A lot of this content already has 10 plus years of shelf life, it doesn’t need anymore.
already planned
Opinion since wow art is always great and I see no difference in that from BFA to SL
Literally the case since day 1 of the game
Dear Ion
What I am hearing here is:
‘There was a bug, it was fixed and it should now be working properly.’
What I am hearing here is:
‘The way we set up the combat ratings in the new expansion has created an unfortunate side effect that diminishes your character’s power progress in all content. We don’t know how to fix it so, instead of taking responsibility for it and, at the least, acknowledging the legitimacy of your complaints and apologizing, we have decided to gaslight you by misrepresenting the situation thru pretending this is normal.’
It’s your product. You broke it. Take responsibility for that and fix it instead of trying to cover up your screwup with bull.
Sincerely, Me
I’ve thought he was a staff plant too
This isn’t always true, I bet you’ll find that the incentive of veteran players who want those transmogs and mounts will be the same while the new players will have never experienced any of this in the first place, so their incentive will be far different. Plus, some people also run content just because they love the lore or raid design.
Haha, of course you do, as you take white knighting for Blizz to a whole new level. I guarantee you doing that will be the final nail in WoW’s coffin. We’ve put up with years of inexplicable passive aggression from the devs, but that would be the final straw for many, myself included.
You might be conflating two separate “scalings” mentioned.
There is a modifier they use for old content that scales your power based on the age of the content and your level.
That appears to be bugged, clearly, if people are struggling to solo old content.
Past that, there is natural player power scaling.
Trying to act like that is bugged when its worked the same way for 16 years now is a bit silly.
Maybe its not perfect, but there are no alternatives.
You can not just double your player power every expansion. They would need to squish every few months if that was the case.
The way it has worked historically is you go from having like 100 percent crit builds back to like 20 percent crit builds at the end and start respectively, and that is what he is describing.
Sadly, it seems he is just clueless on what is actually going on here, because its OBVIOUSLY not a bug with player damage, right?
The reason he doesn’t know what’s going on here though, is because no one ever provides actual proof.
These threads are made quite often, and if some one took the time to compare actual evidence with logs and video like they did in BFA, it would have been fixed already.
Until then, its just talk that is obfuscated by far more important topics.
I know people think soloing legion raids 3 weeks into an expansion is important, but as you can see from the constant changes to the raid and class balance, there are more pressing issues occupying their attention.
If you want it fixed, take it serious and give them exactly what they need to fix it so it can’t be ignored any longer.
I have real doubt that any of those populations exist in any real numbers.
I’m sorry you feel this way, but not everyone shares this sort of relationship with Blizzard or WoW.
Veteran player here since BC, All I do everyday all day is work on collecting, check me out on DFA https://www.dataforazeroth.com/characters/US/Area%2052/Kaurmine My incentive would be the same, exactly the same but my desire would plummet
They’ll still love it even if Blizz fixes it then
Well go play SWTOR if you like it so much. xo
I mean, I get your point and appreciate the sentiment, but MMO literally just means Massively Multiplayer Online (presumably game).
In the truest sense of this description, nothing indicates growing in player power. It’s semantics, but still. I think you’re latching onto the MMO half of the MMORPG when it’s the RPG half that supports your point.
I do agree, though. We shouldn’t get weaker.
Isn’t that their job? The one they get paid for? I mean, come on man…
Granted, and by that same logic not everyone thinks Blizzard is infallible as you do.
11 levels right? So anything under level 49 shouldn’t be a problem?
M Legion raids lol
It IS important to many of us. And the more people like me are dismissed or ignored, the longer I’ll stay unsubbed to their game because there’s less for me to do.
I never once said Blizzard was infallible, I’m simply agreeing with the correct direction of legacy content. It might not be the most well received opinion, but I still stand by it.
Huh? Their job is to fix things yes. They are fixing more important things right now.
If you want them to fix your less important thing, you need to demonstrate WHY its more important, because its clearly not even on his radar right now.
This is what was done at the start of BFA and it drew a long, detailed response from Ion himself.
Right, but its not important to development.
You can just make a group and go do it, right?
Its much more important to get the new content working perfectly, as it is about to be on the world’s stage.
Either way though, they WOULD fix this if it was presented properly.
They just aren’t seeing the reports properly, because its a bunch of people talking instead of using actual facts.
I actually have no problem having to actually try a little and play my class when I do an old raid. I had to do that when I was farming Black Temple for my glaives in Cata.
If I were a mythic raider I would be pretty irritated that people actually feel entitled to be able to one shot a boss just because the content is old now. Not because the content should be hard today, but because with this attitude, why the hell should you even have to run old raids? Blizz, please just unlock all transmog for everyone, forever, because I shouldn’t have to fly all the way to a raid entrance.
They should be adjusted so that solo is not impossible due to a mechanic, and they should fix the scaling so we aren’t suffering for leveling our characters. But I don’t get this whole let me faceroll it because it’s old shtick.