Orc Paladins

I’d like something along the lines of B) tailored to each race for each class (not just Paladins).

While I could deal with A) slapping classes on every race without explanation and regardless of lore issues, I’d much prefer some amount of effort made, when and where necessary, to make the more controversial class/race combos fit into the world.

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Yes please, so I can have a big buff Orc lady at my side in the name of the light.

What you just said shows critical lack of knowledge of the lore, so there isn’t any meaningful dialogue I can have with you with such disingenuous assertions, knowingly or not.

The problem with orc paladins isn’t the lore; they could literally just make up new lore to justify having a new type of paladin like they did with every other race that gained the ability to play paladin.

The actual problem is that orc racials (especially Hardiness) are overpowered in PvP

Couldn’t we get Orc Paladins via the Tauren teaching them to “PRAISE THE SUN!” like they do?

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Orc paladins feel wrong to me. Especially mag’har given their recruitment quest. I personally don’t like the idea of them getting Paladin.

I think I heard some great ideas about class skins from other forum posters. Like a Lightning’s blade skin. That way they get the Paladin class but aren’t actually paladins in lore…. If that makes sense.

I usually roll with the punches with whatever blizzard does. I don’t get upset with stuff. Everyone likes certain things. Just because I don’t like it, doesn’t mean it should be taken away from someone who does like it. So if it happens, it happens.

I be fine. Because lore is dead in this game. Quit gatekeeping fun

Speaking of paladins, can we get this armor in WoW. Or even for DKs? Especially with the cool looking arm tattoos

:dragon: :mountain: :ocean: :dragon: :mountain: :ocean: :dragon: :mountain: :ocean:

I’m going to go with option C! No Orc Paladins!

No. Anything cool or remotely customizable is illegal in WoW and we’re lucky the rest of the glyphs haven’t been axed because they can’t figure out anything creative to do with them.

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Argent Dawn. Lightforged. An’she. Or a Naruu rescued from WoD timeline and Y’rel.

I do not think maghar would be happy to see their new green orc friends become paladins.

If lightbound orcs where to be playable, it might end up as alliance and those orcs may take up an entirely different appearance now since time flows faster in AU then MU, and orcs are prone to change looks with magic exposure.

So if trolls become elves due to magic. What do orcs become?

:dragon: :mountain: :ocean: :dragon: :mountain: :ocean:

With light magic i dunno, but we seen orcs change green when they drink alittle green kool aid, then red with spikes when they drank more of that kool aid.

Maybe the light will make them look like bulkier conans with tusks.

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Yes they are.

An’she is a god of Light. There’s nothing wrong with tauren Paladins.

And we knew about Zandalari Paladins as far back as vanilla. They were called Freethinkers. Then we finally seen them in the Throne of Thunder (they were called Prelates.)

Again, there’s no “weird lore.” Tauern worship An’she. He’s a god of Light.

As for Mag’har Paladins, they don’t make sense the same way Void Elf Paladins don’t make sense.

If Mag’har wanted to follow the Light, they would have stayed with Yrel. However, they fled from it. Same thing with velves. They specifically left Silvermoon because they wanted to follow the void. If they wanted to stay with the Light, then there would have been no reason to leave.


Sunwalkers are druids, not paladins.

As for the weird part i only sorta keep up on lore, i googled it and sunwalkers are not.weird just under utilized till cata

No they’re not. That’s headcanon.


It’s always funny to me when these threads show up, people always go to Sunwalkers are some kind of “gotcha!”

It’s also funny to me that they don’t even blink an eye at a race of elves that turned their back on the Light because they wrongly believe the Light abandoned them then in turn kidnap a n’aaru to suck it dry like a sparkly vampire from a Stephanie Meyer’s novel.

This bad writing is fine but when Blizzard says “Ok tauren are going to get their Light powers from a god”, people loose their head and start screaming “MEH LORE!” Never mind the fact that’s what night elves have been doing all along, when tauren do it then some how it’s bad writing.


Mag’har and MU Orc’s could get paladin with a void knight skin. Them, Forsaken, Void Elves and Worgen all employ shadowcasters in some regard that could easily put on heavy armor and swing a big heavy weapon while using the void to enhance.

I’d like to see that. Though there is nothing stopping an Orc from using the Light.

Again… another nail in the coffin.