Old Content Scaling and Ion's response in QA

Not quite, by the sounds of it. He went into it yesterday, it was quite eye opening.

They have specific scalers for each content split, it appears.
Makes sense, of course.
But it does make you believe they did that on the off chance they decide to fully support whole-world scaling.

Which is technically possible already thanks to Chromie Time, but clearly not supported.

What is and isn’t important to players is a matter of opinion

You’re on a fools errand if you think you’ll get anywhere by telling people what they love isn’t important

Mythic Legion Raids


I am not talking about what is important to players. I am talking about what is important to development.

You need to prove it should be important to them, otherwise they will get to it when they get to it, like everything else.

So my stance on squishes should also change then since before I could always do what I could always do but now I can’t


The only people in a place to say what is or isn’t important for development is Blizzard

This thread and all like them

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If it indeed confirmed a bug, sure. But clearly it is a bug, based on what he said and what is happening.
He is under the impression that this is just a player power issue that players are not thinking clearly on.
I have heard reports that it is FAR worse than that.

Is it?
Let’s see some logs.

You’re gonna get crabs from swingin off all them nuts.
I hope you’re enjoying your attention.

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You certainly give off that impression. I just checked another thread and lo and behold there you are defending the game director and implying that anyone who doesn’t love him and by extension his elitist vision of the game is toxic.


Clearly the fix is to make that legion bug a feature. Just do it Blizz.

Why? I reported go check (to Blizzard)

What do you want a bunch of logs of people getting rolled in seconds? :rofl:

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I only call toxicity out when people become close minded that I can have a different view than them, case in point.

I think it’s ok for people to have different opinions, we don’t have to get toxic about disagreements.

I’m having trouble understanding your responses.

What is the point of this comment?
You think Blizzard should not be acting on this then?

This one seems to make no sense either to me.
I am talking about actual proof.

Use logs to show how difficult the content is so they can identify why its happening.

Compare before and after, outside and inside the raid.

That is how it was done in BFA and it immediately drew a response from Ion himself.

Why is no one doing this?

Because thats how it’s always been. Now it isn’t and people that like to fish for old mogs don’t like it. How hard is it to grasp.

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Man, Ion must be a necromancer, bringing Tupac back from the dead to have him defend Ion on the forums

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Because that is how they will fix the problem, so that is where you start.
They aren’t just going to wave some magical wand and all of a sudden everything will work fine.

They are going to make mathematical adjustments, and they need to SEE math to know what to adjust.

They clearly aren’t running these tests in-house right now, so you need to do it for them if you want action taken.

That you saying “what’s important for development” has no meaning since you aren’t a Blizzard employee.

Step into a M Legion raid and try to solo it

I imagine as a Blizzard employee they can teleport to a dungeon and check if players are full of :poop:

you realize the buff was put in because of the stat squish back in wod?

Just because something was one way before doesn’t mean it has to stay that way, I think evolution and growth in important for a company and a long standing successful franchise like WoW.

No point arguing with that guy, you’re just bashing your head against a wall.

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“That’s how it’s always been.” You mean except for all those many, many years when that wasn’t how it was at all?

That’s pretty damn new in WoW’s lifespan.