Open druid up to more races

They weren’t against druidism. They just didn’t want to give up magic. That’s why they left. If that was a massive lore theme, night elf mages wouldn’t exist.

Except that’s not druidsm, at all.

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Night Elf mages are a recent addition, and I seem to recall they’re not well liked by NE society.

Blood Elves didn’t leave willingly. They were exiled. The elves had turned to druidism because their magic brought the Burning Legion, and Malfurion considered those that thought otherwise too dangerous to have around.

funny thing about fiction is all it takes is for a writer to come in a create a new faction for whatever race that actually does practice druidism however so


And Blood Knights are the literal antithesis of paladinisim.

Classes aren’t real. As long as you can do the thing then you can use the class, regardless of what world view or value system you attach to it.

Exactly, blood elves were exiled for not wanting druidism or the dislike of druidism. They were exiled for practicing magic. 2 very different thing.

Draenei could make for a very fair Druid.

Also Pandaren, and possibly Goblins/Gnomes could make for interesting mecha-transformations.

That’s not how druidism works. You’re lucky they broke the concept of shamanism (similar) enough to let garbage like goblins use it.
The only other race that makes sense is pandaren, since they have a long, storied history with the August Celestials, who are wild gods.

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Ardenweald is not a druid-centric zone at all, its theme is death and rebirth. See:

And no, we don’t need both factions overrun with human, belf, velf, and vulpera druids. I might accept pandaren and draenei getting druids, though the latter might be a bit of a stretch.

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True, but at that point that goes for literally every race/class combo.

Without actually communing with nature you can’t access all its powers. Nature doesn’t work like arcane or like fel. So you wouldn’t be able to “do the thing”.

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I agree 100%

The day they have goblin and undead druids is the day I know they’ve abandoned any semblance of lore they once held.

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Druids of drust in BFA are more close to death then they are to life.

never thought about undead druids but that would be really cool, and honestly why cant they be druids tho, what if I night elf druid died and became a forsaken, come to think of it actually forsaken should be able to be every class.

Nah a little to far there bud.

A blood elf boss in TBC used nature magic, so it’s plausible they could be druids with a bit of training. Wildhammers are in tune with nature, so dwarves could do the same.

Two words. Nightborne druid. Just saying.

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While this is true, without some kind of logical consistency or ascribing some kind of ground rules, you end up spewing babble at people that nobody can get invested in because it has no basis. People can’t enjoy their class fantasy if you keep randomly changing its rules (sorry Warlocks)

It is though. All Druidisim is is a skill set. Sure Nelves built a religion around it, but that doesn’t mean everyone has to.

Not really, no.

Almost* every instance of drudisim comes from a wild god teaching someone druidisim.

Not gifting. Not empowering. They teach them.

If something can be taught, then something can be learned, and if you understand the principals behind it you can use it, regardless of how much reverence you have for it.

*And the ones that aren’t literally just figured it out themselves, with no divine intervention.

then again, only multiboxers play oomkin