OCE player stop complaining about price changes


Buy > rent :stuck_out_tongue:

Watching people rent a house for 30 years is confusing.

(That said I’m a renter, but $100/month all utilities/laundry included is hard to pass up lol)

Pretty sure that came with also a backing of people dropping subs. I’m not saying you can’t make threads to say your peace but continuing to play takes a lot bite out of your words.

And they wont care because why? you’re still paying.

I’m not throwing it out carelessly. If you are actually upset about this change you should unsub. If the enjoyment you get from this game is worth the increase in sub then continue playing. It appears that it is for you. So you being upset is just words.

Even after this poor comparison you still yell in the air that you don’t like something but are willing to pay the new price.

Btw, if my rent goes up by 33%, I would with out doubt start looking for a new place to live. If WoW goes up in price in the states to $20 I’m quitting because I don’t think it is worth it.

And if those people kept playing they’d ignore you until you got tired and gave up.

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They really have an office down here?


If i was in ur i would rent at that place, Buy a house and have some one else pay my mortgage

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Now go protest

Sorry to go wildly off-topic, but I seriously need to know where you’re renting. I might just move there tommorow. :stuck_out_tongue:

We can be room mates.

Imagine supporting anti-consumer business practices so callously.

The price shouldn’t be raised, especially not out of the blue, during a pandemic, and right before an expansion launches.

It’s scummy as heck.


It’s the hotel I work at.

Been working here 14 years and it’s one of the “perks”.

The pay isn’t great, but when you factor in the rent… it balances out quite well.

Hm, wonder how fast this got flagged :thinking: I’m curious if all the “stop complaining” (the ones that literally say it in the thread title I mean) threads are troll threads :thinking: Maybe I could investigate and compare post count of OPs who make “stop complaining” threads.

Nah too far.

I thought my $700 a month was a good deal lol

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Woah cmon now buddy independent thought patterns, making decisions, voting with your dollar. That sounds like personal responsibility cant have that now.

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Its unacceptable!!.

They will complain but continue to play and in a months time the memory of this will be forgotten :smiley:

Unchecked capitalism is :-1:

Man, I picked up the Outer Worlds recently and can barely play the game because of all of the corporate crap in that game. Even when it’s being heavily satirized unchecked greed agitates me terribly.

It mirrors/satirizes a lot of the problems we’re having in the US at the moment too.

The disparity between the rich and the poor in the nation is ridiculous right now. I count myself lucky to be pretty well off (even if I do get eaten by taxes) but something really needs to be done to narrow that gap a bit.

It’s getting to the point that a lot of folks can barely survive because we’ve had a ton of inflation with wages that have largely stagnated for twenty years.

I’m sorry for going off on this tangent. It’s just something I feel strongly about. The socioeconomic inequality is a serious issue in the states.

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The buyers keep the capitalism in check

Except they don’t.

Don’t be naive. Folks sigh and spend more money despite not having more to spend because what are they going to do?

They have to eat and they have to have shelter.

The video game doesn’t matter but it extends faaaaaaaaar beyond that.


The world isnt meant to be fair. The world has but 1 law - Survival of the Fittest. We are not much different from the animals in that sense

You’re right they no longer do. We’ve seen it in this thread. People who’ve claimed that they’re upset but are going to continue paying.

The same price as everyone else is not a fixed concept. The cost of living in Australia is much higher than the US, studies show the average US worker receives roughly $13,000 more disposable income per annum than an Australian worker. WoW subs are not uniform across the board because charging people literally identical sub fees doesn’t make any sense. The sub fee in Russia is like $7 USD because charging them full price would be an insane proposition.

Australians are already paying a greater percentage of our total income for our sub fees than Americans and this is just adding insult to injury.

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