OCE player stop complaining about price changes

If you don’t think the game is worth that much then don’t sub. It’s their product they can do whatever with their prices.
No one is forcing you to play.
They don’t need to justify anything to you. They can charge whatever they want for their product. It’s upto you to decide if you are going to pay or not


Is this a parody, or legit advice?


“If you don’t like it then quit.”

Come on, surely you can do better than THAT old cliche?



Go here.
Click “I would rather categorize the issue”
Click Payment
Click Refund
Click Refund other World of Warcraft purchase

To refund shadowlands.

I’ve done it. You can too.


Or we can complain about it and you can deal with it bucko


Do you know how many oce players i have seen unsub since this was released?


Many more will be getting home from work over the next few hours, id imagine the threads will liven up a little.

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Sadly it is serious

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I mean… thats what the blue post itself basically said. “if you dont like it, heres where you can cancel sub. have a nice day.~”

but yer, OP isn’t wrong.

A quick summary.


Stop being poor?

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No, because that is the answer when it comes to dealing with a company. If enough people stop playing they’d have to either eat the loss or readjust. This is why so many companies get away with stuff people don’t like because no one is willing to cut off from something they don’t need over a bad change.

If WoW in the US went up $20 a month, I’d quit. It isn’t that I can’t afford it I just think it isnt worth it. They’re after money and if people quit over it then reducing the price is making more money than keeping it increased.

Or, people can make threads on a forum they rarely recognize and hope that works.


Price increase is about 25%. More than 25% of oce player base would have to unsub for this to be a negative revenue move.

If about 10%quit then it’s still profitable for blizzard


I dont like what the OP is saying but I took their advice :slight_smile:


Have you ever, in the history of subscription gaming, seen a monthly sub price come DOWN?

Once it’s up, it stays up until Wow goes free-to-play.


Angry Aussies are so cute


They need to justify why their product is worth our hard earned money. So they do have to justify something.


i also took op’s advice and canceled sub ,


It’s not about the fact that the price has gone up - at least, for me, that’s not why I’m irritated.

It’s about the fact that the OCE community has basically been ignored this expansion with multiple lag and server issues and a broken day/night cycle because we are synced up with NA servers, which never get any response because we’re a ‘minority’ player-base.

Yet, the first acknowledge that the OCE community has had in 3 years is about a price being hiked up. If you’re gonna increase prices, at least give us the same quality of services that NA has for a start, like a properly synced calendar and day/night cycle.


They don’t have to justify it. The power is in your hands, you decide their product is worth that much when u agree to pay the fee. From a financial point of view like I said above for then to question this decision about 25% oceanic player base will have to unsub to make this a non profitable buisness move for them, they will revert at this stage.

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Need to make money somehow when there retail game is dead and they just banned multiboxers lol