Old Content Scaling and Ion's response in QA

I wouldn’t be so sure.

I’m fully expecting the inevitable Ion tweet where he declares that old raids and dungeons are now… yes, you guessed it… “more meaningful”.

it’s actually kind of needed on some level if you think about it since the legacy raid buff for players is a form of scaling. without it doing legacy content would be literally impossible without a full raid group. and it would make anything after northrend impossible.

Not trying to sound annoying but this is exactly why I didn’t buy Shadowlands, I had a feeling this would happen…

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It wouldn’t have been, and it wasn’t - until the first “squish” which is where the buff had to be introduced in the first place.

Before then, it was a glorious feeling of victory to outgear and outlevel a raid or dungeon to the point you could solo it.

But none of that is the point.

We are weaker in old content at 60 than we are at 50. Period.

I’m keeping several alts at 50 for exactly that reason. Why would I bother levelling them up if doing so lessens my enjoyment of the game?

Why does this level 60 paladin take so much damage from basic world mobs that she’s at 50% or less health after each fight, while my level 51 mage, in cloth, seems to shrug off incoming damage?

Shadowlands at the moment seems to be a case of “if you’re not pushing mythic keys or raiding, don’t level up”.


This isn’t happening in the current iteration of WoW because Ion and dev team have yet to implement the scaling changes, I believe that the scaling changes are a net positive for the overall community because WoW has years of lore and beautiful art styles and new players who are at level cap will not have an incentive to visit it due to time walking not really being a feature that’s popular. By making everything to scale, old and new players alike can go back to the old content and experience it together. This would bring server communities a lot closer as well being inclusive to every type of player.

yes that is what i was referring to which is why it was introduced in the first place.

Its the same design used from level 1 to 50. In LFG when levelling, toons under 20 have their damage scaled up really high, likely to make up for the lack of talents and spells. This means as you get to 50, you get weaker especially in LFG.

The goal here is that at max level, its like a reset, and we need to work for gear, conduits, legendaries and so on to become strong again, while the game scales up characters that are not max to make up for the disparity.

That is the game now.

this gives me an idea. 25/40 man level 1 raid on naxxmarras

In the current expansion, that’s fine.

For old content, it’s very much not fine, and not how the game has ever worked.

Previously, Ion’s gone out of his way to reassure people who run old content that they’d still be able to do so after the squish. Tellingly, I’ve seen no such reassurance this time, nor any response to these weeks of complaints about the scaling other than “working as intended”.

It’s Tauren faeces.


Unfortunately that is the game now, its their new scaling system since making everyone 60.

I’m all out of likes for the day, but this is exactly the point. They had to do a squish because of a stupid design change that created 4+ tiers for every raid, leading to a drastic and unsustainable increase in the number of gear tiers in a given expansion. The squish is a failed attempt to make this unsustainable model sustainable. They’re still in denial about its inadequacy, and they doubled down on this bad idea with yet another squish. Every single expansion going forward we’re going to get a squish because you can’t create enough item levels to keep up with 8 different tiers of gear per season. This expansion is going to be scaled down for levels 1-50, just like all the others.

If they had put any thought into this, they would have made it like time walking. You don’t need any set bonuses to clear the Cataclysm raids. Know why? Because they made them super easy compared to how they were in their heyday. That’s OK. No one wants to struggle in a troll heroic for three hours, CCing every pull, while they’re just trying to level a character. There’s no need for a “legacy buff.” Just do some simple math. Take the expected armor level of a level 60 player, and cap the level 50 damage at a level that doesn’t put a significant dent in the player’s HP. They don’t need to scale it. They need to cap the mobs’ DPS.


By gimping our toons you’re just giving us less to do with every weekly reset.

Legacy raids are busted at this time… Less Mogs to hunt… Less mounts to have a chance to drop and so on.

You’re killing filler content that a lot of people enjoying running in between running current content.


(You’re = Blizzard)


It’s because he’s precocious. Every thread he participates in he seizes every chance to be Regina George. He’s snobby, obstinate, has no people skills. It really boggles the mind how someone with that kind of personality is allowed to represent Blizzard in any recognized capacity.

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come June 2021:

“well it looks like everyone likes SL, noone is even bothering with the old raids and stuff, we don’t need to maintain them anymore, may as well shut them down to conserve server resources.”

My only end game was transmog and mounts after I hit 60. Now I can’t even do that. Ion is the worst thing to happen to WOW. That dude has no idea what playerbase wants. Then they wonder why people keep quitting wow in droves one month after new expac release.


This makes it feel like old bosses are still a force to be feared and not push overs.

If a boss 20 levels below you is still a “force to be feared” then both the story and the entire progression structure of the game is terminally broken.


Youre saying Arthas as the Lich King should be able to be manhandled with ease while Bolvar 10 levels higher and more health should be stronger because of numbers? Please Arthas was way stronger then Bolvar.

The trick for doing him for me was to do it as a Resto Druid :+1: I would place my healing circle (back when it was mushroom and lasted for a while) and the threat I generated with that was enough to keep all the mobs attacking me while I destroyed the eggs :smiley:

This. All of this.