Nothing has been done

I find it very disturbing that blizzard does not respond to mass harassment reports, me and my guild in RP have been stalked and harassed by this DK Player and he continues to do so, at least Blizzard could put people you put on ignore into different phases or something, this is getting ridiculous, for 4 days he would find me and just stand there, standing over me, me and the guild have put him on ignore but he would just stand their for hours, following me to every zone I go to, Draenor, Northrend, I have to toon swap hoping he doesn’t know about my other alts. Even to a point where he would turn big and stand on top of my character.

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Have u opened a ongoing harrassment ticket reporting them wont realy get the traction ur hoping for tho nothing hes doing is wrong maybe creepy but unless hes breaking the rules with language and what not thats not harrassment.


I can’t seen him type anything since he is on ignore, he just follows me literally everywhere. I have opened several reports and telling what is going on. Only thing I can do is continue to ignore him and pretend he does not exist

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As mentioned in your GD thread, this isn’t considered harassment.

People are allowed to be in the same location as you in-game. Can you imagine the number of “harassment” reports that would be generated at every single bank or AH??

You’re giving them all the attention they want. You and your guildies need to pretend this other person simply doesn’t exist. They’ll eventually get bored and leave. Everyone should have them on ignore and respond to absolutely nothing they do or say.


He is deliberately trying to find me, that is the problem, that is harassment

That’s not harassment. The game is literally huge. There are several worlds, locations, zones etc. to go to. Even if they choose to be in the same place, that’s not harassment.


He is finding me…literally I am RPing in an area and he finds me.

Turn on warmode. Hearthout in a garrison or classhall.


Unfortunately, without chat logs there is very little Blizzard will do in this matter. They do not classify someone existing in the same space as another to be harassment. Not that I am downplaying the seriousness of the situation, but they have certain policies and things they have to follow where this is all concerned. I know this isn’t the answer you want to hear, and I myself wish it was not the answer I have to give, but that is the long and short of it. If there was chat logs and things like that, they could do something. Without that, there’s nothing they can do.


All I can do is hope they get bored and just bugger off.

Pretty much. Just ignore they even exist, and eventually they will leave. Had a couple people that used to do the same to me, and it went on for days. My best advice is do not give them any satisfaction and carry on like they aren’t even there. They will find someone else to harass eventually.


Thank you, I shall continue to do so


If they’re repeatedly standing on you or spamming toys at you and your guildmates being disruptive to the RP, you can specifically put in an Ongoing Harassment ticket:

Since it’s an out of game ticket and won’t pick up or flag any specific in-game information you’ll want to be very specific, listing the character’s OOC name and server, the times and dates that he was griefing you, what he was doing (not just being in the same area as you at the same time, that isn’t actionable, but actual actions that he took to disrupt the RP), and submit a new ticket every time he does something disruptive.

Try to be clear and concise. They don’t need the entire saga or rage that they’re “not doing anything”. And in the meantime, you can take steps to minimize contact that you have with him by doing your meetings and events in instanced or phased content where he can’t get to you.

Most importantly, put him on ignore. Don’t take him off ignore to tell him stuff, that’s mutual combat and no longer harassment.


Glad you opened a thread in CS so you can hopefully get a Blue update on if standing near you is considered harassment.

He is allowed to do that. He can’t talk to you, or anything else, but he can exist in the same area if he wants and it is not harassment. I will just copy paste from the GD thread in case you have not had a chance to read it.

Blizzard most certainly takes harassment seriously. They have a whole write up on it to help folks who feel they are being harassed. There are quite a few tools at the disposal of players to mitigate it on their end, and to report it to Blizzard.

As others have said, put them on Ignore and never reply. If they circumvent Ignore, take note of that - name, server, chat channel, time stamp, nature of communication. Report for Ongoing Harassment via ticket.

To be clear though - this is NOT considered harassment. This is an open world MMO. Other players have every right to stand wherever they want, whenever they want. Silently standing there violates no rules.

