Open druid up to more races

A Nightborne might be easy enough and a Dark Iron Dwarf might encounter Druids of the Flames seeing a connection to their Firelands magic if it works like Worgen and the Dream.

The possibility might be harder for others races concerning their connection with druidic magic. :thinking:

Belves weren’t anti druid. They were anti anti-magic. If we are going off that logic, Nelf mage makes no sense. Also, we don’t have confirmation of ashenvale still being under attack because it’s just in game due to non changing of zone.

You are posting on a demon hunter and claiming druids are one of the most race restricted… druids are fine, they already added two more races just recently.

Ashenvale has been under attack since forever, including the start of BFA…

Yes, belves were anti-druidsm as they considered it a lower class practice. Nelves mages are actually highborne who got accepted back during cataclysm.

It might be funny if there was a cult of “druid” blood elves who want to “get back to nature” by swearing off their magic dependence in favor of hugging trees or whatever it is druids do. And then they all became wretched, but with bootleg animal forms.

No one cares about Demon Hunters problems

I’ll tell you a secret: You do not have to worship something to use it.

Belves don’t hate nature. The command nature. They control it like they control everything that stands in their way.

Orcs don’t hate nature. They dominate nature. They break it beneath them and make it serve them like everything else that threatens them.

Both of them could be druids.


Uhm, demon hunters not being Belf or Nelf makes no sense lore wise. Illidan didn’t take human trainees. The night elves that joined him and the blood elves that followed, Kael’thas

And it makes no sense to open up druids to other races - plenty of options already.

game just needs new lores where one of his students teach the other races to become Demon Hunters, but blizz is probably gonna be too lazy to ever do that

It does make sense though, seems like you are disagreeing just to disagree. Why would a druid turn away someone wanting to learn about druidism?

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It doesn’t work that way, you didn’t actually pay attention to Ardenweald’s story did you.


It would be easy for Pandarens to become Druids.

All they need to do is walk on all fours to be Bears :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Illidan had both Orcs and (broken) Draenei in his forces when he was training Demon Hunters, and he would have been an absolute idiot to deny anyone of those two races that could pass the trials.

He was fighting The Burning Legion. He physically did not have the luxury of being picky.

They aren’t facing a legion invasion and the demon hunters are older then legion. They didn’t learn during legion, it was taught by illidan.

I know they didnt learn during legion I dunno what makes you think I think that… And obviously we arent fighting the legion, thus is why I said the game needs more Demon Hunter lore post-legion.

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moonkin form should be a recolored steward

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I say this all the time, Pandaren druids should’ve been a thing from the get-go. There’s not 1 but 4 Wild Gods openly roaming Pandaria.

Blood Elves shunned druidism and were exiled. It’s why they’re Blood Elves and not Night Elves. Druidism accepted by BE would be a major reversal of their story.

I think every boomkin race should get a Kyrian Servant glyph.


The reason it is hard to train more demon hunter is because most of the elves who tried died in the process, lore wise only few actually survived the ritual.

When it comes to new druids all I really want is Mechagnome druids… Woosh…der…der…durr… Autobots roll out!