Not thrilled with the so called dungeon finder

If thats how you feel you can stop “falling for the cash grab” and cancle your sub.

Its that simple.

No you have to complain endlessly until they change it just for you.

This was the strategy back in the day, and they cried so hard over the years we ended up with retail hahahah

Your strawmans are getting bigger and bigger! :open_mouth:

Both problems that weren’t caused by dungeon finder’s removal. Let’s fix the issues at the source rather than applying band-aid solutions.

You’re probably more aware of the reasons than most people who hate dungeon finder. Not only because you spend so much time dumping red herrings into these stupid threads, but also because you yourself used to be one of the people explaining these reasons to people before switching to this creepy new trolling obsession.

That’s rich, coming from the paranoid doomsayer spamming the forums for more than a year about dungeon finder despite being told several times, by Blizzard themselves that they’re not implementing it. :rofl:

I see your “Go play Era” and raise you one “Go play Retail.”

And no one in the world is saying anything like that except you. Not sure who you’re arguing against other than your pile of strawmen. :stuck_out_tongue:

I like how you constantly say this yet never explain how any of these issues were “disproven”. You sound like the corporate gibberish generator.

Yeah, back when “the game as it was” was free of any Activision cancer. Now the design intent of Classic is to provide an experience that complies more with WoW’s original trajectory.

This is the one part of your alt fact rant that has a faint glimmer of truth to it.

Thanks for further proving my point on this topic, much to Jeynar's chagrin.

Your outburst will make a fine addition to the Pantheon of Bad Coping Mechanisms, Zaalg, the Dishonest Melodramatic

How do you measure a time frame in content?

It was available for ~48% of the duration of WotLK.



It never really happened past WotLK.

Which is kinda my real point here.

RDF didn’t cause any of your misery. Blizzard did by forcing you to play their stupid version of the game.

Never forget “we hoped players would rise to the occasion” about their monumental shift in how heroics were supposed to be run - why would they? Why would players “rise to the occasion”?

That’s not the point though is it.

You’ve just demonstrated that it doesn’t hurt either.

Because raw time isnt the only factor to consider. You may want to only focus on time, but that is a VERY narrow way of looking at it and is akin to looking at statistics and only using the factors that support your claims, when if you looked at all the evidence in the statistics it shows a different story.

No kidding. How about stop calling it Classic then, it isn’t. It’s classic plus.

No, you have an issue with self restraint. If people don’t like the feature, grow a pair and don’t use it. It’s really that simple.

It’s not though. You anti folks keep chanting about the socializing when creating groups and getting to getting to dungeons. You stress that this is an important part of socializing. Like I said, it generally consists of “inv pls” “GG” “ thanks for the group” etc. this happens in RDF groups as well. Your crappy group finder does nothing more than the other tool.

A nonsense reply. It would have worked if I had told you to play a different game. I didn’t tho, I merely told you to use some self restraint, but it looks like you are unable to, you won’t even try. Pathetic.

It is EXACTLY the solution. You just refuse. It’s like you WANT to have something to complain about.
OMG people are doing something I don’t like, and it’s making them happy. I’m going to force myself to do the same so I can cry harder about it! :clown_face:


This is why you don’t need rdf. If you were actually doing dungeons you’d be testing his claim almost everyday. If you’re not leveling alts or doing dungeons just for fun you don’t need rdf

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It’s hysterical how the troll thinks pointing out the lack of authenticity of Wrath Classic is a good thing. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

And apparently a dead leveling dungeon experience is good. Not grouping with players to do dungeons is good. A toxic gatekeeping mess for endgame content is good.

But throw all that away. Put in RDF and guess what: he can still manually form every single dungeon group. He can pretend it doesn’t exist for forming groups. Because…it doesn’t. It’s an OPTION. And then he says ‘But it’ll be harder to form groups.’ This is a guy who’s said 1000 times that players need to put forth effort to form a group. But clearly he doesn’t want to. So it’s not about his elite social skills. It’s not about forming a community. It’s not about social interactions. It’s about controlling how others play the game. Bottom line.


They also say to join a guild, and make friends. Well, I’m in a guild and have friends. Problem is, they aren’t online every time I’m on, or perhaps they don’t feel like or have time for a dungeon, maybe there’s only three of us. RDF is great for these moments.
But no, they don’t like it so no one should have it.
Selfish and hypocritical.


