[OCE] PLEASE allow OCE players to raid on OCE ping!

He’s on our side he wants no merge at all so no problems at all

I agree make an oceanic mega server and leave NA alone.

The oceanic community after all these years deserve to be treated better.

Has elron just made 10 bnet accounts and just debating with him self. Its a choice some will go some with stay but its there choice & I would like to take this time to say @blizzard thank you for bring this on I cant wait to wake up on Wednesday like it Christmas came early, Change is good its for the better sometimes you’ve just gotta let the peacock fly and find a tree to rest on and build a new home like elron told many people to find on the shadowstrike discord. #freedom Season of Discovery.

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I believe Blizzard should propose a solution that meets the needs of low-latency gameplay while maintaining a healthy server population, rather than throwing the issue back at the players and forcing them to choose between two undesirable options, leading to arguments among themselves. Players are consumers, and Blizzard has an obligation to support the player community instead of irresponsibly passing the problem onto them.

I think Blizzard is negative about SOD, probably because it will end eventually, and the subscription price is much lower than buying 11.0 (Retail).

But if anyone thinks Blizzard doesn’t have an obligation to provide a quality gaming experience to their paying customers, I think they’re domesticated.

The fact they haven’t even said anything shows what they think of the oceanic region and since people are ok with being treated like 2nd class citizens on 200 ping as paying customers they don’t even have to do anything.

+1 oce seeded instances is the perfect solution.


We deserve better than this blizzard.

Waiting for an update on seeded servers for oceanic.

Thank you for the update we are very pleased you have listened to the overwhelming majority of oce and hope you are able to find a workable solution for us in the near future.

Bumping for visibility.

Please give us OCE seeded instances and allow us to merge with Crusader Strike.

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Bump! and a +1

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Thank you or listening to the community.

Completely agree not just for you but most of the oceanic community which is why we overwhelming rejected there proposal.

Hoping we can get some alternative suggestions to help oceanic as a region in the coming weeks.

Thank you again i now get to raid with my guild for the forseeable future.

This is sadly one of the options that is not possible, “we know you have the technology” yes, we do, it’s utilizing Modern World of Warcrafts sharding infrastructure. Unfortunately a lot of changes made to support Vanilla like gameplay with Classic World of Warcrafts launch changed a lot of functionality to re-create “Realm” based eco-systems.

Being completely transparent with you, it is an insurmountable amount of code changes to make for Season of Discovery to be able to support cross-region style sharding. It sounds like it should be so easy because Modern already does it, that code doesn’t exist in Classic and has actively been developed around to make some Classic content work. It’s a huge amount of interconnected code to unravel and beyond what we have engineering support for right now.

Long term note, we are absolutely talking about making changes to this to better support how Classic flavours of World of Warcraft are actually utilized by you the players. But that doesn’t help this conversation.

As far as this larger topic, our options are few. But we’ll share some of the things that are on the cards for OCE for you to offer thoughts and feedback on.

  1. Penance, FCMs open to Wild Growth.
    a. Lots more players, lots more ping.
    b. Doesn’t address Shadowstrike.
  2. Convert Shadowstrike into a PvE realm, open FCMs from Penance to Shadowstrike.
    a. Penance is a very small realm, this doesn’t move the meter much.
    b. Does this upset more people than it pleases? Is it also a temporary solution, the OCE playerbase is a fraction of the rest of US Season of Discovery, will you remain happy with the numbers?
  3. Open FCMs from both AU realms to the corresponding US realms.
    a. People can choose to stay or go! This option almost certainly kills the AU realms as it splits an already small playerbase and you will be forced to move if you want to play with anyone.

Of all the options, the one we are most leaning towards is option 1 for now, Shadowstrike is still a significantly healthier realm than Penance, but Shadowstrike is still >10% the size of say Crusader Strike. Hence our desire to merge.

Overall, please understand we absolutely appreciate this isn’t a great place to be in. It is for a similar reason that with our Seasonal realms we do not do the usual full suite of language specific realms in Europe. It is however a more problematic… problem, in AU as the alternative is a significantly higher ping time to US based hardware.

Please continue to voice your thoughts, we will ultimately have to pick a direction that will upset some and please others but we are parsing your responses and they are extremely helpful in building a consensus on the best steps forward for OCE players.


Option 3 Please.
Don’t let us people stuck on Shadowstrike suffer on a slowly dying realm just because a minority want to parse and raid log. Give them the option to stay while those that want to leave can do so.
Let us leave now and have more time to find a decent guild to raid with for the remainder of SoD on a healthy server.

Better option is to let us ALL transfer to Wild growth which is a west coast server.


Give us option 3 please. Let us transfer


bring it down a notch be happy you got a reply at all

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Please give us option 3.

My entire raid team of 20 want option 3.


Please let Penance people FCM, as they are playing on a dead server.

And please give Shadowstrike a chance in phase 5 before you make a decision on it. The population was growing until a week or two ago. With BWL having no resistance requirements, and ZG bringing back 10 man rolling 3 day lockout raiding, and other alt friendly changes, it looks like the population will continue growing.

You can always revisit Shadowstrike later if the population drops too far, but you can never reverse the damage of opening up FCM.