Okay, so. Was gonna buy Dragonflight:

This tool looks promising considering it seems blizzard is unwilling to hire non-white people. I’ve yet to see a non white or white passing individual in a single blizzard announcement video. I’m sorry but LGBTQ+ isn’t diversity, it’s inclusion. There’s a big difference and it’s problematic to assume because a white person isn’t heterosexual they are somehow adding diversity.

Of course diversity isn’t an issue for white (or white passing and culturally adaptive people). By the way, I’m white

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Zarya is 100% Super-Straight. I don’t get it. She is Russian Mother Bear.

My thought is this isn’t the first tool of its kind in the game, film, or television industries, which is why Blizzard was so open about it.

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Yeah but if more than 40% of your darn country actually voted it wouldn’t have been the case. A lot of the people who lip flap about how he was a bad choice didn’t even freaking vote, and i bet you a ample portion of the voters voted for him as a joke also because “just meme’ing”.

Certainly since religious groups are the most likely to support a president in your country also and they are told to vote for certain people, aka Obama and trump both being heavily supported by those groups. This is what happens when religious groups are still allowed to affect politics even if it is stated to keep them separate.

Also if you are using that as your way of stating that your country is racist, that is fine. But i don’t believe that to be the case, your country and people are just too lazy or overworked to actually pick a proper president is the real issue not that they are racist. I think you are being very harsh on your own countrymen due to your own personal issues. The whole world is racist in some sense, from every other ethnicity and culture i have learned about not one isn’t racist in some sense, so this isn’t something that is purely an American thing. I wish you Americans would stop bashing your selves to seem less of something.

Like I said in another thread:

Almost to a T, we were warned.

Get Woke, Go Broke will be proven true yet again.

Probably because Overwatch is using real world country to represent their characters, if there’s any Overwatch hero that can’t be gay, it’s Zarya, Mei, and Ana.

It’s basically telling them “Haha the hero representing your country is gay”.

It is indeed would be a brave move.

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Well, see, they totally can be. Just because it’s illegal or frowned upon in those countries doesn’t mean they can’t be.

But, well, they aren’t because Blizzard only feels safe pushing these kinds of things where it’s accepted and where it won’t get their game banned.

Corporate pandering at its finest.

Ask Blizzard to make Mei gay in China. See what happens. :smirk:

I’ll make Blizzard a deal. I’ll buy Dragonflight if Ana and Mei come out as gay in Chinese and Middle-Eastern countries in a public news announcement.



Yeah I’m def done with this company. The levels of degeneracy are too hard to ignore at this point.

rolling eyes

If you really accept people as equal then seeing these qualities broken out into weighted scores is particularly repugnant. It’s one of the most racist, sexist, bigoted things I’ve ever seen.


lmfao the crying over this trash never fails to amuse me… leave your petty little wah wah diversity crap in the real world where people still don’t care… it’s just a game that you are free to opt out of carebear :’)

What they’re doing is the same thing the communists did with erasing history, just extrapolate that to games, movies, etc… . Just like they adapted communism into feminism; replace workers party with gender.

Edit: BTW all the isms are linked & they all intend to disrupt the natural order.

Well. Golden rule of business. You try to please everybody, you will end up pleasing nobody.

I think some people feel they need metrics to tell them if people are doing things right or not, and don’t understand that certain things cannot be properly judged that way or that in some cases putting a metric on something can actually encourage bad behavior (in this case, tokenism).

In the immortal words of a sketch: “Well, the chart says.”

As much concern that there is about this in here, you guys are still going to buy the expansion and continue paying them.

They KNOW this and thats all they care about.

I am more upset that I read your title and thought they actually released a pre-order thing.

You snagged me OP, good on you!

Though I will give a small opinion of this post.

At this point, I’m so nonplussed about companies doing this I’m just kind of numb to it, which is a bad thing because I’m okay with everyone as long as they’re cool.

Just a company trying to over-compensate.

Obviously people can’t be relied on. That is what started this whole thing. That and a lot of groping.

If they need an algorithm to help them along, fine.

As for being “broken down into attributes”, what do you think every company online has done to you already? Every social media platform? Every government/education agency?

Just what do you think they are collecting and selling?

Oh boy, wait until you find out what Discord’s got.