Obama was a moron plain and simple. That said politics have now cropped up so it’s time to mute the thread.
Goodbye everyone, ill remember you all in therapy.
Obama was a moron plain and simple. That said politics have now cropped up so it’s time to mute the thread.
Goodbye everyone, ill remember you all in therapy.
Vicetone feat. Obama - Hope (OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO) - YouTube
moron. idk. useless yes
Welcome to clownworld, OP. I’m not sure how much longer I can continue to support this company either.
Lol @ thinking politics weren’t already in this thread full of people spouting “go woke go broke” nonsense. I mean that’s the whole reason tools like the one on topic even need to exist though right? When it’s something that represents your demographic it’s “normal” when it’s something that represents someone else’s it’s “political” or an agenda. At best that’s a blind spot, at worst it’s outright narcissism.
Thank you for speaking on behalf of all non white players like myself, I really need you to help my people… sigh… if anything I find your behavior pretty terrible… I defintley don’t need you to be my peoples savior on a video game I am now really disliking due to all this crap being pushed.
It’s more a matter of perspective and unfortunately mine is probably a bit more pessimistic around these kinds of politics.
I do understand your view though and am glad you are looking towards it optimistical.
It would certainly be the better outcome.
my question is where is the list of the 80% games came from
are most games Character Creations?
and if they pull there was no female leads back in the days ill name a few games with the leads
dino crisis Regina
tomb raider croft
blood ryane
the first diablo
what did i read…?
I had to look up what a Diversity Tool was and i’m pretty speechless. I wonder how long before Activision Blizzard faces a lawsuit over this because this isn’t right at all…
I’m out of likes right now OP. How about and ? It’s all i got right now.
You can have some too.
Thats not a “few”, thats most of them lol
I accept this offering.
They probably took one look at our planet and decided it was best to just let us take ourselves out.
This tool looks promising considering it seems blizzard is unwilling to hire non-white people. I’ve yet to see a non white or white passing individual in a single blizzard announcement video. I’m sorry but LGBTQ+ isn’t diversity, it’s inclusion. There’s a big difference and it’s problematic to assume because a white person isn’t heterosexual they are somehow adding diversity.
Of course diversity isn’t an issue for white (or white passing and culturally adaptive people). By the way, I’m white
Zarya is 100% Super-Straight. I don’t get it. She is Russian Mother Bear.
My thought is this isn’t the first tool of its kind in the game, film, or television industries, which is why Blizzard was so open about it.
Yeah but if more than 40% of your darn country actually voted it wouldn’t have been the case. A lot of the people who lip flap about how he was a bad choice didn’t even freaking vote, and i bet you a ample portion of the voters voted for him as a joke also because “just meme’ing”.
Certainly since religious groups are the most likely to support a president in your country also and they are told to vote for certain people, aka Obama and trump both being heavily supported by those groups. This is what happens when religious groups are still allowed to affect politics even if it is stated to keep them separate.
Also if you are using that as your way of stating that your country is racist, that is fine. But i don’t believe that to be the case, your country and people are just too lazy or overworked to actually pick a proper president is the real issue not that they are racist. I think you are being very harsh on your own countrymen due to your own personal issues. The whole world is racist in some sense, from every other ethnicity and culture i have learned about not one isn’t racist in some sense, so this isn’t something that is purely an American thing. I wish you Americans would stop bashing your selves to seem less of something.
Like I said in another thread:
Almost to a T, we were warned.