Open druid up to more races

Yeah, they chose arcane over nature. Their whole society is based around that choice. It’s why Blood Elves look the way they do. The Elves all became different races because of the type of magics they use.

Feral - Wolf
Guardian - Boar
Balance - Botani

Exactly, and druids have a incentive to teach the other races about druidism as well.

Nope, the teaching comes with a blessing. That was literally how you got your forms in vanilla and why the druids in WC3 believed they were real bears. Those quests were removed but the principle remains. Plus just because something can be learned doesn’t mean someone can learn it.

Elves know how to use arcane, not nature magic.

Druid has got to be my favorite class, though I don’t play them much because none of the Horde races that can play them are the ones I would play as one if I could choose from any Horde race.

And was hoping Vulpera could be druids because I might actually keep one then. As is I leveled a Vulpera DK to get it’s heritage armor when max level was 120 and then deleted the toon after and still don’t have a Vulpera replacement.

More Horde races able to be druid = :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:

I wouldn’t mind them being opened up to dwarves and I guess orcs but think it still should be limited. I think it’s good to have limits.

So choosing arcane over nature destroys all possibility a nature magic even being a thing?

I really want to make a wildhammer druid

Sure. For night elves.

Not all druidisim is Night Elven Drudisim. In fact I’m pretty sure a Night Elf Druid would deck you if you tried to tell them the magic the Thornspeakers use is Druidisim.

You’re trapped in the narrow, childish mindset that these skill sets must be tied only to the culture that we first saw using them, when Blizzard has never pretended this was the case.

Yes, when you’re a race that controls nature rather than nurtures it. Druidism is taught by a Wild God. Even the Drust have theirs. Trolls have Loa. Blood Elves would have to earn the trust of a nature spirit; they’re a race that used to absorb and destroy life to power their magic, so I imagine they’d have to restructure their whole society or at least a portion of it.

As someone said above, writers can basically make anything happen. If Blood Elves got every race, we might have to rename Horde.

As much as I might hate the idea, Goblin and Gnome druids can make sense–to a degree. They can use gadgetry to create the “puff of smoke” during transformation as they alter their own body physiology in to that of a beast. And when they use abilities like Moonfire, Starfire, etc, it can be something like “bottled magic” that they are discharging. When it comes to restoration abilities… Well, there’s always something weird.

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Pandaren and Wildhammer make sense for Druid.

I would race change in a second if they made Pandaren Druids.

(Alliance of course)


I really wanted Nightborne Durids so I can be a spooder.

They really wouldn’t.

In fact, learning how to be a druid just by watching other druids and deciding they’re all doing it wrong and they could do better would be the single most Blood Elven act any elf had ever done.

We have earned the trust of loa and wild gods throughout wow. If the lack of a wild god/loa is the problem, then we have no problem.

I just wanna be a dino druid on alliance I don’t care for horde much :frowning:

Gnomes for robo bears that transform with the 80’s cartoon noise

and Pandas because their are already a boat load of lore friendly forms to choose from

He used arcane magic to bend nature to his will, which was a perversion of druidism and not the real thing. The majority of other blood elves would obviously not share his views, and if they decided to become pseudo-druids the same way he did, I have difficulty believing the Cenarion Circle wouldn’t take umbrage to it. Any argument that uses Freywinn or Tel’arn as justification for belf or nightborne druids should be considered null and void.

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I have no doubt they could pull something out of their posterior to justify anything. Honestly I think they already crossed a line with Lightforged Death Knights :thinking:

No, it isn’t, and it’s painfully clear how bereft your background is of soul. Druidism is a fundamental way of being that is tied to understanding the cycles of nature and being a part of the greater fabric of nature. There is no acquisition of power in druidism. Being taught is different from acquiring, and it takes thousands of years of study to even scratch the surface of what you may be as a mortal.