Once again asking for Era to get repeatable turn ins for World Buffs

People complained it got reversed, did they put Stormrend and druid polearms back in? No. So obviously its not just a matter of complaining and getting your way. Simply complaining doesn’t get it done does it? In the case of Stormrend etc, the players had a damn good reason to get it reversed and that’s why Blizz reversed it. That’s not the case here - repeatable talk to an npc free buff is a mere request not a necessary game move that needs to happen - like the pvp revamp or that reversal did. Not even close.

Stormrend/Polearms is a completely separate issue with its own set of circumstances that have nothing to do with repeatable WBs. You might as well compare pvp to pve again, nothing you have is gonna work.

You’re doing that apples and oranges are both fruits thing again. Comparing your suggested change with every other change because that’s literally the only thing they would have in common is not convincing enough for Blizz - don’t know what else to tell you.

I mean if you’re gonna troll, this is a great way of revealing it.

In case you were in a coma during WoW History Month the consensus majority does and says everything wrong. If the majority had their way we would all be in a QoL dense Meta Taliban hell. Cheap repeatable buffs to go with your chronoboon…and it never ends there with you guys.

Speaking of history I remember when like 96% of the population ran off to TBC and abandoned this game like it never happened. I dont know what players think they deserve from Blizz but it isnt much so the best thing Blizz can do for Era and its players is nothing at all.

They can barely manage that.

But hey, if Blizz wants to give me a 1.12 cluster free version of Mankrik that isn’t hampered by apathetic design flaws and a bunch of free character transfers Ill gladly depart and let you guys experiment with all the QoL the two of you can dream up on the remaining clusters. I dont care if the majority stays with you either. Just gimme like 20 guys, Ill be ok.

They only claimed that Stormrend was intentional because SoD shares the client and it was the lazy option for them to add it to both clients instead of figuring out how to properly separate the update between versions.

Stormrend was obviously not a vanilla feature, and so it never belonged in Era.

Once they got called out on this, appropriately so, Stormrend was removed because there was no rational argument for it belonging in a version of the game that is stated to be a preservation of vanilla’s era.

We all get it… you liked Stormrend because it was a quality-of-life enhancement to your raid-logging. That’s still not a good enough reason for a SoD feature to remain in Era.

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Bump - this should defiantly be implemented on ERA