[OCE] PLEASE allow OCE players to raid on OCE ping!

  1. Please.

I dont usually follow forums or discords where these “polls” were taking place and I don’t want to spend any more time here.

If you want a real idea of how many want to stay and how many want to go open the FCM.

If shadowstrike is too small for the remainers after that then bad luck. They get what they want, ping and we get what we want, pop.

Anecdotal evidence is my raid team is around 13 xfer, 1 remain, 6 dont care.


Why would I be happy about being told that blizzard doesn’t have the technology for something that they know we aren’t even asking them for. It’s very obvious they’re trying to steer the conversation away from the oce seeded instances we are asking for because they don’t want to devote any resources towards us. I have seen a single person ask them to make cross realm style servers and they keep telling us they don’t have the tech to do it in the hope that we just believe they don’t have access to technology that literally already exists in classic and has for years in BG’s…


Why don’t you just stick with your original plans instead of buckling to the squeaky wheel minority?

I still can’t believe you went all weak and backed out of this change after you told everyone it was going to happen, people spent days preparing to relocate to their new homes and you instead, sent them to jail and punished them for being proactive!

Also why did you post this junk post in here instead of the main thread? Too hot for you in there?

Option 3!


Option 3, please!

People can stay or go. If it comes down to it though, Option 1 will suffice.

Please free us and let us move should we wish! We just want to play the game as it is meant to be and not be raid logging or trying to level a toon solo to 60 :frowning:



So you basically want to wait until everyone quits like they did with swamp of sorrows in som before they let us leave the server and essentially hurt the oceanic population as a whole a lot more in the process?

Give us option 3. Anything else outside of oce seeded instances is a terrible idea that we have already attempted multiple times and it has failed multiple times.


thanks for bringing it down a notch I think you have a valid point. maybe try asking the blue why they couldnt do what you suggest <3

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As someone who came from Shadowstrike AU:

I am on the east coast and had this “unplayable 200+ ping” and honestly it’s like a handful of people making a mountain out of an invisible pebble. You do not and I stress you DO NOT notice the ping whatsoever on such an old game.

I left shadowstrike because this “healthy” server is dead. I had to reroll a new main after having multiple lvl 50s at the time and start from scratch. That said, after moving to wild growth back at the end of P3 I can safely say it just doesn’t compare. The move was more than worth it. Not only did the ping difference change nothing (it’s exactly the same gameplay on wild growth as it is on shadowstrike) but wild growth actually has MORE people running groups at all hours than shadowstrike. This “healthy” population of people are just raid loggers because the day to day is D-E-A-D. In which case they don’t need to move… just keep raid logging with your guild.

Allow people to move. It’s silly to have servers be unplayable for so long, to now dangle a solution in front of everyone just to be like SIKE! Die on your dead server LUL.

Side note - Why does a player who rerolled already care? Because again, I have a ton of characters that I spent a lot of time on over there. Wild growth is also a PVE realm whereas I would love to transfer all my PVP toons to CS and be able to engage in world pvp and the thrill that comes with it. I’ll hop on the tag at this point #FreeShadowstrike


That is exactly what I did champ.


Option 1 or 3 please. Going onto a US mainland server is obviously not ideal from a ping perspective, but Penance is effectively a dead realm already. Before phase 4 dropped /who was bringing up only my name and the AH was non existent. We are rapidly heading back there again. Our guild had just voted overwhelmingly (90%) to transfer to Wild Growth to keep our raiding alive.


Option 3 please!
Let the people decide, freedom of choice is the best gift Blizzard can give :slight_smile:

Rather now than later as Shadowstrike gradually and inevitably sinks into an extinction vortex, transfers just speeds this process up and we’d rather now to have more time to establish ourselves on the server we’d end up on in the future anyway.

Quite a few of us were really excited to play in a healthy population again. There’s more to the game than just parsing in raids on low ping, which is what the opposition is advocating for - but holding the rest of us hostage for their wowlog numbers isn’t respectful nor fair.


Option 3. Blizzard has mentioned on numerous occasions how Classic is centered around community.

Give us the chance to actually engage with a community as both Penance and Shadowstrike are lacking.


Please do go with at least option #1 for Penance, thank you! We do not want to merge with Shadowstrike.

I will not comment on Shadowstrike.

Thank you!


Option 3, need more people before the server gets worse.
If you are not in AU, the other OCE timezones are suffering.


With option 3 for Shadowstrike, would this allow us to transfer to Wild growth over Crusader strike as playing on PvE with a West coast server ping is preferable to PVP on a Central server. Option 1 needs to happen Asap though.


To be clear - that’s option 3
Choose an available option and as much as you might think they can do better, just accept they cannot and let’s get transfers both both realms open.


Just expedite option 1 please or do option 3. You don’t need 3-5 more days of feedback for this or have you forgotten there’s a phase launch next week?


I think Shadowstrike should have the optio to go to WG if they choose over the PVP realm since the latency whilst not amazing, it still better than CS from what I am hearing.

As a Penance player - Option 1 all the way (and can we have this done like yesterday please!) but Option 3 if it means SS can go to WG as well since I can then finally have my toons all together!

  1. Give me option 3 please

Having seeded server’s base on battleground tech would be nice too we’re already using in SoD

Free shadow strike and penance


Option 3 for sure, while some might bemoan the increase in latency I think we all know that wow classic is not the sort of game in which 150-200ms really matters.

Merging all of SoD will ensure that we have a lasting community for the lifetime of the seasonal mode, some of us only play SoD and doing so on a realm that is struggling can be a bit depressing.


Please option 3. Sod is an awesome game mode, but it is not a permanent game mode. It is a temporary SEASON, let us get the most value out of this game by letting us transfer.

We need to let the people decide. If people want to stay it is their choice. People are saying they want to stay with their guild, then that is fine, let them play. A majority of non vocal players want to move.

The AH is a complete mess. I leveled a character from 28 to 60, there is no green quality daggers on the AH, there was 10-15 pieces of green leather per slot from 1-60. Prices have tripled, no one is farming mats anymore.

Ping will not affect raid logging, parsing or other aspects of the game. Coming from a retail vanilla player, I don’t remember it being an issue in 2005, 2006 without fibre connections.