Old Content Scaling and Ion's response in QA

as a new player you will NEVER see old content if it requires a group to clear it. and requiring a group to clear content that gives rewards that are going to be 100 ilvls or more out of date is pointless beyond words.

at no point does making last decades content too hard to run alone at max level make sense



If this was aimed at new players, they wouldn’t have included a boost to level 50 with every Shadowlands game license sold.

Excuse denied!


the troll sounds like he’s being paid to salt the mines with positive reviews to help present skewed results to investors

or he could just have a super creepy stalker fetish


fun detected


WoW isn’t an MMO anymore, it’s just third person diablo


He lied full stop. You except been to lied in rl and do nothing about it? I sure as hell don’t tyvm. You buy a product in rl and cause it has all these wonderful things attached to it and find when you get home it doesn’t cause they changed their mind! you would take it back? I would sorry.


They see a lot of things through their patented tunnel-vision blinkers. And often have to walk back their stupidity and begrudgingly admit they were wrong.

Blizzard is wrong on this one.

As we’ve seen from player tests, they made adjustments to everything up to, but not including Legion. The BfA “adjustments” are either bugged or a lie, as we see above as well.

I guess they didn’t mention little things like how easily they could be solo’d after the squish, and whether you’d need to grind out Mythic+ for months to gear up to get to a vaguely similar power state you were at by the end of BfA.

Blizzard screwed up here, bigtime. The only question is whether or not it was deliberate, and it’s starting to look very much like it was.

I welcome ANY comment from Blizz refuting that and explaining what is going on with everything from player power in Legion content to enemies scaling past 50 in obsolete BfA content… but I won’t hold my breath, for I would surely die.


You are such a hard core troll you gotta be getting paid for this because you clearly lack a life.


So i do the yearly winter veil garrison quests on multiple characters i m doing that on 8 toons 4 x60 and 4x 50 and i have problem doing those unless loads of people are around now , So just for checking i went there with my 43 lvl paladin and i can 1 shot just 1 judgement and mobs dead . It takes a few spells on my 60 toon to kil a single mob and my 43 lvl toon 1 shotted the mobs and 3 shotted the elite grumpus . Thats very very bad scaling .


At this point I want to see the devs come out and tell us what ilvl we need at 60 to melt legion mythic raids. Not buying Shadowlands until then…


Considering it took the devs two xpacs to fix pvp then maybe you might be in for the long haul

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Eventually when people start quitting in droves, they’ll change it. But then they’ll overcorrect so much you will be able to solo BFA raids by putting your cat on your keyboard and going to the kitchen.

Gotta realize, Ion is a lawyer. He is NOT going to come out and admit fault.


Ion basically said ‘git gud’. I doubt he will say anything more to us.


I was always thought I would be able to solo old raid content and I looked forward to it in downtime with the new expansion pack. You want people to keep playing don’t you? Downtime playtime is just as good. After getting blasted with sin bolts,burnt,bitten my Mawrats and sawed in half in Torghast for the soul ash I might look for my downtime play.

From being an old PVP player(be it an awful one)I see how they will just let you buy old gear for marks of honor and so I thought that this is their way of doing things with legacy content. It’s old and you can go back and play some of it(Timewalking being an option) but we’re moving forward.


I unsubbed, and deleted my WoW program directory. Currently playing SWTOR. I might come back when the fix this Charlie Foxtrot.


You gotta get the Activision stock holders out from the back of your throat sometime. If anything just to breathe.


I cancelled too. I finished shadow lands and I have zero interest in mythic raiding. I was looking forward to doing old content and collect some mogs. I will be going back to lord of the rings online which is my MMO home for last one year.


I got as far as Aredweald or whatever it’s called. Got a warlock to 56 and figured out old content was harder than it was when I was 120, so ejected.


yes alienate a huge portion of the player base to satisfy some imaginary new customers…


personally im clearing bfa outdoor enemies like no problem. before they were stupid how long it took to kill. granted i havent done any bfa dungeons/raids, just mech/naz to finish achievements, but they definitely tuned down the outdoor bfa world enemies.

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