Once again asking for Era to get repeatable turn ins for World Buffs

No you don’t you liar.

Also that isn’t at all what I said. You are completely misrepresenting what I said. So to reiterate you are a liar.

I said there was a petition to put someone head first into a woodchipper, not that I “wanted to do it”.

I see you responding so I’ve edited out the names for privacy.

One of those is a current member who raids all the time and the other raided with us as recently as last month and is likely playing retail right now.

You said former members…

You have zero proof for your assertion.

Not a good look. It would be like me saying “Duckling-anathema is a toxic troll who says offensive things in raid comms to the point that he has been server muted”.

These are all wonderful ideas Ort!

Let’s see it Blizz!

In the immortal words of Captain Jean Luc Picard of the USS Enterprise:

“Make it so!”

You’ve at least proven your propensity to aggression in your posts, I have not said anything offensive.

Also the defense ‘‘I didn’t say I wanted to do it, just that there was a petition to do it’’ is not as good a defense as you think it is. You can try to forum-lawyer your way about that, but anyone who read the thread knows exactly what your intent was, and I am not misrepresenting.

Now I know why you get memed on in the WD disc

You’re kind of annoying and have no idea what you are talking about or what is good for a game. But you do a great job of fronting it

Go scurry on back to your sod forum and raidlog game. Era isn’t supposed to have changes.

Why are you playing Era, instead of a private server that has the original PvP system and no chronboons?

Why are you posting on an era forum when you don’t play era at all?

Go back to your trash game. Hopefully they make a SOD era to keep you heathens coralled together and away, you can suggest your changes there instead (where you actually play)

Why don’t you tell me what happened with WD? Why do you get flamed on and why are you not there anymore? Lmao

This is literally a Classic Era character. Notice the T3.

You don’t play or even like era

All you do is complain about era GDKPS.

You play sod, go there. What are you doing here?

Sod is there for your changes. And the next seasonal as well. Era doesn’t need that stuff. If aggrend told me he was dropping RBGs in era I would have to fundamentally be against that too.

Been paying for Classic WoW every month for ~3 years now, haven’t bought any retail expansions, only classic

I think I like it!

Cool, I do too. But seasonal servers are for changes. I am also someone who likes the idea of seasonals so long as the changes aren’t stupid or unrealistic. I like a good fresh as much as anyone

But era is the only place you can go to when the seasonal servers are bad or it’s a season that does not suit your preferences. SOD has nothing to offer me. Since most everyone likes the original game there should be a place for them to go. Why change era and potentially eliminate that option too?

If you want more changes wait till the next season or ask for it in sod. Why on earth change the only place you can go to when the “season” doesn’t suit you?

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Again, you’re playing Era. With the updated PvP system. And chronoboons.

Why are you playing Era instead of a private server without those changes?

Straw man argument

Nobody brought up private servers, you did that.

We are talking about era not private servers.

If you are going to engage with me further make sure you are not presenting a logical fallacy - which you very commonly do when you have no ammo

“I have said nothing offensive”!? You called my entire guild “toxic” based on ZERO evidence…(correction you said we “abuse” which is like 100x worse - it’s insanely offensive).

So yeah…there will always be aggression when it is based on baseless mud-slinging. Better believe it. I’ll do it every time.

You can’t pretend to be a forum bad boy and then run away when someone calls you on it.

Well you can…but you look like a goober.

And before you say “I have proof” no you don’t. You even admitted yourself that you are making assumptions and inferences.

The aggression was in relation to the woodchipper comment. Which you’re avoiding.


a joke bro it was -bro, it was, bro, bro, it was a joke bro