Not thrilled with the so called dungeon finder

I’m convinced the BB was lying when he told us why he removed rdf. It’s so obviously bs. Either it was all about his pvp guild that wanted to force people to use the dungeon stone so they could gank them there or he wasn’t able to find the time to get it to work because there was too little investment in classic.


So many unhealthy coping mechanisms on display here. I’m surprised you’re willing to admit to this in open forum rather than discussing your inner feelings with him in Discord or something. :rofl:

Conspiracy theories, victim mentality, and constantly accusing others of lying. Do you wear a tinfoil hat as well?

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Oh man, you’re going to love this story that unfolded earlier. For someone who talks a lot about people being pathetic and having no friends, I’m surprised he’s so well-adjusted and popular among the people:

Miregrim, the Canonically Disagreeable

^ Link

A few days earlier…

^ Link

The plot thickens…

^ Link

I don’t need dungeon finder. It was a part of wrath that made the game much more fun and had no negative consequences. I want rdf because I play games for fun and rdf made the game more fun for people who like to play a lot of alts and do a lot of dungeons.

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You’re a bigger moron than I thought if you don’t think corporations lie to the public when ever the truth might hurt their bottom line. There’s endless proof corporations lie from leaks from whisper blowers to law suit won against corporation for the lies they told. Fox news is just now admitting in court they lied to their viewers when they supported trumps stolen election lie. Don’t you bother to read the news?

Oh, they absolutely lied. Nearly every other change to Wrath has been in direct opposition to why they claim they removed RDF.

I don’t think it’s necessarily that they can’t get RDF to work. But just that they don’t care enough to commit the time and resources to get it done. And saying its removal was about community is just a convenient untruth.


I just have come to realize fighting against Blizzard is a losing battle so I unsubbed. Back to PR’s I go, where I can get a less buggy and more authentic experience for free.



Yeah, I’m the moron. I’m just too stupid to see the Satanic conspiracy of Brian Birmingham changing the game just so he can make ritualistic PvP sacrifices at the summoning stone while his guild dances and frolics naked in the Barrens high grass.


Miregrim, the Canonically Disagreeable gets more interesting with every post.

Interesting how Blizzard went through a bunch of lawsuits and investigations where damning evidence was found, and out of all the whistleblowing that happened, no one mentioned a single thing about a conspiracy where Brian Birmingham and his team were using Classic as their own private server. Hahaha

Ahh yes, right on topic.

and this is how its easy to tell you are being intellectually dishonest to meet your agebda.

Did people stop playing halfway through this time period?

All this crying and moaning and demanding for an anti-social retail feature is just proving that Classic is overrun with retail tourists.

I miss private server communities.

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That’s funny cause private servers who didn’t have RDF tended to fail spectacularly.

You really are. Don’t you ever read the news or study any history? Not only is Fox admitting in court they lied when supporting trump’s stolen election lies but millions of dollars has been paid out by cigarette companies several decades ago based on leaked documents that proved they knew the risks of smoking and lied about it to the public. I could list more examples of in court proof that corporations lie. If you don’t take everything put out by every corporation with a grain of salt you’re the dumbest uneducated fool on the planet

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Thanks for somehow making this thread about Fox News, I guess. xD

Par for the course with these threads. I suppose this one will be locked soon as it’s finally reached the same unhinged conclusion that all of them do.

It’s about in court under oath proof that corporations lie to the public all the time. But you’re far too stupid to comprehend that.

I’m having some Ulduar flashbacks in this thread. The Descent Into Madness is unreal!

Again you want to ignore content. But yes some people did stop playing playing part way through wotlk 3.3. Was it enough to impact subs? Not really.

It’s utterly irrelevant from a time frame point of view.

Did people play during that time or not?

You just don’t properly understand how to measure time. Like say you’re wondering how long it took to get to the moon. Well you have to factor in that after the launch there was almost no content until you got to the moon so you can’t count those days