[Penance AU] Open Transfers to Wild Growth US / Request for Update

Update: Developer shares options in this thread: [OCE] PLEASE allow OCE players to raid on OCE ping! - #116 by GarnetHound-14887

This is a request for an update to the Free Character Moves and Realm Consolidation plan put forward by Blizzard developers for Penance AU (Oceanic PvE realm) to transfer to Wild Growth US.

As stated in a prior blue post:
“Oceanic servers are currently planned to be included in this FCM offering… the Oceanic PvE realm no longer supports actual group play… we feel that a higher ping but actual ability to find groups for content supersedes lower ping times…”

Because of this update, many players on Penance were prepared to transfer. We completely agree with the statement about group play. Some players were concerned about higher ping, but many were not, especially if it meant they would be able to form groups and trade items on an auction house.

As the largest horde guild on the server, we had two raid teams ready to move. We know the three other horde guilds with a raid team were ready to move. There is also a much larger population of Alliance players on Penance ready to transfer.

To find out that we would be halted from transferring at the exact time transfers were scheduled to begin was outrageous: “We have however held off on opening OCE to US transfers at this time as feedback was strongly mixed on this topic, trending more towards negative than positive.”

We understand there were mixed reactions to the Shadowstrike AU server transfer plan, but this in no way reflected the feelings towards the Penance transfers.

If we had known the Blizzard developers had started to lean towards holding off on our transfers we would have become active earlier. From all we knew from the prior blue post, transfers were “currently planned” and we were busy prepping our characters to make the move.

I wasn’t aware players could sway the developers so much by posting in these forums - so here we are.

Personally, I was extremely positive about the transfer plan and feel this is the only chance we have to move our max-level characters to somewhere playable for future phases.

I’m not worried about the ping and have already tested my latency to the US servers.

There is no option other than Wild Growth PvE, and there is no consolidation between Penance PvE and Shadowstrike PvP that is reasonable - players will not go PvP (Update: Blizzard suggests converting Shadowstike to PvE in Option 2. This still does not address the next point of a low population) and my opinion is the population is still too low as numbers slowly decline in this game mode.

Even if an unlikely choice was given between moving to Shadowstrike or Wild Growth, I still choose Wild Growth.

Open transfers to Wild Growth US!


+1 I would like to move my characters from Penance to Wild Growth.


Free Penance!


Very well said :beers:


From the Alliance side talks many guilds had prepped for transfers with apparently less than 10% of the server willing to move.

Now I know a few healer mains have unsubbed dropping the raid healer mains, so I’m sure we’re down another raid group after their game time runs out leaving I think 3(?) raid groups left. With at least 2 claiming it to be directly from Blizzards decision to bar transfers to wild growth.

We need this.


There was previously no need to make our opinions known because those of us happy with the transfer thought it was a done deal.

Please resume the transfers. Being held in limbo like this is unpleasant.

There is no merge with Shadowstrike that would work here and just leave more people unhappy, and neither does it fix the original low pop problems sufficiently.


We need this. Please open up transfers from Penance to Wild Growth


Free Penance!!


As part of the same guild as Wardog (which is one of the largest, if not the largest on horde) I completely agree with his post above and so do many others.

Free Penance to Wild Growth please Blizzard. What harm can come from it considering that 90% of the player base (based on our Discord poll) want the same thing?


Free Penance!


I also agree with this post. About 90% of Penance players were prepared and happy to move to Wild Growth - we had emptied our mail and taken time off of work and were excited to make the move. We did not realise that not making posts on the forum would mean that we could not transfer. Much as we like the Penance community it is almost impossible to get groups outside of guild runs, the auction house is nonviable and recruiting new people, where there are no new people, is very difficult. Please let us transfer.
Free Penance!


Blizzard need to stop getting all there information on twitter and thinking its what everyone wants its not use there own forums as the main source of information there’s to many trolls on social media. Penance is just holding on to its survival and it needs a lifeline which is what everyone saw this server transfer as a (lifeline) guilds are struggling to make 20 people for raids its even harder to pug what people need for there raids because of the low server pop if you don’t have your 20 consistent players every week your pretty much forced to go in with what you you have or cancel the raid for that week and for a lot of people who wants to pay 20$ a month to not experience end game content. I tried to get dungeon groups going for Reals and what other people need in terms of getting there 0.5 quest done or some other quests they need it takes me anywhere between 30mins-1hour 20mins to get a group finalized to do dungeons and that’s if I want to sit there looking for 1hour and 20mins for people to join. Again everyone on penance saw these server transfers as a lifeline everyone prepared there characters for transfer and welcomed it and at the last minute had it taken away from them because of bad information collected from social media and redundant polls done by people not even part of penance server and you guys took that information and automatically assumed it applied to people on penance it dose not do the right thing and open the transfer up and let the people decided whether they want to stay or leave give us the people who pay and play your game the option of transferring or staying. Instead of making the choice for us.


Free Penance!

We are all prepared to move and the rug was pulled out from under us at the last moment. Blizzard even agrees Penance is no longer viable, so why keep us on a dead realm. The lack of communication on your part Blizzard was beyond ridiculous and now you are killing us further with people unsubbing or no longer playing until this is resolved. We are not Shadowstrike. Let us go!


I agree with this post,

From blizzards announcement the vast majority of players have been preparing to transfer, many in our guild made scheduling changes with work to maximise our opportunity in retaining character names we have grown to know on this tight knit server.

We understand this region is but a fraction of the player base and the team at blizzard working on SOD are a small team bringing life back to a game we all love, nonetheless the communication has been poor and slow in response.

That being said we need open and active communication around your intentions with Penance.


I agree with this thread



Developer update on options going forward in this thread: [OCE] PLEASE allow OCE players to raid on OCE ping! - #116 by GarnetHound-14887

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Free Penance!

Penance has a dead economy. Groups outside of guild are rare. We have almost zero new blood starting on the server. The flip on transfers will only act to hasten the damage to the server. Transferring to Wild Growth is the only real option.


Free Penance!


People moan about ping times on Wild Growth. I have been playing there with 145ms ping and raiding MC H3 with no issues. I want to move my Toons off Penance. Checked the AH on WG 40k items. On Pneance 1800. Did a who on penance and only 44 players total.
Please let the people who want to leave leave!


When i did a /who there were 16 at a peak play time

Please let Pennance (AU) transfer