Old Content Scaling and Ion's response in QA


At the very least, when when we hit 60 present on option “World Scaling for L60 Characters is Off by Default. Enable Scaling?”


They wont, itll cost them more time and money, theyd rather just keep sucking the life out of what used to be a great game until noone is left whom wishes to continue paying for it.

Not anymore, the game-play has been solo-centric for a long time. There is no more benefit to being in guilds, you can pug just about everything. Rare npc’s and elite npc’s a majority of the time can be soloed, easily.


i think you meant

SL is fun… almost


they want u playing only SL content or they look like fools this early into the new expansion

what an embarrassment


“curious to hear specific examples”

What a bad way to answer a question. That just tells me they arent paying attention to peoples complaints.


Haven’t even had time to dip back into Legacy content, too much to do in SL really.

I’m sure they’ll get around to better tuning that part of the game.

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I haven’t had a chance to pop into game to look today, but I strongly suspect that those hotfix notes are referring to the changes I noticed yesterday. (The change did go in fairly late Thursday night, so it might not have made the hotfix list for the 17th.) They didn’t affect Legion at all, so it’s far more likely that it’s your gear upgrades causing the improvement you saw.

In all fairness, I do expect to be able to solo normal dungeons from the previous expansion as soon as I hit cap. This is actually causing problems for people unlocking Alliance allied races that require dungeons. You can’t queue for them when you ding 51, and they aren’t really soloable at 60 for a casual player. (Most people unlocking an allied race want to play that race, not spend time raiding on another race just to unlock them.)

But yes, Legion should also be easier at 60 than it was at 120. And from what people are reporting, it’s harder.


The problem with your argument is that there is no reward from old content that’s difficult. You don’t make gold, and you won’t get gear. If the items scaled to 60 that would make sense. As it is, it’s clearly bad programming and not intended. If it was intended there’s no way he wouldn’t get fired because nobody would hire someone that stupid.


you think thats an acceptable thought process?


I don’t get it, why change something that always worked, literally not a single soul playing this game had a problem with it, people literally wait one whole expansion for the legacy buff to farm mounts/transmog from mythic raid, this is insane


Well, after reading this thread I actually went and test it, and I am really pissed, if they didn’t want to make it easier fine, but what the hell, its actually harder for me than when I was max level on BFA :confused: this is pure BS… I think most ppl have not noticed or care yet because xpac is still “new”… but this is actually a god damn deal breaker if stays like this, it was something I was looking forward when SL launched to go back and farm some transmogs from legion that I am still missing and now is even harder than at max level in BFA, wtf!!!


Legion legacy content is so bad right now, the health scaling alone is horrible.


Oh I already accepted the fact everything ION spits out is a lie now. I mean the way some of the game now plays it’s more like an ungrateful lover that just keeps using you over and over every day. I use to be on all the time now I am forcing myself to even play cause all the fun has been sucked out of it.


The hotfix specifically says it was only applied to instances/enemies up to level 40, so it seems they deliberately excluded Legion.

At this point, I think we have to come to the conclusion that it is intended, sadly.

They know the biggest complaints has been the massively increased difficulty of soloing Legion content despite a 10-level increase. Ion’s already broken the news (on a third-party web site, where he has form of taking the bad news out to gently trickle down to the players) that we’re mean tot be weaker at 60 than 50 but don’t worry, because we’re all raiding every week, everything will be fine and dandy at some indeterminate time in the future when we’ve loaded up with gear, so if you wanna solo that two-expansion-old content, it’s easy - just raid raid raid! The more mythic-y the better! Grab that pocket guild and get started!


I mean, the game’s doing pretty well for a 15 year old game. He might be smarter and better at this than you think

Old WORLD scaling is still happening and totally broken.

Right now on a 51 and 60 both in front of Vil’raxx (Nzoth vale assult “boss”)

51 sees him as 126K health.
60 sees him as 154k health.

Screenshots to prove (can’t post them here)


Please visit my thread and bump because this needs attention and I am sick and tired now of waiting. This is getting ridiculous. there is NO REASON FOR OLD WORLD STUFF TO SCALE!!!



unfortunatly blizzard doesn’t see it that way.

I hope so, because most ‘feedback’ I have ever suggested, has never changed xD


Done and done. Linked them to this thread and my thread as well because this is a joke now and it has gone on for far too long and many of us are fed up waiting for a response or a fix.


there was no ilvl scaling pre legion though so i am not sure what you mean about the up to 40. they stated bfa enemies were adjusted specifically, so legion would by default be bugged and unintended. they specifically said anything that could be solod before the squish should be soloable after the squish.

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