Old Content Scaling and Ion's response in QA

This is me exactly.


There is no ****** way anyone is convincing me this isn’t either Ion’s alt or one of his butt buddies cause this is the stupidest ****** thing I have ever read.


I mean, if you won’t let us solo these old raids, at least make the loot you get on par. :stuck_out_tongue:


Tried to do my mounts and mogs run for the first time in weeks and nearly died to conclave on Throne of the Four Winds even though I’ve been farming it for nearly a year. Farming old content is literally where about 90% of my enjoyment comes from. I have always enjoyed collecting things and then playing the auction house with the various things I get along the way, but don’t need. Now I can’t even do half of the things I used be able to do with ease.

How does blizzard think this is acceptable?


Yes, Ion does this a lot. He promises on something, to string people along, then backtracks and doesn’t deliver. He did this constantly in BFA, and there is no reason to think he will stop now.


Ion needs to go. Period.


Old content and scaling is BROKEN. I have never posted on the forums before but I am very frustrated with this situation, and for them to release a statement acting like it isn’t happening? Can they not do math? Do they not have numbers and analytics to work with?
Trust me, as well as everyone else on this thread, something is wrong with scaling. It isn’t about borrowed power systems. We have been running this content for a long time, and it is unnecessarily difficult.
My biggest issue with SL right now is that I don’t feel more powerful after gearing up. It all feels pointless and not fun. If you’re going to do scaling please do it right.

Scaling was broken like this at the beginning of BFA. At the very least acknowledge there’s a problem and try to fix it. Do any of these devs have characters? Go run some old content.
Easy fix – apply the same buff that we had in the past for old content. THIS IS BROKEN. PLEASE FIX. ACKNOWLEDGE.

Thank you.


What shadowlands content?


Sadly, the question might need to be…

“Is there anybody with decision making clout that has character?”

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Well, there’s new physical zones… and new music. Not too shabby.

As for everything else… it’s just Battle for Azeroth again… it really is.

smh the easiest way to troll is being pro-blizz now

How the legendary company has fallen…

i am now curious if this troll is an alt of Ion?


I think they’re just an average player. A week ago they posted complaining about how people “simp for blizzard” only to be shot down. So, apparently, they are now “simping for blizzard” to make other people unhappy like themselves. The amount of posts/time they’ve spent doing it is quite sad actually. The person is literally sitting on these forums all day just to troll, thats gotta be mentally tolling, lol.


That’d be funny.

“Hi there! I pull down six figures a year picking my nose and trolling my customers!”

** EDIT DEC 18 **
It looks like some changes went through to the bonus last night. I’ve got a post with updated numbers here:

In short, the bonus no longer drops between 50 and 60.

I think that blaming this only on the combat rating scaling is misleading on Blizzard’s part.

I’ve been doing some experimenting on how much of a damage bonus we get in old content. Here’s what I’ve got for levels 50 and 60:

Level Vanilla BC Wrath Cata MoP WoD Legion
50 x600 x600 x500 x700 x200 x120 x8
60 x150 x150 x200 x200 x80 x80 x8

I should point out that something similar happened in BfA, where the bonus from 110 to 120 dropped by as much as a factor of 4 for some expansions. I think it was less noticeable then because we were able to get to the point where were were doing more that 4x the damage we had at the end of Legion pretty quickly. This time around, I was still wearing some BfA gear when I hit 60. I can’t remember the last time that happened. (As a flithy casual, I’m not not rocking Mythic ilvls when I start leveling.)


Legion content is now legacy content with the release of SLs, therefore things should melt. Legacy content is not meant to offer a challenge. It’s there for cosmetics at this point.


LEAD DEVELOPER is kind of a misnomer if he isn’t the lead of the developing team, having final say on changes and whatnot. But then, I wouldn’t want to be the lead of a development team as incompetent and talentless as the one that currently designs WoW, so maybe it’s just a title after all?

Semper Fi! :us:


Unfortunately, he has played the game. Ion was the GM of Elitest Jerks back in the day. Which really tells you all you need to know about his mindset. lol


Just going back and doing WQ mobs in BFA shows you there’s a huge problem. The mobs continue to scale up with level 60 SL gear and stats instead of staying capped at the maximum ilvl BFA allowed.


Use the in-game feedback tool. Everything submitted this way is reviewed.

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