Orc Paladins

This makes no sense.

That is a different class then, not paladins fen.

That’s other media, not Warcraft

Really cant wait to have some Taurens at Ravenholdt, beef burger delivery sucks out in that mountain.

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While at the rate Blizzard is destroying any distinctions in their game in order to homogenize everything for their obsession with e-sporteque gameplay I don’t doubt paladins will be reduced to this in the near future, currently paladins also need faith, believing without reservation in order to be a paladin.

But that is not a barrier to Orcs being Paladins either.

I think that baby is already nailed down as tight as it can be; there is just no way to stop the stink from escaping.

Yes. And it’s sad.

But I was still interested in hearing opinions on this particular subject when I discovered there is no actual reason Orcs can’t be paladins. I mean, even culturally, there is no historic anti-light incident or sentiment that would be a barrier.

An’she is a sun god.

And his light is not the same as The Light.

Freethinkers, like the heathen the speaker equates them with, were not a class; they were a characterization.

Prelates are an actual class.

And, in my opinion, while Tauren Paladins might be able to slide on a technicality, the explanation for Zandalaria Troll Paladins is the very definition of ‘weird lore’.

Titan constructs regularly use the light…

Why wouldn’t Rezan be able to channel the light through his worshippers?

Why wouldn’t An’she?

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Paladins needs to also be infused with the light.

Theoretically it may be the same reason why akama could no longer summon the light, fel exposure.

It’s the same.

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Yes it is.

Holy Magic.


As I said, a technicality.

I mean, if you go with that idea, any race with any type of religious leanings should be able to be paladins and that will pretty much throw out the whole connection of paladins and light.

That slippery slope is not just a fallacy!

But, regardless, none of this is a reason for Orcs not to be true paladins.

Except we do have a paladin that did lose his powers when he was mutated by the fel.


It says here in the original Sunwalker quest that training will bring them close to the light. Not fire. Not sun light. Not sun-nature-druid spells. The light.

Anduin said in Before the Storm that An’she is another expression of the Light.

Yes, paladin trainers in Thunder Bluff talk about the sun’s light guiding you but if you click on the Priest trainers they talk about The Light.

Sunwalkers don’t have much lore but what they do have does not talk about alternative magic, fire, being a Druid or any other headcanon people like to come up with.


Even if Orc Paladin’s would exist, I doubt they would be Horde aligned. The orcs and the Mag’Har Orcs both have deep connections to shamanism then the light.

The Paladin Orcs seen in the Mag’Har recruitment quest were trying to purge the Shamanistic tribes either willing or forced. They worked along side Yrell’s armies. So the only way Orc Paladins would be playable if a group was aligned towards the Alliance. We all know that will never happen for 2 reasons. Blizzard will never add Orcs to the Alliance side of the game and 2, the Dark Portal Link between our two different universe’s can only occur on our side with the Key protected by the Dragon’s of Time.

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I do remember one of the developers commenting that they intentionally avoided calling the Sunwalkers “Paladins.” Of course, that doesn’t mean they’re armored Druids, or don’t use the Light. Just that they’re not “Paladins,” but instead are just Sunwalkers which is it’s own thing, just like the Zandalari Prelates are their own thing.

Though that might have been and old developer who is no longer there, so who knows what the current group even thinks.

:woman_shrugging: Never seen or heard that.

If I can find it again, I’ll post a link. Until then, just treat it with a grain of salt, of course.

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orc paladins if we get night elf paladins as well

please there’s two already in our order hall lemme be sexy night elf with the light

Tovi VS all sunwalker paladin deniers


:rofl: at least one person gets me!

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If the scarlet crusade can pally than anyone can.

All the light needs is a strong conviction your doing the right thing and it’s for the good of the light or w/e and then u get to channel it. They don’t sit there and look at what ppl do with the light powers. It’s not even granted really it’s like a cosmic force tied into the psyche and physiology of those who channel it. It’s just not easy to channel it without a strong conviction for good, it’s always there for everyone tho. So even crazy ppl can pally.

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I covered that in my original post.