Nothing has been done

This is wholesome. I love it :heart:


It’s a different context: Standing over someone in an AH is one thing, taking an already large mount, enlarging it further and standing over character models trying to roleplay is another. The latter is clearly meant to be disruptive.

A CSR may be able to iron it out a bit more clearly as I don’t think there’s any word of how something like this pans out, but people have tried to disrupt RP in this method for quite some time.


Sorry, but while it might bother the OP, it’s not a violation of the rules to mount up. Nor is it one to be on a mount near or on top of another player.

I get that people tend to take their RP pretty seriously, but what’s been mentioned so far is not even something that a GM can confirm, let alone action someone for. The logs do not retain ever single location of every single player at every second of every day. There’s no way to store that amount of data and no reason to either.

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Yeah, folks have a hobby and people try to mess with it. This is like saying someone with a name that makes no sense on an RP realm is suddenly okay: It’s not openly bothering people, right?

I’m not going to go into a back and forth because we clearly are not seeing eye to eye, but people have been actioned for things that would be considered okay on non-RP realms before.


There are specific naming rules on RP realms, so no, it’s not the same thing at all.

This is someone using a mount on a server and a group of people are mad that they’re in the same place. Wouldn’t it be just as prudent to punish the RP group for interfering with the person on the mount?

See, that’s silly right?

In any event, the OP already put in a ticket and has realized that Blizzard doesn’t action this sort of thing…which is why they made a thread. To learn what is or is not against the rules. That way they won’t waste GM time :wink:


Are you missing the part where they are hunting this group down, purposefully enlarging their chosen mount to disrupt RP interactions? Or just omitting that so your point doesn’t fall apart?

And hey, I have first hand experience that GMs haven’t cared about RPers before, why start now. Guess it’s okay to do things that are meant to be disruptive as long as it’s not text based or they have a silly name or anything.


To put it bluntly; not everything is going to fall under the term harassment because someone wants it to be. More so when there are ways to combat it, or just downright ignore it.

And no, GMs ain’t there just for RPers, more so when folks can go into raids, dungeons, garrisons, etc. There isn’t any rules stating who can be on what mount around others, or just standing there at all.

As a roleplayer who has run into such things before, I understand what you’re saying. But I think the issue is that Perl does have a point: they can’t track where these people are standing or what’s happening. If that toy isn’t being used all the time, then it isn’t going to register as a problem.

Either this person is just really interested in the RP or they’ve found some pretty creative ways to get around the system so they can’t be sanctioned.

Thing is… like I mentioned earlier… there’s no way to know. OP can either ignore their existence and go someplace instanced for a while… or ask if they want to join in on the RP. Maybe treating them like they’re part of things will either make them feel included or it’ll make them feel bored and realize they’re not going to get the reaction they’re looking for.

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It’s an RP and he’s just RP as someone you don’t like. He’s winning at the RP apparently.

No one said this. No one said anything close.

And I think it’s a bit odd to suggest that RPers have to go hide away in some little instance somewhere, heaven forbid you utilize the world for something, because someone seems intent on disrupting things.

If they were just standing there it’s one thing. Going by the OP’s testimony they’re not.

No way of knowing for sure, no one can. I’m just going by what the OP is saying.

The vibe I’m getting is ‘it’s not a problem for all kinds of players ergo’ which is a bit frustrating, because there are a lot of ways to be disruptive of RP that wouldn’t fall under the normal rulesets.

I’m sticking with what I said, and strongly disagree with what I’m hearing.

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For large mounts - intentionally standing on people to disrupt activities Blizzard has been known to take action. For example they have no mount zones around certain vendors, quest givers, etc. Esp for holiday events.

In some cases, the RP disruption is severe enough the GMs do act on it. I have mostly seen that for weddings, funerals, and other organized in-game events that get plagued by outsiders.

Players can move though so are not stuck under something and have some defenses!

Baby Spice is a great one. Looks like garrison inn level 3 and the Dalaran cooking quest still give it.


Folks, there is no reason to keep beating on this particular poor pony.

Is it tacky, rude, obnoxious and sometimes distressing? Sure.

Is it against any rules - not usually.

I really cannot improve on the answers already given. I might share a personal story, however.

Once upon a time, long ago - in another reality, I had the pleasure of being an NPC. Well, as close as it comes to being an NPC and still being an independent human. My entire function was to wander the world interacting with players.

One rule - DO NOT BREAK CHARACTER - ever.

What do you do in that situation when someone is deliberately trying OOC methods of communication or disruption.

You ignore them. They are crazy people (in-character) they are folks out of touch with reality (in the game sense) and you treat them as such - if you interact with them at all.

The most acknowledgement I ever gave if they were truly persistent was muttering Ye verily, a village somewhere is missing their idiot. Then you go back to totally ignoring them. They will eventually toddle along.