Once again asking for Era to get repeatable turn ins for World Buffs

Massive headloss.

Sorry I hijacked your thread here Ort :heart:.

Because Era pvp is more responsive.

It gave me a good chuckle to see you guys are still here whining about Stormrend. I am only back on the forums because of these new horrible bugs they have added with the patch. Hilarious to see you guys never left. Send them another cake, it’ll work this time!


This doesn’t work like you think it does

how it reads:

You kill ony, you get the head to turn in again

how it actually works:

you talk to the guy and he says ok follow me to the entrance of orgrimmar, i have your ony head right here and i’ll do the buff (once per month)

you don’t re-kill the boss, you just have a way (once per character per month) to trigger the quest completion by speaking to the npc in org

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The problem here, Ort, is you are arguing with people who have no intellectual integrity.

These people who are ardently opposed to changes also suckle on the proverbial teat that fed them the new pvp system, tue chronoboon, the changes to the client, the changes to macros, the changes to guild screens, the changes to spell batching, the changes to ignite mechanics, and so many changes.

So its best to just ignore those who dont actively participate in Era and otherwise are not affected in any way.

I find it incredibly disingenuous for a company to offer a long term “static” product that they constantly change, tell us they make these changes with a purpose, and then undo some changes periodically, because they “were unintended”.

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There are many players for whom #NoChanges means exactly that. They never asked for the changes you’ve listed, and they’d gladly see them all reverted.

These adamant #NoChange players definitely still do play Era, because it’s all that we have on official servers, despite that we disagree with all the changes which have come.

Fully agree with your premise here, which is why I’m firmly #NoChanges. Yes that means I prefer the original macro format. Yes that means I don’t want chronoboons. Yes that means I’m okay with pooling to rank under the former PvP system. Yes that means I find spell batching acceptable, because this is how the vanilla version of the game was, and that’s what we would choose to play if it were offered.

Flat out, Stormrend was a Season of Discovery change that only bled into Era by accident or incompetence. Stormrend clearly was not a Vanilla feature and you’re the outlier if you think it belongs in Era.


So, you’re willing to stomach a completely revamped PvP system, which is a huge change from original…

…but allowing 5 year old characters who already turned in world buffs to pop them once a month is too big of a change?

I’ve made plenty of posts giving my feelings about the pvp system and other changes. Here is one of many: Can we get a 1.12 server?

I do think the negatives outweigh the positives slightly in this case.
It simply reduces friction, which gives players less reasons to level alts. I personally don’t care too much, just like chronoboon, such a change would have negatives and positives.

The thing is, at least on WMC, there is no issue getting world buffs - they drop all the time.

If there was a major WB drought I think it would make more sense, but this feels like catering to lazy pve players that don’t want to get ganked or level alts, and I don’t support that.

Just think about how much retail-ideology is in the request. You kill endgame bosses and turnin their HEAD for a 1-time reward and also comes with a bonus buff.

But now retail-minded-pve-players want to optimize and simplify the game so much that they think they deserve that special buff every month?

I don’t think this is fair or accurate.

People have been pushing back on this stuff the whole time, twisting that into “there were other changes so why can’t we get the ones we want” does not show integrity either.

It also does not show integrity to demonize those who are on the other side of an argument while stating that it’s better to listen to only those who agree with you.


That is not what he said

You are yet again presenting a straw man argument

How are you “so sucessful” with your real estate business while unable to navigate the discrepancies of logical fallacies and dead arguments?

Second strawman of the post

You have no argument. Give it up.

You will never be able to provide a sound argument here ever. And believe me as someone who has studied debate you will never want to challenge me on the matter.

As someone who doesn’t mind changes, they don’t belong in era. They belong in seasonal.

Mhm hmm

Why was it changed? Why have most changes been implemented?

The poster above me compiled a nice little list but aside from totally harmless changes like server character limits most of these things were altered on account of player abuse, like AV premades.

The pvp revamp is a great example. We couldn’t handle the responsibility of not totally screwing over our peers so it had to be taken away from us like matches from a 5 year old.

It wasn’t changed because a guy started a thread on the official forums saying a pvp revamp would be great for the community and Blizz just so happened to agree.

Apples to oranges folks, try to do better.

Uhhhhhh… complaints about the classic PvP system were probably the most common complaint on the forums :joy: during original WoW and also during classic

They managed to change it in a way that stayed true to the spirit of the game, while also fixing its many issues & making PvP ranks more accessible to those with jobs.

Same concept as allowing existing characters to pop world buffs once a month. Doesn’t fundamentally change the game. Just makes it more accessible.

Can you link your spreadsheet where you logged every complaint ever made in Vanilla and Classic and show us where it actually ranks on the complaint list because people whined pretty much about everything, including the pvp update itself. Can you point me to the thread and its author so I can thank them for getting the game changed? Otherwise, it just comes off as you pulling your talking points out of you know where.

Vanilla is its own thing, the complaining about pvp in Classic was because BG pvp became a toxic, sweaty premade RMT driving metafest complete with mafia brackets and blatant cheating. Ill refer you to the blue post about it:

So yeah, its no wonder people complained but again, it wasn’t because people simply asked for something like the OP in this thread is doing. Furthermore, they just complained, no solutions were offered by players that were adopted by Blizz. Blizzard had to intervene to save us from ourselves. Era’s population started rising, we saw some bracket activity here and they didnt want their prized fun server to get overrun with the same nonsense. That’s why it was changed.

It had nothing to do with a fan request being adopted and implemented by Blizzard because they thought it was a terrific idea.

Its nowhere near the same thing - its not even the same kind of content - its pve. Players aren’t driving development in the way you would have us believe.

Making Era more accessible fundamentally changes the game. I get that’s really difficult for some people to grasp but there it is, whether you want to accept it or not.

Before Classic launched and perhaps for a little bit afterwards the whole point was to get away from all the accessibility and QoL. Lets also keep in mind Vanilla was already a casual MMORPG. It really doesn’t need a ‘talk do this npc once a month for your free buff’.

Player complaints literally just got Stormrend and Druids with polearms reversed.

Blizzard is a great company. I admire a lot of things that they do. Listening to customers is something that they do really, really well.

The downside of their approach is that the loudest customers (the people complaining) don’t always represent the majority of people who play the game. There are plenty of people who were stoked about Stormrend and just didn’t say anything. (Why would they? They had nothing to complain about)

It was a bug. If they want to change Era they should engage with the community.

And all the discussions have been overwhelmingly anti those changes from what I can see (outside of a few pve players that spammed during the drama and have never returned to forums since).

Personally I don’t care too much either way, but adding it as part of a SoD bug I am 100% against.


Doesn’t sound like a bug. Sounds like it was intentional… until you nerds complained.

Bruh I have a video of me having divine steed on my pally during that patch. They clearly let a ton of stuff leak through and then removed it.

And even if it was intentional - throwing retail stuff into Era with zero warnings is even worse.

All stormrend / druid polearm do is reduce friction - and that’s retail ideology. So of course SoD / tbc / cata players love it - but that’s because they love bad gameplay because they focus on what benefits them, not the overall immersion.

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It was an accident dude. Stop playing stupid

Literal sod runes were in era. Quit white knighting

If anything I’m happy enough they removed stormrend just to piss off your type

Also, bringing up the honor system is fallacious strawman but no surprise coming from an axewipe argument.

The honor system is likely unable to be separated from seasonal and era, as they share the same client