration of your active heal over time effects by 1 second on up to 3 allies. Starsurge and Combo-Point spending abilities increase the rate of your heal over time spells by 25% for 4 seconds.
Mastery: Harmony’s effectiveness is no longer reduced by 20% in PvP combat.
Lifebloom’s healing has been increased by 15% in PvP combat.
The following PvP talents have been removed:
Focused Growth
Preserve Nature
Tranquility healing increased by 100% in PvP combat.
Ancient of Lore (PvP Talent) – No longer prevents other Druid spells from being cast for its duration, instead Blossom Burst now overrides Ancient of Lore’s keybind for its duration and Mass Blooming overrides Efflorescence. Blossom Burst and Mass Blooming healing increased by 30% and movement speed has also been increased.
Sleep Walk no longer has a cooldown.
Dream Catcher (PvP Talent) has been removed.
Hero Talents
Consume Flame damage has been reduced by 40% in PvP combat.
New PvP Talent: Seismic Slam – Landslide causes enemies who are mid-air to be slammed to the ground, stunning them for 4 seconds and Landslide’s cooldown is reduced by 15 seconds.
Dream Projection (PvP Talent) has been removed.
New PvP Talent: Explosive Powder – Bursting Shot now also knocks you back and snares enemies by an additional 20%.
Dire Beast: Basilisk has been redesigned – Now triggers automatically onto your target when you cast Call of the Wild.
New PvP Talent: Sniper’s Advantage – Trueshot and Volley increase the range of all shots by 30% for their duration.
New PvP Talent: Aspect of the Fox – Aimed Shot may be cast while moving during Aspect of the Cheetah and Aspect of the Cheetah’s delayed effect is increased by 4 seconds.
Ranger’s Finesse no longer increases the effectiveness of Bursting Shot.
The following PvP talents have been removed:
Interlope (Marksmanship only)
Sniper Shot
Trueshot Mastery
Wild Kingdom
Improved Streamline’s effectiveness reduced by 50% in PvP combat.
New PvP Talent: Overpowered Barrier – All barriers absorb 100% more damage and have an additional effect, but last 5 seconds.
Ice Barrier – If the barrier is fully absorbed, enemies within 10 yards suffer massive Frost damage and are slowed by 70% for 4 seconds.
Blazing Barrier – Reflects 100% of damage absorbed.
Prismatic Barrier – If the barrier is fully absorbed, gain Time Warp for 4 seconds.
Ring of Fire (PvP Talent) has been redesigned – Now disorients enemies who enter for 3 seconds and burns for 3% of their maximum health over its duration (was 18%). Cooldown increased to 45 seconds (was 30 seconds). Overrides Ring of Frost.
Ring of Fire now has a more pronounced visual effect.
Alter Time is now affected by healing reduction effects, such as dampening.
Temporal Shield (PvP Talent) has been removed.
Arcane Familiar damage increased by 250% in PvP combat.
New PvP Talent: Ignition Burst – Heat Shimmer now additionally causes your next Scorch to become instant cast and cast at 100% effectiveness.
Fireheart (PvP Talent) has been removed.
Arcane Phoenix non-exceptional spell damage increased by 100% in PvP combat.
Arcane Phoenix exceptional spell damage increased by 50% in PvP combat.
Arcane Phoenix will now only use single target spells in PvP combat.
Fixed an issue that caused the Arcane Phoenix to occasionally cast the player’s version of Meteorite.
Absolute Serenity (PvP Talent) has been updated – Now prevents all crowd control (was incapacitate, disorient, snare, and root effects).
Alpha Tiger (PvP Talent) has been removed.
New PvP Talent: Feather Feet – You may now cast while moving during Lighter than Air and it now lasts 4 seconds.
Alpha Tiger (PvP Talent) has been removed.
Reverse Harm (PvP Talent) has been removed.
New PvP Talent: Shining Revelation – The light reveals all enemies in stealth or invisible to you while under the effects of Divine Shield. This effect lingers for 20 seconds after Divine Shield fades.
Luminescence (PvP Talent) has been redesigned – Lightbearer’s healing transfer is increased by up to 200% based on your current health. Lower health heals allies for more. Now available to Holy Paladins.
New PvP Talent: Blessing of Spellwarding – Blesses a party or raid member, granting immunity to magical damage and harmful effects for 10 seconds. Cannot be used on a target with Forbearance. Causes Forbearance for 30 seconds. Shares a cooldown with Blessing of Protection.
The following PvP talents have been removed:
Blessed Hands
Judgments of the Pure
Aura of Reckoning (PvP Talent) has been removed.
The following PvP talents have been removed:
Aura of Reckoning
Archangel has been redesigned – Now a passive spell that upgrades Evangelism, causing it heal for 30% more and increase your healing and absorption by 20% for 15 seconds.
Dark Archangel has been redesigned – Now triggers automatically when you cast Shadowfiend or Mindbender and increases damage done by 10% (was 15%).
Shadow Word: Pain damage no longer increased by 15% in PvP combat.
Trinity (PvP Talent) has been redesigned – Atonement duration increased by 10 seconds. Smite, Penance, and Void Blast have 30% reduced cast time when you have Atonement on 3 or more allies.
Aegis of Wrath has been renamed to Eternal Barrier and is no longer reduced in PvP combat.
Seraphic Crescendo has moved from PvP talents to the Holy tree.
New PvP Talent: Preemptive Maneuver – Feint decreases your damage taken by an additional 40% while stunned and its energy cost is reduced by 30%.
Veil of Midnight (PvP Talent) has been removed.
The following PvP talents have been removed:
Enduring Brawler
Take Your Cut
Shadowy Duel (PvP Talent) has been removed.
Electrocute (PvP Talent) damage increased by 100%.
New PvP Talent: Storm Conduit – Casting Lightning Bolt or Chain Lightning reduces the cooldown of Astral Shift, Gust of Wind, Wind Shear, and Nature Totems by 1 second.
Storm Conduit (PvP Talent) now additionally reduces interrupt duration suffered while casting Lightning Bolt or Chain Lightning by 30%.
Ride the Lightning (PvP Talent) has been removed.
New PvP Talent: Storm Conduit – Casting Lightning Bolt or Chain Lightning reduces the cooldown of Astral Shift, Gust of Wind, Wind Shear, and Nature Totems by 3 seconds.
Totem of Wrath (PvP Talent) now triggers from Nature’s Swiftness.
Whispering Waves now duplicates 25% of Healing Wave’s healing in PvP combat (was 10%).
Storm Conduit (PvP Talent) now additionally reduces interrupt duration suffered while casting Lightning Bolt or Chain Lightning by 50%.
New PvP Talent: Bloodstones – Your Healthstones are replaced with Bloodstones which increase their user’s Haste by 20% for 12 seconds instead of healing.
Call Observer (PvP Talent) has been removed.
Bonds of Fel (PvP Talent) damage increased by 40%.
New PvP Talent: Berserker Roar – Go berserk, removing and granting immunity to Fear, Sap, and Incapacitate effects for 6 seconds. Also reduces the duration of the next crowd control effect within 15 seconds by 50% on group members within 40 yards. Replaces Berserker Shout.
Dragon Charge (PvP Talent) has been redesigned – You can now move slightly left and right during its effect. Cooldown increased to 45 seconds (was 20 seconds). Now available to all warrior specializations and overrides Heroic Leap.
Dragon Charge can no longer be cast while rooted and may be double tapped to cancel early.
Rebound (PvP Talent) now increases the damage of reflected spells by 100% (was 50%).
Rallying Cry is now 100% more effective in PvP combat.
Warbringer (PvP Talent) has been removed.
Sharpen Blade (PvP Talent) has been redesigned – Now empowers your next Mortal Strike after you cast Colossus Smash or Warbreaker.
Storm of Destruction (PvP Talent) now additionally functions with Demolish.
Master and Commander no longer increases the effectiveness of Rallying Cry by 10%.
The following PvP talents have been removed:
Shadow of the Colossus
War Banner
Death Wish now causes you to grow in size with each stack.
The following PvP talents have been removed:
Battle Trance
Warpath (PvP Talent) has been removed.
The Undermine(d) campaign now only requires the following:
Completing the Level-Up Campaign
Character level 80
Additional camp groups can now be created on the character select screen with a maximum of 20 groups. Groups can be renamed or deleted by right clicking the group header button.
New Warband campsite backgrounds can now be unlocked for the character select screen. A list of available campsites can be found in a new tab in the Warband Collections pane.
Collected campsites can be accessed and displayed from the menu button at the top of the character select screen. From here you can:
Assign a campsite background for a specific group or for all groups.
Set a campsite as a favorite.
Randomize from your favorites. If there are no favorites set, one will be chosen from all available.
The Quest Log pane has received several updates:
The map filter now has a counter for how many items are hidden from the map.
The map legend has been relocated to a tab on the side of the pane.
A new event tab has been added to the pane with information about ongoing and scheduled events within Khaz Algar. This allows you to keep track of weekly event completion and set reminders for upcoming timed events.
Specializations for hunter pets can now be changed in the stable via a dropdown menu.
Overall addon performance information has been added to the top of the AddOn list, and information for specific addons is now included in the tooltip that appears when hovering the Game Menu microbutton.
AddOns can now be categorized by addon authors and related addons will be grouped automatically in the list. Search and new right-click options have also been added to the menu.
World events that appear in a city hub are now consolidated with other map pins into the hub. Pins will be placed in their actual locations when zooming into the map.
The indicator that a quest has already been completed by your Warband now appears at the top of the gossip frame.
The achievement point display in the guild roster will now display the total achievement points for that character’s Warband, the same value that is displayed in the achievement UI. The point total will not update in the guild until that character has been logged in at least once.
The Hunter Pet Stable specialization dropdown now displays the icon in front of the label rather than after.