Old Content Scaling and Ion's response in QA

So, it appears that some changes to the numbers came through last night, and these numbers are no longer correct. As I mentioned, I’ve been doing some testing, and when I was checking numbers today when I hit 48 on my test character, some stuff was not making sense. So, I rechecked on my 50 and 60, and it appears that changes have been made to the overlevel bonus.

The Vanilla, BC, and Cata bonuses are now lower at 50 than they were before (in line with the Wrath bonus) but there is no longer a drop between 50 and 60 for any expansion. (And so the new values at 60 are higher for everything but Legion, which remains the same as it didn’t drop off previously.)

Here’s the new table with the numbers I got from today’s testing:

Level Vanilla BC Wrath Cata MoP WoD Legion
50 x500 x500 x500 x500 x200 x120 x8
60 x500 x500 x500 x500 x200 x120 x8

So, at the very least, level 50s won’t be significantly more powerful in the older content than level 60s. I’m not sure if there were any other changes regarding old content that also went through, as I’ve only been nerding out over the overlevel bonus.


My only endgame is also Tmog and mounts. If this isn’t fixed I promise you there will be an adverse affect sub-wise.


so they basically just nerfed legacy buff damage in vanilla bc and cataclysm dungeons for lvl 50’s nice.

Yep, and that tells you more than anything that the current old-raid scaling at 60 is 100% intentional.

We already knew, deep down, that it was though. Because Ion’s “what, there’s a problem? Give us specific examples” shtick basically shot down any and all complaints.

And now we know Ion and the devs are aware of these threads, where many people have pointed out how much easier it is to solo old content at 50 than it is at 60.

And the “git gud” Shadowlands solution? Nerf the level 50s! Stick your advantage where it don’t shine, and be a good little player and level to 60 so you can feel all weak again just like the developers “intended”.

Then get on that Mythic+ treadmill, you naughty players!


shouldnt it be more like 700% vanilla 600% bc 500% wrath 400%cata 200% pandaria?

I’m honestly not sure that you’ll feel much of a difference between x600/x700 and x500 in Vanilla, BC, and Cata content. I think it’s more about consistency. I’m not really sure it made sense that Cata was higher than Wrath in the first place.

My bigger concern is people reporting BfA and Legion content feels the same at 50 and 60. And the overlevel bonus isn’t in play there.

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It’s not so much that.

It’s that Blizzard’s “fix” to all the complaints in this is many other threads about it being easier to solo content at 50 than it is at 60…

…was to nerf soloing at 50.

maybe they dont want people parked at 50 because they will fix stuff at 60 when the next content drought happens

But they also buffed level 60s in that same content, a fair bit more than they nerfed 50s.

I guess my point is that is not where I’d focus my energy right now. The fact that 60s still feel the same (or worse) than 50s is a bigger problem. Partly due to level and ilvl scaling, and partly due to early Shadowlands gearing being crap.

i just want to thank bfa for letting us be 120 and have an easier time with legion. i got all the mythic transmog for all classes

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On the 16th, I was doing the Night Fae quest that takes you to Twilight Highlands, and I decided to fly up and kill the Greench afterwards. Along the way I noticed that Arathi Highlands was being controlled by the Horde, so I figured I’d stop and kill a couple rares from which I still wanted the loot.

I killed the spider and the raptor, and both took over a minute to kill by themselves. These are grey, level 52 mobs that came out at the beginning of the last expansion, and they take longer to kill that most elites/rares in Shadowlands. They also hit pretty hard considering they’re grey 52s.

Now, I realize this is mostly anecdotal - I haven’t done any real science or experimentation around this. But I know that before the pre-patch I was able to kill these rares solo, and quickly. After the pre-patch I couldn’t, but I chalked that up to issues with the loss of corruption and the squish and figured it would sort out soon. Yes, I can kill them now, but considering how long it took and how hard they hit, they certainly seem far too strong for the difficulty level they’re supposed to be.


Shouldn’t have to be max level to solo old content.


maybe its not old content to them

Fundamentals of an MMO is that large groups of people can play together via an internet connection. Club penguin was an MMO.

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I suppose “old” is a matter of opinion. Maybe I shouldn’t use the word old? Maybe I should say legacy since they are the ones that introduced the 11+ level legacy buff.


legacy buff was too fun. cant have that


just let ppl go into bfa (and prior) raids and one shot bosses. Can’t even pug BoD cause Mekkatorque mechanics. Really lame

I don’t know about all that, BFA wasn’t expected to be soloable in SL, Legion was.


The hotfix tonight makes a bit of a difference in Legion but not significantly so. Trash is dying a bit faster and I killed Worldbreaker in Antorus on Mythic 33% faster than last time I tried…but it’s still just under 300% slower than what I was achieving at 120 prior to 9.0’s squish and only roughly the same speed as what I was pulling off at 50 after the squish. The damage taken is also quite high compared to those two scenarios, so not exactly sure why this is so difficult to nail down.

I’m sure the change is making a huge difference in WoD stuff and prior but barely a drop in the bucket for Legion. It’s worth noting that my gear has improved significantly since my first attempt cited above so it’s completely possible the hotfix isn’t actually affecting Boss-flagged enemies.

His text will never be green because having posts being hidden by Blizzard is a red flag that stops you from getting it. He just doesn’t understand lol.