Overcrowded Realm Update – August 21

We’ve already done that but if no servers open until launch day trying to coordinate the 30ish people we have currently isnt going to be a quick or easy feat

what is this language you ares speaking?

name 2.

Like I said, BfA is that way ============>

Make too many servers, end up with dead servers and having to merge or try to get people to xfer to them.

Make too few while committed to no layering past phase 1 and end up with nightmarish queue times and chaos as people jump around trying to find a place to play that isn’t awful and which may become awful if too many people try to re-locate to that server.

Long-term layering/megaservers are the best solution that nobody wants to face.

Yeesh didn’t know Vanilla bros were this toxic, claiming everything after Vanilla is a “failure” lol. Maybe stick to private servers then.

Y’all are acting like this first few days really matters in the overall scheme of things. By the middle of September, everything will be shaken out and everyone will be hard pressed to remember the two bad days at launch.


Bornakk, what are we talking here? Even Medium are going to see like an hour? 2?

In fact, it will be remembered fondly. Like a war story you tell your friends and kids years later.



1 or more people in this thread: Has it ever occurred to Blizz that some of us WANT an overpopulated mega-server?

Anything above medium does not generally include medium


“above Medium”, that means high or full


Yeah, that’s all versions that ever existed combined.

There haven’t been 239m downloads of any specific version; there have never been anywhere near that many WoW players.

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Good catch, so whats the Queue at ‘High’? 30 Min? 1 Hour?

I read a page into it, and saw no one who wants that.

I guess we’ll find out on Monday when everyone on a high/full server crashes the forums, because they are in a queue.

EDIT: like we did when trying to reserve names for 45 min lol.


Thousands of people will probably be asking for it on launch when they wonder why they’re having to wait in a multi-hour queue in 2019 when Blizzard has the tech to deal with it.

Uhh is not Layering, the tech to deal with it? I’m confused.

They are only using extremely limited layering because they are committed to removing layering after phase 1. If they didn’t limit themselves in terms of layering you could have zero queues on launch day, but you’d need to keep layering long-term (a megaserver style plan).

and if they see no ques it wont scare off the random players before its too late. come phase 2, Mega cue sim Classic will be all the rage~

Ah I see. I think that would cause issues with World Bosses no?

Since we are making things up: I don’t think anyone will want this aside from you.

If all is not well, Blizzard will open more servers. They have done it already, and will do it again if they need too. I am pretty sure they understand all this better than any of us.

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