I call it what blizzard calls it.

I tested his claim for a normal heroic. I mainly do H+ now.

You aren’t doing leveling dungeons tho.
Person joins wrath, wants to get dungeon quests done while leveling. RDF is the perfect solution, but it’s not available. No one on their server is looking for the groups this person needs. Solo quest to 80. Is that the experience you’d expect from a so called MMO?
Many thanks to the gatekeepers at the top, “we control your fun pal, enjoy your isolation,”


Exactly. You just play your main and only the level appropriate dungeon for your main. So you have to make a special effort to test any claim outside that. You’re not leveling alts or doing dungeons just for fun. Of course if that’s all you do you don’t need rdf. When wrath was current everyone I knew was leveling alts in every class with rdf. That’s why there was no loss of subs in the longest content drought in wow’s history.


I mean, if you’re in a guild and RDF is in the game you run more dungeons with guildies. It’s like these guys have no common sense.

They think making it harder to group with other players increases social interactions. What can you say to that? It’s just…wrong.


Gotten 2 80s, and one of them was leveled around 4 months into wotlk. Have 2 lvl 70s and a lvl 65 that i am leveling as well.

Still havent had any issues getting groups.

And there is no gatekeeping. The only one garekeeping you is yourself and your victim mentality.

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Wrong again. It was a test specifically for end game max level content. I have multiple toons i am still leveling and while grouping with them isnt as easy as it was at launch it is still very much doable.

The so called consequences only exist because you have no friends. As I said before I was able to manually form groups when I needed to in wrath after rdf was added. And I had friends that manually formed groups for achievement runs after rdf was added. You couldn’t solo join rdf and talk people into doing an achievement run. If I and my friends could manually form groups why couldn’t you. Stop blaming rdf and look at the real source of your problem. It’s your lack of real friends or a friendly guild that caused the consequences.


That’s another lie. At launch it was even harder to do low level dungeons on alts. Everyone was focused completely on getting their main to 80. The only thing 99% of the players was doing was current content. Not even rdf would work for low level alts then. I don’t believe for a second you were leveling alts at launch when your main was still working to get to 80. You’re a pathological liar.


Classic has proven the consequence of no RDF in Wrath, and it’s a terrible experience where below max level dungeons collect dust. Whereas if RDF was in the game, they would be alive and active with players grouping up.

And at max it’s even worse. No one does Heroics. Mythics replaced them, just like they did in Retail. And Mythics are a gatekeeping mess.

Wrath dungeons were all about accessibility. Blizz has made the Wrath Classic dungeon experience the literal opposite of what it was back in the original expansion. I don’t know if they could have screwed it up worse than they have.

So the consequence is RDF was absolutely needed for Wrath. That’s something I woke up to seeing the reality of the game and the playerbase. But I still play Classic Era, because when I want that type of gameplay experience…it’s there. But the Wrath experience should be the Wrath experience. Not…part Wrath, part Vanilla, part Retail. Who does that appeal to?


Not all of my alts started at lvl 1 when wotlkc launched… but hey feel free to keep claiming i am lying just to meet your agenda.

On top of that, yes i leveled some of them to some degree during lvling my main. I wanted then high enough level to get the cooking daily done.

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Oh look, the 679th permutation of the traitorous critic fallacy. And some bonus toxic masculinity to go with it. How original. :yawning_face:

The logic(al fallacy) used here is literally precisely the same. Interesting that you only seem to comprehend that it’s problematic when it’s used against you.

Withholding my criticism of dungeon finder is equally a solution to my problem as you playing Retail is a solution to your problem. Dungeon finder is just sitting there waiting for you to use it, but you just refuse. It’s like you WANT to have something to complain about. :slight_smile:

See how frustrating and nonsensical your own (il)logic is? If you keep dismissing me, I’ll be happy to continue Uno reversing you. We can see how far that’s gotten you guys after thousands of these threads. :rofl:


“Look, he slipped up and admitted Classic is different from original just like the devs said! CHECKMATE, PURISTS!

So is the LFG tool. You should try it some time!

So I guess you need dungeon finder so badly because you have no friends? :thinking: