Old Content Scaling and Ion's response in QA

So, it appears that some changes to the numbers came through last night, and these numbers are no longer correct. As I mentioned, I’ve been doing some testing, and when I was checking numbers today when I hit 48 on my test character, some stuff was not making sense. So, I rechecked on my 50 and 60, and it appears that changes have been made to the overlevel bonus.

The Vanilla, BC, and Cata bonuses are now lower at 50 than they were before (in line with the Wrath bonus) but there is no longer a drop between 50 and 60 for any expansion. (And so the new values at 60 are higher for everything but Legion, which remains the same as it didn’t drop off previously.)

Here’s the new table with the numbers I got from today’s testing:

Level Vanilla BC Wrath Cata MoP WoD Legion
50 x500 x500 x500 x500 x200 x120 x8
60 x500 x500 x500 x500 x200 x120 x8

So, at the very least, level 50s won’t be significantly more powerful in the older content than level 60s. I’m not sure if there were any other changes regarding old content that also went through, as I’ve only been nerding out over the overlevel bonus.