Orc Paladins

Blizzard has said they are moving towards all races/all classes and I am interested in what players who post here would prefer when it comes to adding Orc Paladins.

a) just slap the class on, no lore or explanation needed, as there is no physical or magical or cultural reason for them not to wield the light

b) add a skin where Orcs use the power of nature like paladins use the power of the light (ideas on the skin name, ect, welcome)

c) Don’t do it, Blizzard! No orc worth his salt would take on the worship of his enemy!

Personally, I am purest but I can’t find any reason for Orcs not to be paladins. I mean, yeah, they are tainted with fel but so are blood elves and they can be paladins. In fact, I can’t figure out why they aren’t already.

So I would go with (a).

(And I really can’t figure out why they aren’t druids.)


This will end well.



There have been Orc Paladins in other media, so i say slap some lore on it and call it a day.

A lore explanation is necessary as all races have one.

Orcs don’t follow the light they are largely shamanistic.

Orcs on mass show they don’t have a concept of “light”

So just hush, we will get there when lore allows for it, and it currently bars it completely because it makes no flippin sense.


Well… They did go for it with Tauren being Paladins and that still makes zero sense to me. (reminded of what religon did to Natives but that’s besides that point).

If my Moo brethern can be Pallies then so can be Orcs.


I saw one in Legion somewhere, I think.

Well there is lore for that, so it could make sense for you if you bother to read it.

So no, this isn’t a flippant point.

Really, that’s your come back from that?
I read all about that and the lore since they did so fine thank you and it still stays the same for me.

I mean seriously…Undead Priest here like that’s sensible lol


It is sensible, Light and death are not incompatible, its shown to be able to live together, but causes great pain.

There is even undead paladins in lore, even light ghosts.

You got your opinion ad I got mine and that’s just fine.


That was me. I overate at this Mexican restaurant and got so sick everyone said I looked “green”


I knew you were the legionfall defender I saw spamming consecration in Legion. Mystery solved. You got me. I was mistaken.

Aren’t there Orc Paladins in the alternative Draenor? Or at least that’s what everyone assumes. There is your lore.


Opinion is irrelevant in the face of facts.

And in the science of the game, it is possible and its been shown and demonstrated.

I would assume so, but they didn’t come with the Orcs from alternate dreanor as they seemingly joined the lightbound, intentionally or not.

They did not come through the portal, so this is not a good reason.

Not to mention the Mag har have developed a bias against the light because of it.

So what, this is all opinion .
Everyone here on this thread and many other share their opinions no matter the topic.
I don’t play for the science I play for fun, try it sometime.


A few Orc Paladins find their way from alternative Draenor to Azeroth. They start training other Orc in the ways of Orcish Paladins.


Gameplay & Fun > Lore


The science and the story of the game is fun for me, and it doesn’t currently support Orc paladins.

Its why I am talking about it, especially when someone says we don’t need lore for it, they’re wrong and its been shown for years that wow holds the lore in regard to class selection for races.

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Lore hasn’t been a thing for a while now.