Overcrowded Realm Update – August 21

Do you even read what you write? Have you looked at both Full Est Normal servers? The populations will double on release day:

We need more servers!


For a better play experience I highly recommend coming up with a long-term layering/megaserver plan.

Your commitment to oldschool style and sized servers is going to be a nightmare.

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Have you considered increasing the number of characters you can create?

Part of the sickness for those that already have their three characters created with names they like is the risk of deleting those and not being able to get that name on a new server.

There are two marked as high and two marked as full.

Notice those are all PvP realms…

You are wrong. The server cap (thus max number of layers) dictates queue SIZE. If they only allow 3 layers (9k) people and 20k people are trying to play this means you have an 11k queue (thus longer queue times than if only say you have 2 layers.) If you have 18k people and and 20k trying to play queue times will be far shorter.
The more people on a server the faster queue times are per person in queue (as 18k people on a server, on average, will log off at twice the rate of a 9k server population. Thus the queue per person should move about twice as fast.)

Panzer was saying open the flood gates allow 50k+ pop servers. Its not a bad idea with how poorly this was rolled out. (Had they release name res day like 12+ pvp servers you would see much much better distribution.) Blizz could always lower pop caps week by week forcing people to transfer off.

Really? With all the hate for layering? #nochanges?

BfA has this problem taken care of check it out =====>

Sounds like PVE has no choice but expect a high queue time to me? What other choice do I have if I dont want to roll PVP?

RP! There’s plenty of room in Goldshire and the Park is back!

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Guess Normal servers mean absolutely nothing to the team…

I would choose the high over full. Or, wait and see if Blizzard opens a new PVE realm. Or, roll RP.

You think you want new servers, but you don’t.

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They will almost certainly open up more realms just before or on launch day.

“Derp de doo, you don’t agree with my irrational position on server size so you should go play BfA.”

A lot of people who would play classic would be fine with megaservers and would prefer them over the overcrowded queue nightmares + having multiple groups of friends splitting up and moving to different servers in the chaos at launch as some jump servers and others stay.

People claim layering/megaservers would destroy the community, but the oldschool style server issues are going to be far more harmful to communities than layering ever could be.

I chose high and now it’s full (mankrik). Now there’s literally no choice if you want a pve est server.


I am sure they will open more at launch the issue is trying to coordinate my entire guild to move to the same server and not get stuck behind the massive horde of players that will inevitably be in the starting zones

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Are you even looking at what the server populations say when you post Bornakk? All the PVE servers are high or full. Stop telling us over and over to go to medium or low where there are not any. Open up new servers, or fix your bandwidth. It is all on you, not like we can make new servers.


Can’t see this not being the case. These servers are for advance name reservation and likely TO DECIDE how many NEW SERVERS they need on launch day when the name baloney is gone.

More EST Normal servers, please. All we have in the midwest are corn fields and WoW. Please don’t make me stare at corn for hours while I try to log in ;___;


Just get the word out early that you guys are going to the next PvE realm that opens and to stay tuned leading up to Launch. Some people may not get the exact names they want, but that’s always the case.

you guys need to add like 5 new servers… you guys have the raw data for how many characters have been made and the games not even out yet… can you imagine how bad its going to get this weekend nearing monday? by then it will be too late for guilds to convince 40 people and their friends to change servers last minute…

and like… its not even like you can play BFA while you wait in queu either since both games share the same unique ID and each logs you off of the other