OCE player stop complaining about price changes

Why shouldn’t they increase prices thought ? They have to keep with inflation .

and thats how medicine prices form in us


Hey it’s their medicine, their prices, if people don’t want to pay, they can go and invent it themselves

Ef me I can’t spell

there are probably so few playing in OCE that they have to raise prices to justify even having OCE
in a few months they could be paying even more

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There already is. It’s called private servers. Remember Australia is the place that when they don’t release a show (GOT) on an easy to get way they steal it. INC more private servers.

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Wonder how long it takes for those saying “we pay more” or “dont like it, don’t sub” from around the globe to receive emails saying their prices are increasing… sounds like you are very welcoming of price increases to subs.

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No, they don’t. Has the US sub price changed in 16 years, ever, despite inflation?


Blizzard is making record profits, and this is simply them finding ways to make even more record profits. Nothing to do with price parity, inflation or anything else.

If enough Aussies quit the game over it, then it might also give them an excuse to shut down the Oceanic servers (just like SWTOR did years ago) and eke out profit from the few that remain.

Remember, we pay for a full-priced game every two years with Wow, then have to pay monthly to actually play it. That’s almost an anomaly in the modern online gaming world. And when there’s frequent content droughts of over a year where you’re paying “for access to the servers” and nothing more, then yeah, it’s understandable why people would be a little annoyed they’re being asked to pay more for what has been, in recent years, a lot less.


All I hear is…

“It’s not fair, I have to pay the same price as everyone else. I didn’t learn what conversion is and the fees associated with it.”

Do you get mad when you have to pay for shipping costs too? Do you write angry letters to the merchant for making you pay the difference for shipping the item to you?

I will however drop this link here.


This person has legitimate arguments to be made beyond. Simply screaming because they don’t want to pay the same price as the US.


its true but some of those unsubs will be requesting refunds for shadowlands too that cost is up to $120 in Australia

so to Australians $239 yearly sub (19.95) and $89 hero expan (want character boost) over $330 a year.

thats only $30 less then Xbox game pass (10.95), Netflix (10.95) and Disney+ (8.95) combined just to play for 1 game…

Thanks for the link! Just refunded my Shadowlands.

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This is kind of the crux of it, really. $16.50 a month, for a single game is already a bit of an ask (~$200 a year, without the bulk discounts). If it were some kind of … Blizzard sub, that gave you access to the game, to Classic, and some other perks on the Blizzard launcher or something? I don’t think the price hike would be nearly so unpleasant - in fact, I’d probably stay subbed for longer than I do now, since I’d be getting something out of it even when I didn’t feel like playing WoW.

Think the Humble Bundle or Microsoft’s Game Pass - Blizzard and Activision have a pretty meaty back-catalogue. Throw us a few older titles every now and then? I don’t know. Something to bump the value proposition of the sub fee from “If I have to”, to “Cool to have”.

But for just one game? That puny little five bucks could buy me an entire other game on Steam, every month, for that entire year. Several, if I pick some of the cheaper, weirder indie titles.

I love WoW, it’s my favorite MMO even in spite of all its competition, it just feels good to play and I have a lot of attachment to the setting. But it’s not the only game in town, either.

I already only sub every now and then, when I get the itch - these sorts of changes will make my subscription periods even more seldom. It’s just another little notch I have to consider whenever I’m asking myself if grabbing that extra month will be ‘worth it’. I can get a lot of entertainment for $20.

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Just make your own medicine 4HEAD

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What I’m saying is if you don’t think it’s worth it don’t pay for it. Blizzard is not holding a gun to your head. You do you and they mind their on buisness. They will react to the decline in sub numbers in a way that is best for their buisness.

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Yeah they will.

By doing nothing.

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No I haven’t but what I have seen is a tons of people who say they’re upset and continue to play. So clearly it isn’t that big of an issue to most people. Again people who complain and are upset but unwilling to do anything about that. Something that actually shows dislike in this case unsubbing and stop playing the remaining time and not a post with fluff then nothing will continue to come from it.

It is exactly the same situation of DLC still in video games. Many people say they hate it. That it doesn’t belong in video games yet it remains. The overlap of the people who complain vs the overlap of people who still buy the DLC is enough to justify the continue practice.

Though people can make threads on a forum that is rarely recognized and hope that works.

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Well said i completely agree!

The “rarely recognised” forum worked rather well when it came to the devs’ fatwa on flying. A battle that the players won.

Like, I’m not going to stop playing because of the price increase. But I’m not happy about it, and I’m going to loudly and repeatedly let Blizzard know that, and the fact that it’s tarnished their reputation in my eyes. They may not care, but they provide these forums for players to express their opinions, and I’m expressing mine.

“Just quit” has always been the smarmy comeback people throw out carelessly, without remembering that people have years invested in this game. A game that’s also been a mental health lifeline for a ton of people during the pandemic.

Imagine if you finally found the perfect house where you were perfectly happy, living a comfortable life until one day, you get a letter saying the rent’s going up by 33%.

“Just move”?

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If they had a public office down here, they’d sure as hell get some attention today.


Wharf 10 L 2 Se 2 50-52 Pirrama Rd

Pyrmont, NEW SOUTH WALES, 2009 Australia