They can not verbally harass you, they can’t bring a mob and disrupt your RP event. Those things would actually be against the rules.

Standing there though is not against the game rules. It is like the annoying sibling going “I AM NOT TOUCHING YOU!!” Except in this case the player is not speaking or communicating at all. Super annoying, but not considered harassment given they have the right to be there too.

You do not get to decide who can be in which areas of the game, and when. If you don’t like someone standing there, you need to move the event to an area that you control such as instanced content. Others have had some great suggestions for that.


It isn’t considered harassment by Blizzard. It’s an MMO after all.

If it was actual harassment, Blizzard would certainly look at it seriously - as they actually do.

But you complaining about it on the public forum is probably giving them the satisfaction that they’re annoying you - but that’s about it.


It is not harassment to stand where you are standing. It is not considered harassment to be in spaces where you are. It is not even considered harassment to look up your location using the in-game tools.

What is considered harassment is talking to you or contacting you if you have them on Ignore. Harassment for RP could also be disrupting the RP environment on purpose.

Just standing there? Not considered harassment.

This has come up many times over the years. We don’t own the game spaces and have no rights to tell others where they can, or can not, be. As long as they are not interacting with you.

There are other places you can RP that you control and un-invited folks can’t follow.

A Blue may correct me on this - maybe there is something new in the RP rules that make standing there “harassment”, but right now I don’t know of any rules against it.


No one is doing this. Keep in mind, from your perspective, he’s got a creepy obsession with you. From his, he may just really enjoy your RP and might be quietly learning from you and your guildies. He may just be silently watching to learn and learns best from you.

Thing is… we really don’t know. Which is why calling it harassment may not be accurate.

We need to keep an open mind here. It may also help to think about it that way, as it may be less distressing for you.

My guild had similar a few times. Once, it was someone just being weird. The other two times, they were learning from us on how to RP. I got whispers a week later of “thanks for letting me stick around and watch, it helped me learn.”

So it’s hard to say what’s going on. People are just trying to help you with different ideas and different perspectives.


This was a detail missing from your GD thread. Or maybe got lost in the swarm of posts…that thread kinda turned into a mess.

In that case, you can manually send a ticket, but you will need to go into very elaborate detail. Their name, server, and make sure to point out it’s in an RP context. The latter is very important because using an oversized mount and standing on top of character models would not seem like an annoyance otherwise.

It may be an ongoing process: Not every GM is familiar with RP customs (I learned that first hand…) so it may require a bit more effort than average. The alternative, as others mentioned, is to go to an instanced location where said individual cannot reach without an invite themselves.


Even if they’re standing in the exact same spot, it’s not something that Blizz can even confirm or action.

Should I be reported if I’m in the same AH as someone who doesn’t like me? Even if I stand right next to them or on top of them, it’s not a violation of the rules.


I’ve also had this happen to me twice.

Once the person kept plaguing me with toy spam. No matter where I moved or went they would come at me with toys. I did the mistake of asking them to please stop, which made it worse. When I was finally able to get the character to an innkeeper, I just didn’t play that one for a few days, and the person had went away when I logged back into the game.

The second time, and I don’t necessarily recommend this… The person was relentless followed me around kind of like O.P. is complaining about. I made a level one character and ‘followed’ the harasser instead. I noticed they were grieving other people when I wasn’t online.

After about an hour of me following them they turned to me and just started talking. They were having a bad time in life, they realized now what they were doing could be upsetting to people. I don’t know, they talked for quite awhile, I listened. They apologized and logged off. The person it turned out was just really lonely.

I am not saying this is the case with your follower, but did any of you ask them if they wanted to join the RP, maybe at first, they were just trying to figure out a way into your RP group. If ignoring them doesn’t work, maybe try including them instead? If they don’t really want to RP, they will get bored with being included and talked about and not ignored.

Just a suggestion. It worked for me, but might not work for everyone.